


A:Hello! May I speak to Tom,please?

B:Speaking.  76   

A:This is Bill.I called you yesterday,but you were not at home.

B:  77   I need to prepare something for my trip to Shanghai.

A:Shanghai? That’s where the World Exposition(世博会) is being held.How lucky you are!

B:So I am.  78   

A:I’II have a birthday party next Friday.Would you like to come?

B:  79   My plane will take off next Wednesday.

A:What a pity(遗憾) that you can’t come!   80   

B:Thank you very much.Bye!


A.Who’s that?

B.I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t.

C.I’m buying something for my aunt.

D.Have a good trip!

E.1 was shopping at that time.

F.Who are you?

G.What did you call me for?

76.________  77.________  78.________  79.________  80.________

76—80 AEGBD

76.A 根据答语This is Bill可知此处是在询问“你是哪一位”。但需注意,根据电话应答的习惯,正确答案应为A项,而非F项

77.E 由上文“我昨天给你打电话了,但是你不在家”和下文“我需要为上海旅行准备一些东西”可知,此处是在解释当时在做什么。选项C的时态有误,需排除。故选择E项。

78.G 根据答语“我下周五举行一个生日晚会。”可知问句是“你给我打电话有什么事吗?”。因此,答案选择G项。

79.B 由下文 ‘My plane will take off next Wednesday ’和‘What a pity(遗憾) that you can’t come!’可知“我去不了”。故选B。

80.D 根据对话所提供的情景以及下文的Thank you very much.可知此处是“祝你上海之行玩得快乐”。所以,答案为D项。


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