摘要:1.A.make B.made C.makes D.making


What does blood do for us? It brings food to all parts of our bodies and takes waste away from them.All parts of our bodies are made of cells(细胞).These cells are very small.They all need food all the time No one had seen cells before the invention of microscope.No one could make pictures of cells because no one could see them.

What makes the blood move round the body?The heart does.The heart is a pump.It pumps the blood and sends it round the body.The heart has rooms with doors between them.It pumps blood in and out through these doors by changing the size of the rooms so that the doors are opened and shut.The heart keeps a stream of blood going all around the and back again to itself.The heart is a very important part of one’s body.When it stops beating,one will die.

1.Blood is important to our body because it can ________.

A.provide pictures of cells                              B.bring food and take waste

C.form a stream                                            D.move around the heart

2.What does the underlined word“microscope”mean in Chinese?

A.显微镜                   B.探测仪                   C,放大镜                   D.摄像机

3.According to the passage,a pump is used to ________.

A.open or shut doors                                      B.send something up

C.change the size of rooms                            D.make something in or out


What does blood do for us? It brings food to all parts of our bodies and takes waste away from them.All parts of our bodies are made of cells(细胞).These cells are very small.They all need food all the time.No one had seen cells before the invention of microscope.No one could make pictures of cells because no one could see them.

What makes the blood move round the body? The heart does.The heart is a pump.It pumps the blood and sends it round the body.The heart has rooms with doors between them.It pumps blood in and out through these doors by changing the size of the rooms so that the doors are opened and shut.The heart keeps a stream of blood going all around the body and back again to itself.The heart is a very important part of one’s body.When it stops beating,one will die.

1.Blood is important to our body because it can ________.

A.provide pictures of cells                              B.bring food and take waste

C.form a stream                                            D.move around the heart

2.What does the underlined word“microscope”mean in Chinese?

A.显微镜                   B.探测仪                   C.放大镜                   D.摄像机

3.According to the passage,a pump is used to ________.

A.open or shut doors                                      B.send something up

C.change the size of rooms                             D.make something in or out


Mr. Jones had a nice brown coat. He loved it very much, but his wife did not like it because it was old. She often said, ”Give it to a poor man.” But Mr.Jones always said, ”No. I like this coat.”

Then one day a cigarette(香烟) fell on lit and made a hole in it. So Mrs.Jones said, ”Please don’t wear it again.” Mr.Jones took it to a small tailor(裁缝)and

said, ”Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor made the coat very carefully. Then he lit(点燃)a cigarette, and made a hole in the same place.

(  )1.Mrs.Jones didn’t like the coat because___.

A.           it was nice and brown.          B. it was not nice

C. it was very old                   D. it was not old

(  )2. Mrs.Jones often asked her husband to ___.

A.           buy a new coat                    B. make a new coat

C. give the old coat to a poor man       D. wear the old coat again

(  )3. __ made a hole in it, so Mr.Jones took it to a tailor.

A.A cigarette   B. Mr.Jones   C. Mrs.Jones   D.A tailor

(  )4. Mr.Jones asked the tailor to___.

A.           make a new hole in the old coat  B. make a hole in the new coat

 C. make a hole in the same place as the old coat

D. make a new coat like the old one

(  )5. Who do you think was foolish(愚蠢)?

A.           The tailor.    B. Mr.Jomes.    C. Mrs.Jones.    D. No one.

It’s Have Nothing to Do with me

Henry was born in a village. His father has a small farm. He works hard, but the weather is bad. It doesn’t rain for a long time and they can’t get enough food. Sometimes their family are hungry. So the boy can’t go to school. He has to help his parents and work in the fields, too. His parents are very busy and have no time to teach him how to be polite(有礼貌的) boy. He often says something unauspicious(不吉利的) and it makes everyone angry.

The boy’s aunt has a lot of money(钱). She often helps the family and gives the boy some fruit and clothes, so he likes her very much. It was his uncle’s birthday yesterday. Henry’s parents went there with some presents. They didn’t want to take Henry there with them. The boy was angry. His mother told him to be polite, if he wanted to go with them. The boy listened to her, and together they went.

Henry’s uncle was very happy that day. A lot of the boy’s uncle’s friends came to his birthday party. Henry ate some fruit, cakes and meat. And he was

polite before he left. His parents were happy, too.

When the party was over. Henry said, “I said nothing unauspicious today. It’ll have nothing to do with(与….无关) me if my uncle dies(死) next month.”

