
  The Dress That Turns into a Coca Cola Machine 

This specially designed dress looks like a normal dress,but if you unfold it and cover yourself,you may look like a Coca Cola vending machine(自动售货机). Because there are many vending machines like that on the street,it must be easy for you to hide.If you feel that someone is following you or there is some danger,you can disappear within five seconds.But don’t use it to scare your classmates.That’ll be rude.

The M-Dress is a nice black dress.It is also a mobile phone.It accepts a standard SIM card and allows the wearer to receive calls without carrying an actual(真实的) phone in their pocket or purse.You just need to bring your hand to your ear when you want to answer a phone call.When you finish talking and release your hand,the call will close.It is fashionable and useful.But it will certainly be an embarrassing moment when your dress rings in public.
  Air Conditioned Jackets 

You will love these air-cooled jackets in summer time when it is very hot outdoors.The jacket has fans that draw air in.The fan is powered by an inside battery.Now it is possible to spend nearly every second of your day with cool air.
小题1:What’s the main purpose of the first dress?
A.To protect the wearer.B.To scare your classmates.
C.To make the wearer look better.D.To help sell more Coca Cola.
小题2:The underlined word release in the 2nd paragraph means ________.
A.put up B.put downC.put onD.put out
小题3:The second dress is called M-Dress probably because ________.
A. it is made by menB.it is made for men
C. it is medium-sizedD.it is also a mobile phone
小题4:The best title for the second paragraph is ________.
A.A Fashionable and Useful Dress
B.M-Dress That Is Also Your Phone
C.An Embarrassing Moment in Public
D.A Mobile Phone with a Standard SIM Card
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE of the Air Conditioned Jackets?
A.They keep you warm in winter.
B.The fans must be turned by hand.
C.The fans in them provide cool air.
D.The ice in them makes them cool.


