





















A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.By bike.


A.To the bank.

B.To the post office.

C.To the cinema.


A.A pencil.

B.A ruler.

C.A pen.






A.At 9∶00.

B.At 9∶15.

C.At 9∶30.


A.A farmer.

B.A doctor.

C.A teacher.



11.How much is the jacket?

A.24 dollars.

B.76 dollars.

C.100 dollars.

12.What color jacket did the man buy?

A.A blue jacket.

B.A brown jacket.

C.A black jacket.


13.How many rooms have the people visited?




14.What kind of book can be taken out of the library?

A.A dictionary.

B.A novel.

C.A magazine.


15.What are Jim Green and Helen Brown both good at?

A.Teaching children.

B.Remembering things.

C.Meeting people.

16.Who mentioned a way to solve the weak-point problem?

A.Jim Green.

B.Helen Brown.

C.Ted King.

17.In which part didn’t Helen Brown make an expected reply?

A.Work experience.

B.Strong points.

C.Weak points.




1. ( A  B  C )      2. ( A  B  C )      3. ( A  B  C  )    4. ( A  B  C  )


(    )5. A. It’s my pleasure.                  B. I’m sorry to hear that.            C. Never mind.

(    )6. A. I’m not sure.                      B. Yes, please.                                                   C. That’s too much.

(    )7. A. Nice to meet you.               B. See you later.                        C. What a good idea!

(    )8. A. Yes, I agree with you.           B. Certainly, This way, please     

C. Yes, it’s very nice of you.

(    )9. A. What are you going to do?

B. I think so. Why?

C. Oh, what shall I do?

(    )10. A. It’s cheaper than yours.                   B. Fifty yuan.                 C. It’s expensive.


(    )11. Who is going to visit her friends this afternoon?

A.   Betty.  B. Betty’s sister. C. Bob’s sister.

(    )12. Why did the girl get up so early?

A.To catch the early bus.

B. To prepare for an English exam.

C. To prepare for a math’s exam.

(    )13. Where was the man last Sunday?

A. He was with his friend.  

B. He took a walk with his friend.

C. He went shopping with his friend.

(    )14. Where does the dialogue take place?

A. In a classroom. B. In a store.  C. In a computer room.

(    )15. What’s the woman?

A. A shop assistant.  B. A librarian.  C. A customer.

(    )16. When does the dialogue probably happen?

A. In the morning.  B. In the evening   C. At 7:45 a.m.

(    )17. What place is the woman looking for?

A. A hotel.  B. A cinema.  C. A hospital.

(    )18. What are they talking about?
        A. The moon. B. Animals. C. Plants.
(    )19. How far is the moon away from the earth?
        A. Three hundred metres.
        B. Three hundred and eighty thousand kilometres.
        C. It’s not very far
(    )20. Why can nothing live on the moon?
        A. People don’t like to live there. B. There’ no air or water.
        C. There’s no light.
(    )21. What’s the weather like tonight?
        A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Clear.

(    )22. Where are they talking?
        A. At home. B. At the cinema. C. At a shop.
(    )23. How much rice did the man buy?
        A. One bag. B. Two bags. C. One bottle.
(    )24. How many kinds of things did the man buy?
        A. Four. B. Five. C. Three .
(    )25. How much did all the things cost?
        A. $13. B. £300. C. $30.

(    )26. Where was the telephone?
       A. It’s in London’s school.                     B. It’s in her office.                        C. It’s in her home.
(    )27. Who made the first telephone call?
       A. A man.                                 B. Linda’s father.           C. Linda’s mother.
(    )28. How many telephone calls did the man make in the story?
       A. One.                                    B. Two.                                                            C. Four
(    )29. Who made telephone call three minutes later?
       A. The man.                             B. Linda’s father.           C. Linda’s mother.
(    )30. How many persons are there in the story?
       A. Two.                                               B. Three.                                              C. Four.



