
Learning is natural. It begins as soon as we were born. Our  36  teachers are our families. At home we learn to talk and to  37  and feed ourselves.
Then we go to school. A teacher tells us   38   to learn and how to learn. Many teachers teach us, and we pass many   39  .Then people say we are   40  .
Are you really educated? Let’s think about the real meaning of   41   .Knowing facts does not   42 being able to solve(解决) problems. Solving problems   43   creativity(创造性),not just a good  44  .Some people who don’t know many   45 are good at solving problems.
Henry Ford is a good   46  .He left school at the age of 15. Later when his company could not build cars   47  enough, he solved the problem. He  48  of the assembly line(装配线).
What does a good teacher do? Does he give students facts to  49  ? Well, yes, we must remember facts. But a good teacher   50  how to find answers. He brings us to the  51  of knowledge so we can drink for ourselves. When we are thirsty, we know where to go.
True learning combines(结合) intake(输入) and output. We take information   52 our brains. Then we use it. Think of a   53  —it stores a lot of information, but it can’t think. It only obeys commands. A person  54  only remembers facts hasn’t really learned. Learning takes   55 only when a person can use what he knows.

A.wearB.put onC.runD.dress
A.needs B.isC.bringsD.gets
A.catch B.understandC.followD.remember
A.radio B.computerC.recordD.machine
A.placeB.service C.notesD.time


【小题1】.A 上下文串联。家人是孩子的第一个老师。因为孩子生下来以后就接受父母的教育。
【小题2】.D 动词辨析。ABC三项都是接物动词,都要加宾语。只有dress是不及物动词,单独使用。
【小题3】A 语法分析。What与不定式连用,一起作为tell的宾语,老师教我们学习的东西。
【小题4】D 名词辨析。A车站B人们C铅笔D考试;指学生要通过多次考试。
【小题5】.B上下文串联。根据下一行Are you really educated我们通过多次考试以后,人们说我们受过教育。
【小题6】.D 上下文串联。让我们思考一下教育的真正意义。
【小题7】C 动词辨析。A建议B说C意味着D展示;了解事实并不意味着能够解决问题。
【小题8】A 动词辨析。A需要B是C带来D得到;解决问题需要创造性,而不仅仅只是记忆力。
【小题9】C 名词辨析。A话B事情C记忆D条件;解决问题需要创造性,而不仅仅只是记忆力。
【小题10】B 上下文串联。指一些知道事情不多的人也可以解决问题。
【小题11】C 上下文串联。本段举例说明一些受教育不多的人也可以解决很多的问题。故C正确。
【小题12】B 词义辨析。A好B快C美丽D便宜;指亨利发现自己不能很快的生产汽车。
【小题13】D 固定词组。Think of想起;亨利就想起了装配线。
【小题14】D 动词辨析。A抓住B理解C跟随D记忆;老师给学生很多东西去记忆。
【小题15】B 句意分析。好的老师是向学生展示如何找到答案。
【小题16】C 上下文串联。根据drink for ourselves说明是把我们带到了知识的小溪边,让我们自己喝水。
【小题17】D 介词辨析。Into our brains指把知识带进我们的头脑。
【小题18】B 上下文串联。根据下两句的描述,说明是在举电脑的例子说明。
【小题19】B 语法分析。关系动词who指代先行词a person在句中做主语。
【小题20】A 固定出现。Take place发生。当一个人能运用所学知识的时候,教育才真正的发生了。


A few years ago, Paul Gerner began to gather a group of architects in Las Vegas to ask them what it would take to design a public school that used 50 percent less energy, cost much less to build and obviously improved student learning. “I think half of them fell off their chairs,” Gerner says.  

Gerner manages school facilities (设施) for Clark County, Nevada, a district roughly the size of Massachusetts. By 2018, 143,000 additional students will enter the already crowded public-education system. Gerner needs 73 new schools to house them. Four architecture teams have nearly finished designing primary school prototypes (样品); they plan to construct their schools starting in 2009. The district will then assess how well the schools perform, and three winners will copy those designs in 50 to 70 new buildings.  

Green schools are appearing all over, but in Clark County, which stands out for its vastness, such aggressive targets are difficult because design requirements like more natural light for students go against the realities of a desert climate. “One of the biggest challenges is getting the right site orientation (朝向),” Mark McGinty, a director at SH Architecture, says. His firm recently completed a high school in Las Vegas. “You have the same building, same set of windows, but if its orientation is incorrect and it faces the sun, it will be really expensive to cool.”  

Surprisingly, the man responsible for one of the most progressive green-design competitions has doubts about ideas of eco-friendly buildings. “I don’t believe in the new green religion,” Gerner says. “Some of the building technologies that you get are impractical. I’m interested in those that work.” But he wouldn’t mind if some green features inspire students. He says he hopes to set up green energy systems that allow them to learn about the process of harvesting wind and solar power. “You never know what’s going to start the interest of a child to study math and science,” he says.  


