摘要:55.What does the underlined word “assistance mean in Paragraph 1?A. help B. money C. education D. advice


In the past, when people had problems, they usually went to their families or friends to get advice. Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows, TV programmes and telephone hot lines. A hot line is a telephone line. It offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers. Most hot lines are completely anonymous. That is to say, callers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers. Most hot lines are free. Callers do not have to pay for the advice or the phone calls. At some hot lines, the advisers are volunteers. Other hot lines pay their advisers for their work. Usually the advisers are full-time-job people with years of education and experience, but sometimes, the advisers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line. All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems.

1.How did people get advice when they had problems in the past?

A.They listened to the radio

B.They went to their families or friends

C.They watched TV programmes

D.They made telephone calls

2.What is a telephone hot line?

A.A hot telephone

B.A phone call to the listeners

C.A telephone line for people to get advice

D.A training class on the phone

3.What does the underlined word anonymous mean in Chinese in the passage?

A.匿名的           B.虔诚的           C.开放的           D.免费的

4.According to the passage, how does a caller get in touch with the adviser working on the hot line?



Everything has a name.All people,places,and things have names.For example,Jenny is the name of a student from England.England is the name of a country.Cities and towns have names,too.Schools and office buildings also have names.For example,tomato,potato and bean are names of vegetables.Apple,orange,and banana are names of fruit.Names are important.We use names every day.When we meet a new person,we usually ask,“What’s your name?”It’s important to learn a person’s name.Most people have two names.Some people have more names.Names are different all over the world.In Jenny’s class.Jenny must learn the names of the students from all over the world.This is very difficult because the names are very different.

In the United States,most people have a first name,a middle name and a last name.Parents choose the first and middle names for their babies.There are names for boys and names for girls.The last name is the family name.Usually it is the father’s family name.In a family,the mother, the father, and the children usually have the same last name.

Sometimes a person has a nickname,too.A nickname is a special(特有的)name.It’s not a person’s real name.Abraham Lincoln’s nickname was“Honest Abe”.An honest person(一个诚实的人)always tells the truth,and Abe is short for Abraham.Because he was an honest person.his nickname was Honest Abe.Pele(贝利)is a nickname,too.The football player’s real name is Edison Aeraesde Nascimento,but everyone calls him Pele.Do you have a nickname?

Names are different all over the world.They can be long or short.but they are always very important

1.What is Jenny?

A.A student         B.A teacher          C.An American       D.A nickname

2.What does the underlined(划线的) word “nickname” mean in Chinese?

A.乳名             B.真名             C.绰号             D.别名

3.What is Pele’s real name?

A.Honest Abe.

B.Abraham Lincoln.

C.Edison Aeraesde Nascimento.

D.We don’t know.

4.Usually the last name is________ family name.

A.the father’s                          B.the mother’s

C.the grandmother’s                     D.The teacher’s

5.Why is it difficult to learn names all over the world?

A.Some people have nicknames.

B.There are many names all over the world.

C.Some names are very long,and some are very short.

D.The names in different countries are different.



Answer the questions.

         My daughter, Tina, began to look for a job several months before she graduated from university. “Because of the financial crisis(金融危机), it is more difficult to get into a company than to take the college entrance exam.” I told her, “You shouldn’t have too much hope or you would feel really disappointed.” Tina applied for a position in a company in the city center. The competition was fierce. The company was to employ only one among the twenty people. Tina said to me, “I am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try, there will always be hope! ”

         Everything seemed to go quite well and Tina passed the first round and entered the final in a week’s time.

         On the day of the final interview, Tina and two other candidates (候选人)arrived on time, waiting for the test. To their great surprise, the interview was quite simple, and the intereviewer only chatted with them for a moment. The interviewer said to them, “All of you are super. Please go home and wait for our anwer. We will tell you the result in three days. Good luck to all of you!” On the third day, Tina received the message from the company telling her that she was not employed. She felf upset. In order to comfort her, I pretended to be relaxed and said, “It does not matter! I believe you will have more opportunities in the future!”

         Late in the afternoon, Tina suddenly told me excitedly on the phone, “Dad, good news. I’ve mde it! ” I could not wait to ask her, “What’s the whole matter?” Tina told me that she received a second message saying that she was employed. She was so confused that she made a call to the company. In fact, the message Tina got in the morning was alse part of the test of the interview. The three candidates received the same message this morning and only Tina’s reply was satisfying to the company. “How did all of you reply?” I asked. “One did not reply. The other said ‘Goodbye’ and I said ‘Thank you’ .”

