
What _______ he usually have _______ breakfast?

A. do; for
B. do; at
C. does; for
D. does; with



1 This is _____ African elephant and that’s _____European tiger.

A. a, a    B. an, a                C. an, the          D. an, an

2 Where _____ the panda come from?  ---It _____from China.

A. do, comes       B. is, is          C. does, comes     D. is, comes

3 He has______ at 6:30 every morning.

A. a breakfast     B. lunch        C. breakfast            D. a lunch

4 In the morning, I get up ___________ wash my face.

A. with                B. but              C. and              D. so

5 Anna usually helps me with my English_______ Sunday morning.

A. at              B. in               C. for              D. on

6 There _______ a pear and two apples on the table.

A. is              B. are              C. has got      D. have got

7Jack and his parents usually _________ to the zoo at weekends.

A. goes                B. going                C. go           D. to go

8 What do your parents do?--- They are ___________.

A. factories workers   B. factories worker C. factory workers  D factory worker

9 Are you good ______singing?

A. with                B. for              C. in           D. at

10 Please give me ___________.

A. 3 kilos of meat B. 3 kilos of meats C. 3 kilo of meat   D. 3 kilo of meats

11 Lingling and Betty ________ like _______ on the playground.

A. doesn’t, run                B. don’t, run 

       C. don't, running       D.doesn’t , running

12It’s five now. Let’s ________.

A. go to home      B. go home          C. going home       D. goes home

13A girl ____________ the bus or the train at the moment.

 A. wait for   B. is waiting for       C. are waiting for  D. waits for
14 Have you got _____books? --- Sorry, I haven’t got _________.

 A. some, any          B. any, any         C. some, some   D. any, some

15 –Shall we go and see the pandas? - ___________.

A. No, I don’t want to.   B. Thank you.  

   C. Sure, let’s go.     D. I’m busy.




(  )1.A.That’s OK



(  )2.A.Thank you

B.It’s a pleasure

C.The same to you

(  )3.A.Good luck

B.Sorry to hear that

C.I’m afraid not

(  )4.A.It’s Sunday

B.It’s June 18th

C.It’s my birthday

(  )5.A.sorry, I can’t help you

B.Not at all

C.What is it?


(  )6.How does Miss Wang usually come to work?

A.On foot

B.By bike

C.By bus

(  )7.Where is the woman from?




(  )8.What does the man tell the woman to do?

A.Drink some water

B.Have a rest

C.Take some medicine

(  )9.Why is the girl looking for a coat for her father?

A.For Father’s Day

B.For her father’s birthday

C.For Mother’s Day

(  )10.What did Nancy have for breakfast?

A.An egg and some milk

B.An egg and some porridge

C.Some bread and milk



(  )11.What did the woman buy?

A.A bike

B.A dress

C.A car


(  )12.What’s the matter with the woman?

A.She has a sore throat.

B.She has a toothache.

C.She has a headache.

(  )13.Will they go to the doctor’s together?

A.No , they won’t.

B.Yes, they will.

C.We don’t know.


(  )14.Why does the boy want to send his teachers cards?

A.Because Teachers’ Day is coming.

B.Because he will finish school next week.

C.Because he will go to another school next Monday

(  )15.What does the girl advise him to do?

A.To make some cards.

B.To ask his parents for some money.

C.Both A and B.


(  )16.Where does Mr.White work?He works ________.

A.in the factory

B.in the office

C.in the library

(  )17.How old is Mrs.White?She is ________ years old.



C.over 50

(  )18.After the old man gets up, what does he do then?________

A.Some reading

B.Some cleaning

C.Some morning exercises

(  )19.When does he leave the office?________

A.At half past six

B.At six

C.At seven

(  )20.After supper, Mr.White ________

A.watches TV

B.reads some newspapers

C.Either A or B



  Now I'm in Madrid, visiting an old friend. It's a lovely city, but I'm having a few problems with the eating times.

  At home I usually have a small breakfast at seven thirty, then a sandwich for lunch at about one o'clock. That's OK--It's about the same here. But I always have dinner at about seven in the evening. Not here! In Madrid people usually eat at about ten! In London I'm usually in bed by eleven, but here the streets are full every night until a long time after midnight. My friend says that a lot of people go to bed at two or three o'clock in the morning. I don't understand. Everybody is up for work at seven or eight o'clock in the morning. So when do they sleep?

