
读一读下面的绘本故事,了解一下Mother Duck和她的宝贝little ducks的日常生活吧。

Mother Duck can walk. 

She walks and walks. 

She walks by the pond.

The little ducks can walk.

They walk and walk. 

They walk by the pond.

Mother Duck can eat. 

She eats and eats.

She eats by the pond.

The little ducks can eat.

They eat and eat.

They eat by the pond.

Mother Duck can swim.

She swims and swims.

She swims in the pond.

The little ducks can swim.

They swim and swim.

They swim in the pond.

Mother Duck can fly.

The little ducks can ... flap,flap,flap,fly!

同学们,Mother Duck和她的宝贝little ducks还会做些其他什么事呢? 发挥你们的想象,在下面的方框中,画一画、写一写吧!


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