摘要:41.A.away B.to C.from D.in


①Forests help to keep water from running away, so drought does not often happen. The trees in the forests can keep raindrops from hitting the soil directly, and the dead leaves on the ground can also keep the water from running away.②
Chinese people don’t want to see more floods and droughts. We have built the “ Great Green Wall” of trees across the northern part of our country.③ Thanks to the “ Great Green Wall”, we can prevent the wind from blowing the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland. That’s why more “ Great Green Walls” are needed. Trees must be planted all over the world.④
小题1: “Great Green Wall will make the world better.” This sentence should be put in      .
小题2:       can help to keep water from running away.
小题3: The reason of building “ Great Green Wall”is        .
A.to make the city beautiful
B.to move the sand
C.to stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland.
D.to stop the rain from hitting the soil directly.
小题4: We have built the “ Great Green Wall” of trees        of China.
A.in the eastB.in the west C.in the southD.in the north.
小题5:From the passage, we can know which is wrong.
A.We must plant more trees.
B.We have to protect our environment.
C.“Great Green Wall” project is very beneficial to us.
D.It is not necessary that trees must be planted all over the world.

A TV series in England,Away from it all,has surprised everyone by becoming a success with young people across the country. Its success is surprising because the series is about the relaxing lifestyles of people who live in the country. There is none of the action that we usually see on TV today. There are also no stressful moments, busy offices or crowded cities. Away from it all is set in the peaceful English countryside and tells simple stories about people’s kindness.
The director of the TV series says that its success is a sign of teenagers suffering from stress. They say that watching Away from it all helps teenagers forget about the pressures of exams and homework, and the troubles that fill the world today. They also say that it’s a good sign of today’s young people turning to happier TV series as it shows they want a happier and healthier world.
Although the series’ success might have a good side, many teachers and parents are worried, however. They say that some of their students and children spend more time before TV and are using Away from it all as an excuse for not finishing homework. Some children have even refused to learn for exams because they say that they can only get personal happiness by avoiding stressful situations.
And what do the experts say? Paula Ray, a doctor of education, says that TV can influence children’s lifestyles. But she says that if a child reacts strongly, it’ s likely that there are other reasons for his change in behaviour. She says that there is nothing wrong with watching Away from it all but suggests that parents should let their children know TV is not the same as real life.
【小题1】The success of the new TV series is surprising because__________.

A.it is different from other successful TV series
B.it is the same as other successful TV series
C.it is about the English countryside
D.it is about life in busy cities
【小题2】The director of Away from it all believes that the series helps young people deal with__________.
A.simple stories B.stress
C.busy life D.exams
【小题3】The success of the series shows that young people would like__________.
A.a world with no homework B.English TV series
C.relaxing jobs D.a happier and healthier world
【小题4】__________ are worried about the effects of the series.
A.Experts and teenagers. B.Teachers and experts.
C.Teachers and parents. D.Young people and parents.


Our nearest neighbor is the moon.In the sky,the moon and the sun seem to be of the same size because the moon is much nearer.

The moon makes the tides--the changes in the level of the sea.The moon and the sun together pull the sea.In some parts of the world,the difference between ‘high tide’(when the sea is very near to the land)and ‘low tide’ (when the sea is far away from the land)is very big.This is very important for ships.

The moon is very different from the Earth.Gravity on the moon is six times weaker than that on the Earth.There isn't any air.During the day,it is very,very hot but at night it is very,very cold.Nothing can live on the moon,

If the moon goes between the Earth and the sun,we have an eclipse of the sun(日食).The moon stops the light from the sun and we have night in the day.

If the Earth goes between the moon and the sun,we have an eclipse of the moon.The moon goes into the shadow(影子)of the Earth and it disappears for a few minutes.

1.The sun to the Earth is               times farther than the moon to the Earth.

A.nearly 200            B.less than 300        C.nearly 400              D.more than 400

2.When the moon goes between the Earth and the sun,we have night in the day,we call it the eclipse of                 

A.the moon             B.the sun                C.the stars                 D.the Earth

3.Which of the following happens when we have an eclipse of the moon?

A.The Earth goes between the moon and the sun.

B.The moon goes into the shadow of the sun.

C.The moon goes into the shadow of its own.

D.The sun disappears for a few minutes.

4.Which of the following statements are TRUE?

a.The moon and the sun are of tile same size.

b.Gravity on tile Earth is 6 times stronger than that on the moon.

e.The changes in the level of the sea are called tides.

d.Tile moon itself pulls the sea and makes the tides.

e.When the sea is near to the land,a high tide may happen.

f.It is much hotter in the day but much colder at night on the moon.