(1)What is the writer doing in Madrid?

[  ]

A.He is having a few problems with the eating times.

B.He is having a good time.

C.He is visiting a friend of his.

D.He is sleeping all day.

(2)In Madrid, people usually have dinner at ________ .

[  ]

A.about ten
B.seven thirty
C.one o'clock
D.seven in the evening

(3)The streets in Madrid are ________ at night.

[  ]


(4)What does the writer think of the people in Madrid?

[  ]

A.He thinks they are very lazy.

B.He thinks they are very busy.

C.He thinks they are very strange.

D.He thinks they are very friendly.

(5)Which is right?

[  ]

A.The writer comes from America.

B.The writer usually goes to bed at 10 o'clock.

C.The people in Madrid often go to bed in the morning.

D.The writer thinks seven or eight o'clock in the morning should be the time for work.



  Now I'm in Madrid, visiting an old friend. It's a lovely city, but I'm having a few problems with the eating times.

  At home I usually have a small breakfast at seven thirty, then a sandwich for lunch at about one o'clock. That's OK--It's about the same here. But I always have dinner at about seven in the evening. Not here! In Madrid people usually eat at about ten! In London I'm usually in bed by eleven, but here the streets are full every night until a long time after midnight. My friend says that a lot of people go to bed at two or three o'clock in the morning. I don't understand. Everybody is up for work at seven or eight o'clock in the morning. So when do they sleep?

(1)What is the writer doing in Madrid?

[  ]

A.He is having a few problems with the eating times.

B.He is having a good time.

C.He is visiting a friend of his.

D.He is sleeping all day.

(2)In Madrid, people usually have dinner at ________ .

[  ]

A.about ten
B.seven thirty
C.one o'clock
D.seven in the evening

(3)The streets in Madrid are ________ at night.

[  ]


(4)What does the writer think of the people in Madrid?

[  ]

A.He thinks they are very lazy.

B.He thinks they are very busy.

C.He thinks they are very strange.

D.He thinks they are very friendly.

(5)Which is right?

[  ]

A.The writer comes from America.

B.The writer usually goes to bed at 10 o'clock.

C.The people in Madrid often go to bed in the morning.

D.The writer thinks seven or eight o'clock in the morning should be the time for work.


Time Class
8:00 - 8:50 History
9:00 -9:50 Math
9:50 -10:05 Morning break (课间休息)
10:10 -11:00 English
11:10 -12:00 PE
12:00 -12:50 Lunch
1:00 - 1:50 Drawing
2:00 -2:50 Biology
     Hi, my name is Kim. This is my class schedule (课程表). I have to wake up early every day at about 6:30.
First, I have breakfast. Then, I ride my bike to school. It takes me 20 minutes to get there.
     I have four class in the morning. I like history the most. Mr. Rudolph is really cool. He knows everything
about history, and he tells us lots of funny stories. We also get a 15-minutes break in the morning. I usually
talk to Seth or Franklin at that time. We also eat lunch together, near the football field.
     The afternoon is easier, since I only have two classes. Biology is my favorite. We get to do fun experiments. I want to be a doctor one day. Drawing is also fun. Our teacher, Mrs. Lester is nice. She encourages us even
if our drawing is bad.
     After class, I ride my bike home. I spent about an hour doing homework. Then, I went out with my friends
for some time.
1. In the morning,  Kim ________.
A. has a drawing class
B. never eats breakfast
C. wakes up after seven
D. has four classes
2. If a student's drawing is not good, Mrs. Lester ________.
A. makes the student draw is again
B. scolds (斥责) the student
C. encourages the student
D. give the student a "D"
3. What does "we" in paragraph (段落) two means _________.
A. Seth and Franklin
B. Mr. Rudolph and Mrs. Lester
C. The afternoon classes
D. The students in the class
4. Which class is NOT mentioned (提及) by Kim?
A. History
C. Biology
D. Drawing
5. Which of the following is TURE about Kim's schedule?
A. Class last (持续) 50 minutes each.
B. Kim has eight classes a day.
C. He is at school ten hours a day.
D. Biology comes before English.


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