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文If you feel that someone is following you or there is some danger,you can disappear within five seconds的描述,可知第一款衣服的目的是保护穿着者。故选A。
小题2:词义猜测题。联系上文You just need to bring your hand to your ear when you want to answer a phone call的描述,可知打完电话然后把手放下。故选B,put down:放下。
小题3:细节理解题。根据短文It is also a mobile phone.It accepts a standard SIM card and allows the wearer to receive calls的描述可知,这款衣服有手机功能,所以叫M-Dress。故选D。
小题5:细节理解题。根据短文The jacket has fans that draw air in的描述,可知这款衣服通过扇叶获得凉爽的风。故选C。
Our factories and homes burn coal and oil. Every year we have forest fires somewhere. Many scientists believe that the climate is changing.
The earth will perhaps be warmer by about 7 degrees centigrade. At the South Pole and the North Pole, the ice will melt (融化). The sea level (海平面) will rise by about 7meters. As a result, water will cover cities like London, Tokyo and New York. Some ports and towns along the coasts will disappear under water.
Some other scientists think that the dust, smoke and pollution from coal, wood and oil fires will block out the sunrays(紫外线). Then the earth will become colder and great sheets of ice will cover Europe and North America.
When chemicals in the air mix with rain, we have acid (酸) rain. Acid rain can bring us great harm. It destroys forests and kills life in lakes and rivers.
People are beginning to see how serious the problem is. They find it important to work with nature instead of against it. They are trying to save the earth in many different ways. But one of the most important things to do is to make people understand that saving the earth is saving ourselves.
小题1:Some scientists believe that          .               
A. the earth is growing warmer
B. we can find oil in our forests
C. we have to burn down the forests every year
小题2:Ice at the poles will          if the earth gets warmer.
A. cover cities like London and Tokyo
B. raise the sea level by 7 degrees
C. become water and make the sea level rise                
小题3:Acid rain          .
A. brings great changes in our climate
B. kills pests in lakes and forests
C. kills the fish in rivers and lakes                        
小题4:What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A. The dust together with pollution from coal, wood and oil fires will bring us more heat from the sun.
B. The sunrays will come more because of the dust and pollution from fires.
C. As a result of the dust and pollution from coal, wood and oil fires, the earth will become colder.                                                                  
小题5:Which statement is TRUE?
A. People have come to know the importance of working with nature.                
B. All the scientists agree that our earth is sure to become warmer and warmer.
C. The sea level will rise if the earth gets colder.
Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the listeners, but then stopped for a while. He had forgotten her name.
Barbara hid her valuable things when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put them.
Perhaps you’ve had such experiences like these. Most people have. But most of them haven’t realized that they have a memory problem. Neither do they know a simple but important fact: Memory can be improved. If you just accept that, the following will show you how.
First, relax. If you are over worried about something, you’ll forget it. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won’t remember things. When you forget something, don’t follow up with saying like “Oh, my god! I always forget things! ” Such words will have a bad result on you and your memory.
But relaxing isn’t enough. To improve your memory, you’ll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be made strong through exercise. Look for opportunities to exercise your memory. For example, if you’re learning a language, try to actively remember a lot of new words.
If you don’t take notice of things actively, you won’t remember them. So, you can make pictures of what you see in your mind every day. For example, don’t just put your keys down! If you want to find them again, make a mind picture of the place where you’re putting them.
小题1:The first two paragraphs just tell us ________.
A.examples of memory problems
B.Barbara was a very rich person
C.language problems of two persons
D.Mark often forgot his friends’ names
小题2:When you forget things, you ________.
A.must be too careless
B.must accept the fact
C.shouldn’t lose confidence in your memory
D.should keep telling yourself that your memory is bad
小题3:The underlined word “opportunities” in the fifth paragraph means “________.”
小题4:According to the article, ________ can make your memory better.
A.doing sports every day
B.talking to your friends
C.realizing your memory problems
D.making mind pictures of what you see
小题5:The purpose of the article is to help you________.
A.introduce the guest
B.improve your memory
C.remember new words
D.forget unhappy things
In a US study, researchers measured (测量) the happiness of 4739 people over 20 years. The study found that a person’s happiness depends on the happiness of people he connects with. Surprisingly, it also found that happiness spreads not only between direct friends, but also among friends of your friends’ friends! And those good feelings seem to have the greatest influence among friends of the same sex (性别).
“People with more good friends are less likely to develop depression (情绪低落) and worry,” says Dr. Toupey Luft. “Though you can’t choose your family or workmates, you do have control over friendships.” With a little effort, you can add more positive (正面的,积极的) relationships to your social circle. Here’re the suggestions:
“Nobody is all positive or all negative,” says Luft. “But there are people you may feel more positive. Use that as your way to check people and keep records.” When spending time with others, pay attention to your feeling. Are you feeling tired and unhappy?To help you keep records, Luft suggests taking a moment when you get home to write down what your feeling is when around them.
While it’s great to gather with positive friends, it’s also good to stay with others in the same life situations. “But if you’re all just complaining (抱怨) and nothing is changing, it’s not healthy,” says Luft. Are your friends negative, or are you doing most of the complaining? Considering the answers to these questions can help you decide if you want to stand in front of them. Or you could let the relationship disappear slowly.
Sometimes your hobbies can lead to true friendships. Check out newspapers and websites to find a group or class for something you enjoy. These friends can always be there for you and can care each other through difficulties, illness and death.
Not into groups? Look for individual (个人的) communication instead. Luft says, “Set small goals, such as having coffee with one new person, and develop friendship according to a plan. If someone suggests going for lunch sometime, set a date.”
“If you’re feeling disappointed (失望) with a friend, try talking about what you both need,” says Luft. For example, tell her what you want during hard times in your lives. While your friend may need to be left alone, you may want caring phone calls. With some friends you laugh and have fun together at the movies—and that can be enough. With others, you pay attention to your deep connection.