1.A.milk                       B.water                        C.jujce

2.A.America                 B.Canada                   C.Australia

3.A.nice                       B.dear                          C.cheap

4.A.read                       B.speak                        C.repeat

5.A.peace                            B.love                          C.building








11.What time did the woman get to the airport to meet her father?

   A.1∶00                         B.12∶00                      C.2∶20

12.What′s her father′s flight number?

A.BA506.                         B.VA407.                            C.VA408.

13.What time will the flight arrive?

A.3∶30 pm.                    B.2∶20 pm.                        C.2∶00 pm.

14.Why is the flight late?

A.   Because the airport is too busy.

B.   Because the weather in New York is had.

C.   Because something is wrong with the plane.

15.How long did the woman wait in the airport that day?

A.   One hour.

B.   Over three hours.

C.   Two hours and twenty minutes.


Registe Card Mrs Smith looks for a person at 10∶00am. Name:Betty Smith   Sex:  1  (male/female)Age:  2  Height:  3  m Hair:  4  ,  5     Clothes:a  6  blouse,  7 jeans Room:  8  on the  9  floor Telephone number:  10                                                                 Wal Mart S.C.




1. ( A  B  C )        2. ( A  B  C )      3. ( A  B  C  )      4. ( A  B  C  )


(    )5. A. It’s Sunday.            B. It’ April 21.                           C. It’s half past eleven.

(    )6. A. It’s very hot.           B. It’s very heavy.          C. It’s very large.

(    )7. A. Yes, please.              B. You are welcome.      C. Sorry, I can’t.

(    )8. A. No, it isn’t.             B. Yes, it is.                   C. Thank you.

(    )9. A. About 40 minutes.                

B. About half an hour’s walk.

         C. About 5 meters long.

(    )10. A. I think it is interesting.

B. I like a story. 

C. I’m reading.


(    )11. When was Edison born?

A. In 1874.  B. In 1931.  C. In 1847.

(    )12. Why wasn’t the boy at school yesterday?

A. He had to look after his mother.

B. He had to look after his father.

C. He was ill in bed.

(    )13. What’s the woman’s telephone number?

A. 3897244.  B. 3879224.  C. 3789244.

(    )14. Why was the girl late again for school?

A. She was ill.  B. She got up late.  C. She met a traffic accident.

(    )15. When does the dialogue happen?

A. During class.  B. After class.  C. Before class.

(    )16. What does the girl’s mother do?

A. A nurse.  B. A doctor.  C. A worker.

(    )17. What size does the man wear?

A. The large size.  B. The small size.  C. The medium size.

(四)对话理解: 对话听两遍:
(    )18. What’s wrong with the boy?
     A. He’s got a headache. B. He’s got a high temperature.
     C. He’s got a cold.
(    )19. How long has he been like this?
     A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days.
(    )20. Is he seriously ill?
      A. Yes, he is. B. Yes. But he will be well soon. C. No, he isn’t.
(    )21. How many times should he take the medicine a day?
      A. One time. B. Two times. C. Three times.
(    )22. Where does the man want to go?
      A. London. B. Hong Kong. C. America.
(    )23. When will he go there?
      A. June 29th. B. June 30th. C. July 1st.
(    )24. When will the earliest flight leave?
      A. At 7:00 in the evening. B. At 8:00 in the morning.
      C. At 7:00 in the morning.
(    )25. Does it stop in Beijing?
      A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn’t. C. We don’t know.
(    )26. Where did Mr. White work?
      A. France. B. America. C. England.
(    )27. Why was Mrs. White angry?
      A. Her husband wouldn’t go to see their son.

B. Her husband was hit by a car.

C. Her husband didn’t love her.
(    )28. How did Mr. and Mrs. White go to Paris?
      A. By ship. B. By train. C. By plane.
(    )29. Mr. White didn’t know how they had got to Paris because _____ on their way.
      A. he was asleep

B. he was thinking about his work

C. he was worried about his son
(    )30. From this passage we know_____.
      A. Mr. White loved nobody except himself 

B. Mr. White couldn’t get on well with anybody

C. Mr. White was always interested in his work


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