摘要:76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 七.书面表达第一节 翻译填空题根据汉语意思完成下列句子.按照下面各题的汉语意思用英语完成句子.把答案写在横线上.词数不限.


Mr. and Mrs.Smith’s flat(公寓) was full of boxes,small and large,trunks and furniture.The t  76   of them were busy with pencils and paper checking their list of luggage(行李) when there was a ring at the door.Mrs Smith went to open it and saw a well-dressed middle-aged lady outside. The ladys said that she come to w    77    them to their new homes.

Mrs Smith i   78     her in.

“I hope youll e  79    us for all this mess(困境). ”said Mrs Smith, “we are trying”

“Oh thats quite all right.” said the lady, “Do you know in some p  80   of this town neighours are not at all friendly. There are some streets --where people don’t know their neighbours--not even their next-door o  81   . But in this building everybody is friends with everybody else. We are one big happy family. I’m sure you’ll very happy here.”

The lady was greatly s  82     when she visitd the flat the next time because she found a quite d  83    man and woman in it. Mr and Mrs Smith didn’t have the h  84   to tell her that they were not the new owners of the flat but the old owners !During these two years the lady never visited them or even n   85     them who were her next-door neighbours.

76. t          77. w          78. i          79. e          80. p          

81. o          82.s           83. d         84. h          85. n          


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