A.a.b.c.f.      B.b.c.d.e         C.a.d.e.f            D.b.c.e.f


In 1995,Oseola McCarty gave a present of $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi. She wanted to help poor students. It was a very generous thing to do. But her friends and neighbors were surprised. McCarty was a good woman. She went to church. She was always friendly and helpful. But everyone in her town knew that McCarty was not rich. In fact,she was poor.

How did a poor 86-year-old woman have so much money? Oseola McCarty was born in 1908 in Hattiesburg,Mississippi. She had to leave school when she was eight years old to help her family. She took a job washing clothes. She earned only a few dollars a day. Oseola washed the clothes by hand. Then she hung the clothes to dry. She did this for nearly 80 years. In the 1960s,she bought an automatic washer and dryer. But she gave them away. She did not think they got the clothes clean enough!At that time,many people started to buy their own washers and dryers. McCarty did not have much work, so she started to iron clothes instead.

McCarty never married or had children. Her life was very simple. She went to work and to church. She read her Bible (圣经)。She had a black-and-white television. But she did not watch it very much. It had only one channel.

McCarty saved money all her life and eventually had about $250 000. When she was 86,a lawyer helped her make a will. She left money to the church,her relatives,and the university. McCarty just wanted to help others. She did not think she was a special person. But then people found out about her present to the university. She received many honors (荣誉)。She even flew in an airplane for the first time!Oseola McCarty died in 1999. She was a shy and ordinary woman who became famous.


1.Oseola McCarty gave $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi _______.

A.to help the poor students                 B.to surprise her friends and neighbors

C.to show her generosity                   D.to be a good and rich woman

2.From the story we know _______.

A.McCarty was born in a poor family near the University of Southern Mississippi

B.everyone was surprised because they thought McCarty had no education

C.washers and dryers brought a change in McCarty‘s life

D.McCarty gave half of her money to the church and her relatives

3.Which of the following is true?

A.McCarty had to work to help her family after school every day.

B.McCarty learned to read the Bible by herself in the school.

C.McCarty made one third of her money by washing and ironing clothes.

D.McCarty did not have her own family because she had no husband or children.

4.From which of the following can we tell McCarty lived a simple life?

A.She worked hard all her life.               B.She didn‘t think she was special.

C.She didn‘t have many interests.           D.She had a TV set with many channels.

5.Which of the following is true?

A.McCarty died at the age of eighty-six.

B.McCarty did the job of washing for more than eighty years.

C.McCarty gave her presents to both universities and churches.

D.McCarty was given many honors because of her good deeds.


In 1995,Oseola McCarty gave a present of $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi. She wanted to help poor students. It was a very generous thing to do. But her friends and neighbors were surprised. McCarty was a good woman. She went to church. She was always friendly and helpful. But everyone in her town knew that McCarty was not rich. In fact,she was poor.
How did a poor 86-year-old woman have so much money? Oseola McCarty was born in 1908 in Hattiesburg,Mississippi. She had to leave school when she was eight years old to help her family. She took a job washing clothes. She earned only a few dollars a day. Oseola washed the clothes by hand. Then she hung the clothes to dry. She did this for nearly 80 years. In the 1960s,she bought an automatic washer and dryer. But she gave them away. She did not think they got the clothes clean enough!At that time,many people started to buy their own washers and dryers. McCarty did not have much work, so she started to iron clothes instead.
McCarty never married or had children. Her life was very simple. She went to work and to church. She read her Bible (圣经)。She had a black-and-white television. But she did not watch it very much. It had only one channel.
McCarty saved money all her life and eventually had about $250 000. When she was 86,a lawyer helped her make a will. She left money to the church,her relatives,and the university. McCarty just wanted to help others. She did not think she was a special person. But then people found out about her present to the university. She received many honors (荣誉)。She even flew in an airplane for the first time!Oseola McCarty died in 1999. She was a shy and ordinary woman who became famous.
小题1:Oseola McCarty gave $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi _______.
A.to help the poor studentsB.to surprise her friends and neighbors
C.to show her generosityD.to be a good and rich woman
小题2:From the story we know _______.
A.McCarty was born in a poor family near the University of Southern Mississippi
B.everyone was surprised because they thought McCarty had no education
C.washers and dryers brought a change in McCarty‘s life
D.McCarty gave half of her money to the church and her relatives
小题3:Which of the following is true?
A.McCarty had to work to help her family after school every day.
B.McCarty learned to read the Bible by herself in the school.
C.McCarty made one third of her money by washing and ironing clothes.
D.McCarty did not have her own family because she had no husband or children.
小题4:From which of the following can we tell McCarty lived a simple life?
A.She worked hard all her life. B.She didn‘t think she was special.
C.She didn‘t have many interests. D.She had a TV set with many channels.
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A.McCarty died at the age of eighty-six.
B.McCarty did the job of washing for more than eighty years.
C.McCarty gave her presents to both universities and churches.
D.McCarty was given many honors because of her good deeds.

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