摘要:4.A.open B.ride C.sixteen


I like taking a long walk in the nature park. I do that    1  . It really makes a great    2   to the whole day! I usually walk up this nice long road. It’s so quiet and pleasant    3   there are so many green trees.

This morning, I walked on that road as usual.    4   I was walking back down the road, on my way back    5   the car, I met a man. I saw him    6  

on the grass by the roadside. He was breathing(呼吸) really    7  . I asked if he was OK. He said he was    8   tired to walk anymore. I thought he needed some    9  . So I began to look for some clean water.    40  , there weren’t any places to get water in    11   a nature park. I walked back to my car    12  

to see if there was some. Because I sometimes bring bottled water and leave    13  

in my car. Thankfully, I found some today.

Instead of (代替) drinking it myself, I drove back to the man and gave him my bottle of water. Then I gave him a    14   back to his car. He was so thankful! I could tell he was very happy and surprised that someone was    15   to come back for him and give him some water. And also, I was very happy that I could share my water with others.

1.                A.every day       B.a day           C.everyday D.one day


2.                A.open          B.start           C.stop D.begin


3.                A.but            B.that            C.or   D.and


4.                A.when          B.while           C.before   D.after


5.                A.to             B.for            C.with D.in


6.                A.running        B.playing         C.driving   D.sitting


7.                A.hard           B.hardly          C.quick D.difficult


8.                A.so             B.very           C.too  D.still


9.                A.cars           B.food           C.doctors   D.water


10.               A.Luckily         B.Unluckily       C.Fortunately D.Successfully


11.               A.so             B.such           C.really D.that


12.               A.slowly          B.excitedly       C.quickly    D.happily


13.               A.one           B.those          C.me   D.it


14.               A.ride           B.hand           C.bottle D.help


15.               A.enough kind     B.kind enough     C.enough nice    D.too nice




I was waiting for the bus when I met the woman. “You look      . Come and sit here,” she said. “      are you going?”

“I don’t know. I just want to catch a      and see what it will be like at the end.”

“I’m afraid you’ll see      there. Why don’t you enjoy the sights on the way?”

“How can I do that while my heart’s      ?” I asked sadly. My best friend had left me.

The woman seemed to understand my feeling. “Don’t cry, little girl. I’ve had a similar experience to you. Thirty-five      ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was deadly sad. I decided to kill myself and the children, so I took      to the sea.       , they seemed to know what would happen, so they      loudly. Their cry suddenly woke me      . How could I      my hope to live for one of life’s problems? After that, I worked hard to raise the children. Now they all live      and one of them has his own family.”

Then the woman gave me a      , “We should never wait for the door to      before us. We should find the key to the      or try to find another way.”

1.A、tired                                              B、excited                                    C、happy

2.A、What                                             B、How                                         C、Where

3.A、train                                               B、bus                                           C、boat

4.A、nothing                                    B、everything                               C、something

5.A、smiling                                     B、breaking                                   C、singing

6.A、days                                               B、weeks                             C、years

7.A、her                                           B、them                                         C、him

8.A、So                                             B、Or                                              C、However

9.A、laughed                                   B、talked                              C、cried

10.A、in                                            B、out                                             C、up

11.A、give away                                   B、give up                                    C、get up

12.A、happily                                  B、sadly                                          C、badly

13.A、cry                                               B、shout                                       C、smile

14.A、open                                           B、close                                        C、lock

15.A、classroom                                   B、office                                       C、door



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