小题1:What does your happiness depend on, according to the passage?
A.How people you connect with feel.
B.How many friends you have.
C.What situation you are in now.
D.What kind of friends you have.
小题2:What does the first suggestion want us to do?
A.To measure our happiness.
B.To check people around.
C.To join a group for hobbies.
D.To leave negative friends.
小题3:Which of the following is true?
A.We often have many friends during good times but few during hard times.
B.It’s necessary to complain about something but not right to do so for long.
C.Joining a group can bring better friendship than making individual friends.
D.All the suggestions tell us to add positive relationship to our social circle.
小题4:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that ______.
A.when your friend is sad, you should call her up
B.when your friend leaves you, you need comfort
C.friends’ needs may be quite different sometimes
D.people may behave differently during hard times
We humans live in different parts of the world, but we have the same “mother”. She gives us everything we need in our daily life. She is our Mother Earth.
April 22 is Earth Day. The theme of this year is “Green Cities”.
A green city is a healthy and pleasant place for people to live, according to the United Nations.
A green city can get its energy from renewable (可再生的) sources like solar (太阳能的) and wind power. Also, it is connected by clean public transportation. Moreover, a green city is made up of facilities (设施) that can save energy and reduce waste.
Around the world, many cities and countries have done well to build themselves in a green way.
Chicago is well known for its green roof (屋顶) program. These roofs are covered with plants. The plants get a great amount of rainwater. Later, the water evaporates (蒸发) to help make the air cool and clean. So far, there are about 360 green roofs in Chicago, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Curitiba, Brazil, has great transportation. It opened the world’s first bus rapid transit (BRT) system in 1974. BRT runs on special lanes. This makes sure that buses are on time even in traffic jams. With the help of BRT, the city has the lowest level of air pollution in Brazil. Today, many other countries have copied BRT, including China and Mexico.
Singapore is home to the first zero-energy building in Southeast Asia. Zero energy means a building is able to create more energy than it uses. Zero-energy buildings work with solar panels (板) mainly on roofs. These panels can make electricity which powers the buildings. By 2030, Singapore plans to build 80 percent of its buildings like this.
小题1:The theme of Earth Day this year is “_______”.
A.Green Roofs B.Green Cities
C.Reducing and Recycling D.Environmental Protection
小题2:The article mentions that there is BRT in the following countries EXCEPT _______.
A.Brazil B.Singapore C.China D.Mexico
小题3:From the passage, we learn that in the three cities _______.
A.people are encouraged to grow plants on their roofs
B.special lanes are designed to solve traffic jams
C.people make good use of solar and wind energy
D.people are provided with a pleasant place to live
小题4:The passage is mainly developed by _______.
A.giving examples B.explaining reasons
C.listing suggestions D.showing different opinions
Have you had a headache during a test? Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can’t sleep at night? If so, then you know what stress is. Stress is what you feel when you are worried about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, sad, scared, or afraid——all of which can give you a stomachache or a headache.
However, there are different kinds of stress. Some kinds of stress are good and others are bad. Good stress might happen when you’re called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done. For example, you may do a better job on your test if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test.
On the other hand, bad stress can happen if the stress lasts too long. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if you’re having problems at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy every day. That kind of stress isn’t going to help you. And it can actually make you sick.
The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life. Make sure you keep your SELF in mind: Sleep, Exercise, Leisure(休闲), and Food. If you get enough sleep and eat properly, and if you exercise and leave time for fun, you’ll probably feel less stressed.
Title: Face the Stress
Meaning of stress
Stress is a   小题1:  when you are worried about something.
Possible effect
You may feel uncomfortable in your   小题2:  and body.
Different kinds
Good stress
It might happen when you have to speak in public.
It will be more helpful for you to do the job successfully.
It makes you prepare better before doing the job.
Bad stress
It might happen if your stress   小题3:  too long.
You may not feel well with the sick of a family member, problems at school or something else that worries you every day.
It might stop you from getting your work well done.
How to keep stress   小题4: 
Have a balanced life.
Have enough sleep and have proper food.
Take exercise and have time to   小题5:  yourself.
A big company wanted a clerk, so John went there. In the interview the director(主管) asked him a question.
“Who paid for your school?’
“My mother paid for it by washing clothes.”
Hearing this, the director asked John to show his hands. John showed a pair of hands that were perfect. The director said, “When you go back today, go and clean your mother’s hands, and then see me tomorrow morning”.
When John went back, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. However, his tears fell as he cleaned his mother’s hands. It was the first time he noticed that there were too many bruises(伤痕) in his mother’s hands.  After finishing the cleaning of his mother’s hands, John quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.
Next morning, John went to the director’s office. The director noticed the tears in John’s eyes and asked, “Please tell me your feelings.”
John said, “Number1, I know now what appreciation(感激) is. I would not be successful if my mother didn’t do these things. Number2, by helping my mother, now I realize how difficult it is to get something done.” The director said, “This is what I want to be my clerk. You can get the job.”
小题1:John went to the big company to              .
A.look for his motherB.ask for a job
C.ask the director for helpD.wash clothes
小题2:John’s mother was a(n)         .
A.office clerkB.directorC.clothes cleanerD.doctor
小题3:From the underlined sentence, we learn           .
A.John tried his best to wash clothes for his mother.
B.John often helped his mother do the housework
C.John hardly helped his mother wash clothes.
D.John did all the housework.
小题4:John felt    when he cleaned his mother’s hands.
小题5:Why did the director hire(雇佣) John?
A.Because he thought John learned appreciation
B.Because he thought John had a good education
C.Because he thought John worked hard.
D.Because he thought John could wash clothes.

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