
I want to be a reporter _______ a magazine.

A. to
B. for
C. of
D. with


1. I am a reader of Crazy English. Recently I have found that some students translate (翻译) some articles
    for your magazine. So I want to do that, too. Then what are your requirements? Thank you. (Pierre)
2. I am an English teacher. I love your newspaper for English learners! It's of great help to my students.
    (Zhang Li)
3. I'm one of Yao Ming's fans from Guangzhou. I have read the article about Yao in your magazine. I want
    to know more about him. (Wei Hua)
4. First of all, thank you very much for providing (提供) us with a really good English magazine. Secondly,
   I want to give you a piece of advice. I think you'd better give us the meanings of the new words in
  Chinese. (Li Ming)
5. I will be an editor of the English Monthly news-paper of our school. I have a question about how to say
    the different positions (职位) of a newspaper. I hope you can tell me some in English. Thank you so
    much!  (Antonio)
A. Thank you for your suggestion. I think the best way to improve your reading is to guess the meaning of
    a word from the sentence where it is. Also, if you have an English-Chinese dictionary, it's good to look
    up the new words and then write them down in your notebook.
B. The best way for you to learn the different positions of a newspaper or a magazine is to get a copy of
    an all-English newspaper or magazine. And copy down the different positions, such as chief editor,
    reporter and photo editor.
C. For more information about Yao Ming, you can look at the sports section on the website www. sina.
D. Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. If you are
     interested in being one of our translators, you can send us some information about yourself.
E. We're glad our newspaper is helpful to your students. It's our hope that our newspaper can help improve
     students' English studies.

(     ) 1. I am a reader of Crazy English. Recently I have found that some students translate (翻译)
            some articles for your magazine. So I want to do that, too. Then what are your requirements?
            Thank you.
(     ) 2. I am an English teacher.I love your newspaper for English learners! It's of great help to my
            (Zhang Li)
(     ) 3. I'm one of Yao Ming's fans from Guangzhou. I have read the article about Yao in your
             magazine. I want to know more about him. (Wei Hua)
(     ) 4. First of all, thank you very much for providing (提供) us with a really good English magazine.
            Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice. I think you'd better give us the meanings of the
            new words in Chinese. (Li Ming)
(     ) 5. I will be an editor of the English Monthly news-paper of our school. I have a question about
            how  to say the different positions (职位) of a newspaper. I hope you can tell me some in
            English. Thank   you so much!  (Antonio)
A. Thank you for your suggestion. I think the best way to improve your reading is to guess the meaning
     of a word from the sentence where it is. Also, if you have an English-Chinese dictionary, it 's good to
     look up the new words and then write them down in your notebook.
B. The best way for you to learn the different positions of a newspaper or a magazine is to get a copy
     of an all-English newspaper or magazine. And copy down the different positions, such as chief editor,
      reporter and photo editor.
C. For more information about Yao Ming, you can look at the sports section on the website www. sina.
D. Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. If you
     are interested in being one of our translators, you can send us some information about yourself.
E. We're glad our newspaper is helpful to your students. It’s our hope that our newspaper can help
     improve students' English studies.

Hi, boys and girls! I’m Kathy.Let me _1.__you something about my family.There   2. three people in my family------my father, my mother, and I.My father is a 3. .And he works in a bank.He thinks his job is  4. boring.He wants 5. a policeman.He enjoys __6.__ TV after dinner.My mother is a teacher.She 7. in a middle school.She thinks her job is very 8..She likes her students very much.She works hard and often comes back home late.Look, many students are on the playground.Some are walking, __9._are playing games..In her free time(空闲时间), she likes writing stories  10. a magazine.I study at a middle school.I also want to be a teacher when I grow up.

11.               A.say            B.speak          C.tell   D.talk


12.               A.have           B.is             C.has   D.are


13.               A.policeman      B.bank clerk      C.waiter D.reporter


14.               A.a kind of        B.all kinds of      C.kind of    D.kinds of


15.               A.be            B.is             C.to be D.being


16.               A.watching       B.watches        C.to watch   D.watch


17.               A.teach          B.wants          C.work D.teaches


18.               A.dangerous      B.difficult         C.interesting D.boring


19.               A.others         B.other          C.another   D.the other


20.               A.in             B.for            C.as    D.at




  My name is Tian. I study in a high school. I like my school and my teachers. It is my dream job below.

  When I grow up, I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. They have lots of fashion shows there. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. So how am I going to do it? First, I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. Then I'm going to be a student at an art school in Paris. And I'm going to study French at the same time. Next, I'm going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and famous. I'm going to buy a big house with the money and I'm going to travel all over the world. Finally, I'm going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.

(1)What does Tian want to be when she grows up?

