

1.A.milk                       B.water                        C.jujce

2.A.America                 B.Canada                   C.Australia

3.A.nice                       B.dear                          C.cheap

4.A.read                       B.speak                        C.repeat

5.A.peace                            B.love                          C.building








11.What time did the woman get to the airport to meet her father?

   A.1∶00                         B.12∶00                      C.2∶20

12.What′s her father′s flight number?

A.BA506.                         B.VA407.                            C.VA408.

13.What time will the flight arrive?

A.3∶30 pm.                    B.2∶20 pm.                        C.2∶00 pm.

14.Why is the flight late?

A.   Because the airport is too busy.

B.   Because the weather in New York is had.

C.   Because something is wrong with the plane.

15.How long did the woman wait in the airport that day?

A.   One hour.

B.   Over three hours.

C.   Two hours and twenty minutes.


Registe Card Mrs Smith looks for a person at 10∶00am. Name:Betty Smith   Sex:  1  (male/female)Age:  2  Height:  3  m Hair:  4  ,  5     Clothes:a  6  blouse,  7 jeans Room:  8  on the  9  floor Telephone number:  10                                                                 Wal Mart S.C.

1-5 ACBCA               6-10 CBCBA              11-15 BCABB


1.female   2.8/eight      3.1.25       4.short/brown     5.brown/short

6.pink     7.blue        8.205        9.fourth/4th      10.7669103



1.   That’s a kind of drink, while and from cows.

2.   Andrew was born in Sydney, 1983.

3.   We can’t afford that pretty car.

4.   Pardon? Please say it again.

5.   People all over the world hope there will be no wars.


6.   M: Where did you go last night?

W: I went to see a movie.

W: Whom did you go with?Your boyfriend?

M:No,I went with my mother.

Q: Who went to see a movie last night?

7.   W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

M: Well, I’m going to France on vacation next month. So I want to know something about the country before I arrive.

W: I see. This book might give you some help.

M: Thanks a lot.

Q: Which book is all right for the man?

8.   W: Oh, God! Where’s my mobile phone? I put it in my bag behind the chair just now.

M: Yes, you did. But you answered a call and put it on the chair, then went away.

W: Well…I see. But where is it now, please?

M: Your mother hid it under the chair to teach you a lesson, Careless girl!

Q: Where is the mobile phone now?

9.  W: What would you like, dear?

M: I’d like fish and chips.

W: Chips are fattening, don’t you know? How about a pizza with mushrooms?

M: Good idea.

Q: Which food don’t they eat?

10.W: What a heavy rain! I hope it will be sunny tomorrow.

   M: What’s your plan?

   W: I’m going to have a picnic with my friends.

   M: I think you have to stay at home. The weather forecast says it will go on.

   Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow?


  M: Excuse me, sir.

  W: Yes, What can I do for you ,madam?

  M: It’sl o’clock. I have been for an hour to meet my father. But I saw all the passengers come out except him.

  W: Are you sure of the time his flight arrives?

  M: Yes, I think so. He told me he would reach the airport at about 1:00 this afternoon.

  W: That’s true. Flight BA506 has just arrived.

  W: What? BA506? Well, I don’t think it’s his flight number.

  M: Do you know his flight number?

  W: It’s VA407, I think …Oh, a moment, please, Here, I wrote it on my note book. Sorry, it’s VA408.

  M: VA408? I see, Madam, the flight was supposed to arrive at 1:00, but it will be two hours and twenty minutes late because of the bad weather in New York.

  W: OK, Then I will have to wait longer. Thank you very much, sir.

  M:Good luck!Madam.

  Q: 11.What time did the woman get to the airport to meet her father?

12.What’s her father’s flight number?

13.What time will the flight arrive?

14.Why will the flight be late?

15.How long did the woman wait in the airport that day?


Ladies and gentlemen,

     Attention, please! This is the service center of Wal Mart, Now Mrs Smith is looking for Betty Smith, a girl of 8 years old, who has short, brown hair and is 1.25 meters tall, She is wearing a pink blouse and blue jeans. If anyone sees her, please call our service center and the telephone number is 7669103. Betty Green, if you hear our message, please come to Room 205, on the fourth floor as soon as possible. Mom is waiting for you. Thank you! 