1.Has Tina graduated form universtiy? (此题1分)

2.In the writer’s opinion, which was more difficult, to get into a company or to take the college entrance exam?

3.How many people entered the final round of the competition?

4.Why did the writer pretend to be relaxed when he learned Tina was not employed?

5.What does the underlined sentence mean “I’ve made it!” mean in English?

It means “_______________________________”.

6.What can we learn from Tina? (Give at least two points.) (此题3分)



Nathan Sawaya's childhood was a lot of fun. He drew cartoons, wrote stories, and played with plastic toy bricks (积木). His grandparents bought his first set of toy bricks when he was five years old and he's been building with toy bricks ever since. He even took his building bricks to college with him! Instead of books and a computer, he had a model of Greenwich Village made of bricks on his desk.

Nathan started as a lawyer but gave up His highly-paid (高薪的) job to become an artist that uses toys in his art. He uses toy bricks to build everything from the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) to Superman! He has more than 1.5 million colored bricks in his working room in New York which he uses to make pieces of art. He started by building small models but then decided to do something big and created a self-portrait (自画像). It took him two days just to build the eyes.

Nathan's work has appeared in museums around the world. Children love his art because it is made out of the same toys that they play with at home and adults love his work because it is fascinating. Since it began in2007, Nathan's exhibition "The Art of the Brick" has been very popular with museum visitors everywhere.

"I'm proud that I took a dream I had as a child, to become an artist, and I have actually made a job out of it," says Nathan. "To do what you love in life is the most important thing."

1.What did Nathan put on his desk at college?

A.The Statue of Liberty.                    B.Superman.

C.His serf-portrait.                        D.A Greenwich Village modal.

2.Why did Nathan give up his job as a lawyer?

A.Because he made little money out of a lawyer.

B.Because he wanted to make toys for the children.

C.Because he decided to become an artist of toy bricks.

D.Because he was going to work in the museum instead.

3.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Nathan's work.                         B.Nathan's exhibition.

C.Nathan's art.                           D.Nathan's self-portrait

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Brick Artist                         B.The Brick Exhibition

C.Toy Bricks for Adults                     D.The Artist's Childhood



One summer vacation in my college, my roommate Ted asked to me to work on his father’s farm in Argentina. The idea was exciting. Then I had second thoughts. I had never been far from New England, and I had been homesick my first few weeks at college. What about the language? The more I thought about it, the more the idea worried me.

Finally, I turned down the invitation. Then I realized I had turned down something I wanted to do because I was scared and felt depressed(沮丧). That experience taught me a valuable lesson and I developed a rule for myself: do what makes you anxious(焦虑); don’t do what makes you depressed.

In my senior year, I wanted to be a writer. But my professor wanted me to teach. I hesitated. The idea of writing was much scarier than spending a summer in Argentina. Back and forth I went, making my decision, unmaking it. Suddenly I realized that every time I gave up the idea of writing, that downhearted feeling went through me.

Giving up writing really depressed me. Then I learned another lesson. To avoid the depression meant having to bear much worry and concern.

When I first began writing articles, I often interviewed big names. Before each interview I would get butterflies in the stomach. One of them was the great composer Duke Ellington. On the stage and on television, he seemed very confident. Then I learned Ellington still got stage fright(害怕). If Ellington still had anxiety attacks, how could I avoid them? I went on doing those frightening interviews. Little by little, I was even looking forward to the interviews. Where were those butterflies?

In truth, they were still there, but fewer of them. I had learned from a process psychologists(心理学家) call “extinction”. If you put an individual in an anxious situation often, finally there isn’t anything to be worried about, which brings me to a conclusion: you’ll never get rid of anxiety by avoiding the things that caused it.

The point is that the new, the different, is definitely scary. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you.

1.We can infer from the passage that the author________. 

A.finds it difficult to make decision

B.has found out what causes anxiety

C.was encouraged by Duke Ellington’s stage fright

D.no longer feels anxious about new experiences

2.What does the word “extinction” in Paragraph 6 means?

A.a person’s loss of confidence little by little

B.the natural development of a child’s abilities

C.the inborn ability to avoid anxious situations

D.the process of losing fear by keeping facing anxiety

3.Which of the following opinions does the writer probably accept?

A.Anxiety can be a positive drive

B.Hesitation leads to depression.

C.Avoiding anxiety reduces depression.

D.Depression is a signal that one is growing up.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Confidence: Key to Success

B.Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name

C.Depression: A Psychological Appearance

D.Success: A Trip Through Anxiety and Depression



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