
— ____does he make a trip here?
— Every five days.

A. How soon
B. How far
C. How long
D. How often



Learning is natural. It begins as soon as we were born. Our  36  teachers are our families. At home we learn to talk and to  37  and feed ourselves.
Then we go to school. A teacher tells us   38   to learn and how to learn. Many teachers teach us, and we pass many   39  .Then people say we are   40  .
Are you really educated? Let’s think about the real meaning of   41   .Knowing facts does not   42 being able to solve(解决) problems. Solving problems   43   creativity(创造性),not just a good  44  .Some people who don’t know many   45 are good at solving problems.
Henry Ford is a good   46  .He left school at the age of 15. Later when his company could not build cars   47  enough, he solved the problem. He  48  of the assembly line(装配线).
What does a good teacher do? Does he give students facts to  49  ? Well, yes, we must remember facts. But a good teacher   50  how to find answers. He brings us to the  51  of knowledge so we can drink for ourselves. When we are thirsty, we know where to go.
True learning combines(结合) intake(输入) and output. We take information   52 our brains. Then we use it. Think of a   53  —it stores a lot of information, but it can’t think. It only obeys commands. A person  54  only remembers facts hasn’t really learned. Learning takes   55 only when a person can use what he knows.

A.wearB.put onC.runD.dress
A.needs B.isC.bringsD.gets
A.catch B.understandC.followD.remember
A.radio B.computerC.recordD.machine
A.placeB.service C.notesD.time


Alcohol is often taken as a symbol of a special celebration or as a sign of friendship.So it is    36   to see people toasting with a large glass of alcohol to the health or fortune.   37   , every year, alcohol also ruins thousands of lives and destroys many happy families .  

Some people drink alcohol to   38    their tension or pain. They   39    think that through drinking, they can   40    from their problems and worries. But it is never a   41   .During those hours of drinking, alcohol only numbs(麻木)their senses and makes them forget their worries.   42   , when they wake up, their problems are still unsolved .

A   43   alcohol drinker is running the great   44   of getting heart diseases and liver(肝脏)failure. Too much alcohol taken into the body system, death will    45   occur. Alcohol also affects unborn babies    46   . Those pregnant mothers with    47    alcohol in their blood system risk    48   their unborn babies to suffer from defects(缺陷)at birth.     49   , babies are innocent victims due to their mothers’ mistake. Therefore they should be extremely cautious  of any alcohol and it is better to    50   all drinking during pregnancy(怀孕期).  

Drunken driving is one of the worst    51    of alcohol abuse. Every year, many lives are lost due to   52    driving on roads and highways. A drunk driver cannot see and judge the distance    clearly and will find it difficult to control his vision and    53    on the road,so he    54    control over his reflexes. That is    55    accidents occur. Not only does he hurt himself but also other innocent road users.

36.A.normal                 B.common             C.ideal                  D. regular

37.A.Accidently            B. Fortunately        C.Excitedly           D. Unfortunately

38. A. relieve                      B.increase              C.create                 D.produce

39. A.usually               B.surely            C. mistakenly             D. aimlessly

40. A.differ                  B. solve                 C. cancel              D. escape

41. A. success               B. solution            C. fact                  D. decision

42. A. However             B. Meanwhile        C. So                   D. Besides

43. A. social                 B. heavy                   C. addicted           D.light

44. A.advantages           B.possessions         C.risks                  D.measures

45. A. eventually           B. probably           C.hardly                D.strongly

46. A.anxiously            B. disastrously           C. extensively        D.differently

47. A. proper                B.little                  C. excessive           D.no

48. A. causing              B.making                     C. having              D.protecting

49. A.Above all             B.First of all          C.All in all           D. After all

50.A. run out                      B.leave out            C. cut out             D.carry out

51.A. reasons                      B. causes              C. effects              D. examples

52. A. drunken             B.normal               C.careless              D. dangerous

53.A. patience              B.emotion             C. judgement         D.imagination

54.A.manages to           B.tries to               C.refuses to           D.fails to

55.A.when                    B.what                  C.where            D. how


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