[  ]

AA reporter.

BA traveler.

CA teacher.

DAn artist.

(2)How is she going to save money?

[  ]

ABorrowing money from her parents.

BGetting money from her good friends.

CTeaching in an art school.

DFinding a part-time job.

(3)Why is she going to hold art exhibitions?

[  ]

ABecause she likes art very much.

BBecause she wants people to watch her paintings.

CBecause she wants to have much money and people all know her well.

DBecause she is good at painting.

(4)Does Tian like travelling?

[  ]

AYes, she does.

BNo, she doesn't.

CI don't know.

DShe doesn't tell us.

(5)What is Tian going to do finally?

[  ]

AShe is going to move somewhere interesting.

BShe is going to save lots of money.

CShe is going to buy a big house to live.

DShe is going to enjoy herself somewhere quiet and beautiful.

(     ) 1.I am a reader of Crazy  English.    Recently  I have found that some students translate   (翻译)
some  articles for your magazine. So I want to do that,  too.   Then what are your requirements?   Thank
you. (Pierre)
(     ) 2. I am an English teacher.   I  love  your newspaper  for English learners!   It's of great help to my
students. (Zhang Li)
(     ) 3. I'm one of Yao Ming's fans from Guangzhou. I have read the article about Yao in your magazine.
I want to know more about him. (Wei Hua)
(     ) 4. First of all, thank you very much for providing (提供) us  with a really  good  English  magazine.
Secondly,   I want to give you a piece of advice.   I think you'd better  give us the meanings  of  the  new
words in Chinese. (Li Ming)
(     ) 5. I will be an editor  of the English Monthly news-paper  of our school.   I have a question about
how to say the different positions (职位) of a newspaper. I hope you can tell me some in English. Thank
you so much!  (Antonio)
A. Thank you for your suggestion. I think the best way to improve your reading is to guess the meaning
of a word from the sentence where it is. Also, if you have an English-Chinese dictionary, it's good to look
up the new words and then write them down in your notebook.
B. The best way for you to learn the different positions of a newspaper or a magazine is to get a copy of
an all-English newspaper or magazine. And copy down the different positions, such as chief editor,
reporter and photo editor.
C. For more information about Yao Ming, you can look at the sports section on the website www. sina.
D. Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. If you are
interested in being one of our translators, you can send us some information about yourself.
E. We're glad our newspaper is helpful to your students. It's our hope that our newspaper can help
improve students' English studies.

Amy Chua, well-known as the Tiger Mother, has held the attention of parents all across the US. She told Reader’s Digest that she’s a little strange about how her book struck so many nerves in the US. The reporter of the magazine is sharing the interview with us.
Reader’s Digest: Did you want your book to be controversial (有争议的)?
Amy: I don’t think it would have been controversial at all if it wasn’t for the Wall Street Journal headline that was called, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”.
Reader’s Digest: What’s your view on your parenting?
Amy: My children grew up with one Western parent. My husband doesn’t believe in raising his voice with the kids and we don’t spank (打小孩). They were really raised in a half Asian family. My book’s message is that we should try to find the balance. I believe that when children are little, you should restrict (限制) their choices. I like the traditional Chinese way. Respect authority (尊重权利) and don’t just let them watch TV all the time. I don’t think kids under the age of ten can make good choices. But once they start to get older, the lesson I learnt with Lulu (Amy’s second daughter) is that you have to start listening to them. You have to start giving them more choices and more freedom. I really think it’s important to find a balance.
I like the strict Chinese way of discipline (行为准则) and hard work when children are young. But when they’re older, you have to send love to your child, you have to listen to your child and really achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom on the one hand, which the west is very good at, and on the other hand, hard work and self discipline, which I think traditional Chinese parenting is very good at.
小题1:Where can we find the passage?
A.In a novel.B.In a magazine.C.In a comic book.D.In a history book.
小题2:The Tiger Mother thinks the reason her book became controversial is that ______.
A.she is very famous
B.parenting is such a common topic
C.traditional Chinese parenting is too strict
D.the Wall Street Journal headline was called “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to Amy’s view on parenting?
A.We should control all of the children’s choices.
B.Spanking is necessary during children’s growth.
C.Children should be raised in half Asian families.
D.When children get older, parents should listen to them.
小题4:According to the passage, we can see ______ in the west.
A.children respect their parents because of authority
B.all kids under the age of ten can make good choices
C.some parents don’t believe in raising their voice with the kids
D.children do all of the things according to their parents’ orders
小题5:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.The book that the Tiger Mother wrote is very controversial.
B.Traditional Chinese parenting is much better than that in the west.
C.The Tiger Mother shows some of her ideas about her book and parenting.
D.Parents should achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom.

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