  6.Henry’s family are sometimes hungry because _____ .

A. they don’t work hard      B. they can’t get enough food

C. their farm is large         D. the food is good

  7.Henry doesn’t go to school because ______.

A.          he doesn’t like to study

B.           he wants to help his father do farm work

C.          his parents have little(少) money(钱)

D.          he likes to stay at home

8.The meaning of the word “angry” ____- in Chinese.

A.生气的   B. 兴奋的     C.  遗憾的   D.激动的

  9. ______, so Henry likes her.

A.          His aunt often gives him books.

B.           His aunt often takes him to the zoo.

C.          His aunt often helps him work in the fields.

D.          His aunt often gives him some fruit and clothes.

  10.Henry’s parents didn’t want to take him to the party because ____.

A.          he often says something unauspicious

B.           he can’t sing songs

C.          He had to look after the house

D.          He is too young to go to there on foot

  The Dress That Turns into a Coca Cola Machine 

This specially designed dress looks like a normal dress,but if you unfold it and cover yourself,you may look like a Coca Cola vending machine(自动售货机). Because there are many vending machines like that on the street,it must be easy for you to hide.If you feel that someone is following you or there is some danger,you can disappear within five seconds.But don’t use it to scare your classmates.That’ll be rude.

The M-Dress is a nice black dress.It is also a mobile phone.It accepts a standard SIM card and allows the wearer to receive calls without carrying an actual(真实的) phone in their pocket or purse.You just need to bring your hand to your ear when you want to answer a phone call.When you finish talking and release your hand,the call will close.It is fashionable and useful.But it will certainly be an embarrassing moment when your dress rings in public.
  Air Conditioned Jackets 

You will love these air-cooled jackets in summer time when it is very hot outdoors.The jacket has fans that draw air in.The fan is powered by an inside battery.Now it is possible to spend nearly every second of your day with cool air.
小题1:What’s the main purpose of the first dress?
A.To protect the wearer.B.To scare your classmates.
C.To make the wearer look better.D.To help sell more Coca Cola.
小题2:The underlined word release in the 2nd paragraph means ________.
A.put up B.put downC.put onD.put out
小题3:The second dress is called M-Dress probably because ________.
A. it is made by menB.it is made for men
C. it is medium-sizedD.it is also a mobile phone
小题4:The best title for the second paragraph is ________.
A.A Fashionable and Useful Dress
B.M-Dress That Is Also Your Phone
C.An Embarrassing Moment in Public
D.A Mobile Phone with a Standard SIM Card
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE of the Air Conditioned Jackets?
A.They keep you warm in winter.
B.The fans must be turned by hand.
C.The fans in them provide cool air.
D.The ice in them makes them cool.

Do you think there is too much noise in our city? If you live near an airport,you will be unhappy because of a plane often make a loud noise.The sound of planes or heavy vehicles is likely to cause deafness if heard continuously(不断地).

However, most people in our city do not seem to mind noise. They like to enjoy music when they are doing uninteresting jobs.It is a new danger because pop music,when played through powerful amplifiers(放大器),can reach 120 decibels(120分贝的)at a distance of five feet.A continuous noise of over 85 decibels can cause deafness.It was discovered that many young people in America could hear no better than 65-year-old people.

In the past we used to think that only workers in very noisy places would become deaf.For example,when newspapers and books are being printed,the noise level is over 85 decibels,and some of the workers become deaf.Today,however,scientists believe that 10 percent of the workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise.

Sometimes noise of less than 85 decibels can make some people tired and stressed.We all know that too much noise makes life difficult and unpleasant.It can do great harm to people's health and prevent people from working well.Workers in noisy offices are not as efficient(效率高的)as those in quiet offices.Noise makes people less efficient.Can anything be done to reduce or control noise?

In Britain the government has made several laws to reduce noise.Though the government has spent a lot of money in making airports and main roads quieter,many people think that there are still not enough laws.For example,there are no laws to control the noise of machines.In Japan,America and Norway there are such laws.As a result,workers can be given compensation(赔偿)if they become deaf.

1.Some workers become deaf because of ________.

A.hard work              B.a continuous noise of over 85 decibels

C. powerful amplifiers    D.uninteresting jobs

2.In Britain there are laws to ________.

A.stop workers from becoming deaf       B.control the noise of machines

C.keep down noise                       D.help deaf workers in need

3.Who can be given compensation if they become deaf?

A.American workers.

B.British workers.

C.Both American workers and British workers.

D.None of the above answers.



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