63. How did the architects react to Gerner’s design requirements?  

A. They lost balance in excitement.                B. They showed strong disbelief.  

C. They expressed little interest.                     D. They burst into cheers.  


64. Which order of steps is followed in carrying out the project?  

A. Assessment ― Prototype ― Design ― Construction.  

B. Assessment ― Design ― Prototype ― Construction.  

C. Design ― Assessment ― Prototype ― Construction.  

D. Design ― Prototype ― Assessment ― Construction.  


65. What makes it difficult to build green schools in Clark County?  

A. The large size.                                          B. Limited facilities.  

C. The desert climate.                                    D. Poor natural resources.  


66. What does Gerner think of the ideas of green schools?  

A. They are questionable.                               B. They are out of date.  

C. They are advanced.                                   D. They are practical.

A few years ago, Paul Gerner began to gather a group of architects in Las Vegas to ask them what it would take to design a public school that used 50 percent less energy, cost much less to build and obviously improved student learning. “I think half of them fell off their chairs,” Gerner says.
Gerner manages school facilities(设施)for Clark County, Nevada, a district roughly the size of Massachusetts. By 2018, 143,000 additional students will enter the already crowded public-education system. Gerner needs 73 new schools to house them. Four architecture teams have nearly finished designing primary school prototypes(样品); they plan to construct their schools starting in 2009. The district will then assess how well the schools perform, and three winners will copy those designs in 50 to 70 new buildings.
Green schools are appearing all over, but in Clark County, which stands out for its vastness, such aggressive targets are difficult because design requirements like more natural light for students go against the realities of a desert climate. “One of the biggest challenges is getting the right site orientation(朝向),” Mark McGinty, a director at SH Architecture, says. His firm recently completed a high school in Las Vegas. “You have the same building, same set of windows, but if its orientation is incorrect and it faces the sun, it will be really expensive to cool.”
Surprisingly, the man responsible for one of the most progressive green-design competition has doubts about ideas of eco-friendly buildings. “I don’t believe in the new green religion,” Gerner says. “Some of the building technologies that you get are impractical. I’m interested in those that work.” But he wouldn’t mind if some green features inspire students. He says he hopes to set up green energy systems that allow them to learn about the process of harvesting wind and solar power. “You never know what’s going to start the interest of a child to study math and science,” he says.
45. How did the architects react to Gerner’s design requirements?
A. They lost balance in excitement.                  B. They showed strong disbelief.
C. They expressed little interest.                       D. They burst into cheers.
46. Which order of steps is followed in carrying out the project?
A. Assessment — Prototype — Design — Construction.
B. Assessment — Design — Prototype — Construction.
C. Design — Assessment — Prototype — Construction.
D. Design — Prototype — Assessment — Construction.
47. What makes it difficult to build green schools in Clark County?
A. The large size.                                           B. Limited facilities.
C. The desert climate.                                      D. Poor natural resources.
48. What does Gerner think of the ideas of green schools?
A. They are questionable.                                 B. They are out of date.
C. They are advanced.                                      D. They are practical.

Mid-IB at a glance

The summer vacation is the time to consolidate(巩固)your learning and prepare for the year ahead. In July and August Oxford Study Courses will once again hold its Mid-IB Summer School for students half way through their IB Diploma(国际预科证书).

We’ll be back giving another generation of IB students a unique opportunity to sample a way of life enjoyed by students at famous universities.

Students who have completed the first year of their IB Diploma can join us and we can help them prepare for their important second year.

Students can choose how many subjects they study. Each subject is studied for one week. You can attend up to 5 weeks.

The Mid-IB Summer School is held at Cambridge University in the UK (between June 20th and August 1 st) and at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)in Boston, USA (between July 6th and July 25th).



Student comments

◆ “The classes have shown me new approaches to learning. I have also learned how to approach exam questions and now feel confident in doing so.”

◆ “It was cool creating tight and close relationships with other students from around the world, realizing we all had a connection to each other.”

◆ “I really enjoyed the level of independence, although I felt like people were watching out for us. I also felt like an Oxford student!”

◆ “I have enjoyed the learning style and the course work has been extremely beneficial(有益处的)academically.”



Enjoy the summer

Our Summer School gives you an action-packed social scene with visits to the fun places in the area, organized sports and social events, and advice on how to enjoy your free time in these amazing cities with your new friends. Welcome to contact us at ose@ose-ib.com or on +44(0)1865 521802!

1.The Mid-IB Summer School is intended for the students who ________.

A. have finished their first year of college

B. intend to apply for Oxford University

C. don’t know how to spend their summer vacation

D. have completed the first year of their IB Diploma

2.What can be inferred from the text?

A. Students will visit many fun places around the world.

B. A student can at most choose 5 subjects.

C. Only students from England and America have access to the school.

D. Students can obtain their IB Diploma when they finish their studies.

3.Which of the following about the Mid-IB Summer School is true?

A. It begins in July.

B. It provides only academic courses.

C. It is held in three universities.

D. Students attending will study for 5 weeks.

4.The text is most probably a(n)_________.

A. news story     B. speech           C. travel guide       D. advertisement


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