摘要:3.A.game B.games C.with game D.on game


Computers at home




Computer games are great! They’re better than TV.On TV you can watch a spaceship, but in a computer game you can fly a spaceship!


Computers are bad for our health.In the past, children ran around and    played sports.Now they just sit at home。


A lot of children spend too much time on computers.They start playing

and then they can't stop.They don’t talk to anyone.They just sit and look at the computers for hours and hours.


When children play with computers, they learn to use them.Computers will be very important in the future.So children should play with them and learn about them.


The internet is very useful.There is more information.On the Internet

than in  the world’s biggest library.


A lot of computer games are very bad.There is a lot of shooting and killing.These games are terrible.You see bad things on TV,but in computer games you do bad things.It can’t be good for us.


I don’t think children learn much from computers.They can't learn about life from a computer.And they can’t do their homework if they play computer games all the time.


I've got friends all over the world.I’ve never seen any of them, but I know them all well because we send e-mails to each other.My computer is the door to the world!

1.No.1 thinks people can                  on TV.

A.fly a spaceship

B.play sports

C.watch a spaceship

D.send e-mails

2.         thinks computer will be very important in the future.

A.No.4                                                    B.No.6

C.No.7                                                   D.No.3

3.No.7 thinks the children                if they play computer games all the time.

A.don't talk to anyone

    B.can't do their homework

C.learn more information

    D.study better

4.No.8 thinks people can know each other well by                 .

A.watching TV                                           B.sending e-mails 

C.writing letters                                          D.making telephone calls

5.                are against computers according to the form.

A.No.1.No.2,No.8 and.No.3

B.No.4.N0.6,No.3 and No.7

C.No.5,No.4,No.6 and N0.8

D.No.2,No.3,No.6 and No.7


We asked thirty children between 14 and 1 8.A11 the children had computers at home.The usual time spent on computer in a week was about 1 2 hours, with the highest

user about 3 2 hours.and the lowest user only 5 hours.

A11 the children said they usually used computers to play games.Fourteen children told us thev did some word processing(文字处理)at times.Only two of them said computers helped them with their lessons.and eight children told us they kept addresses and phone numbers on their computers or used them as diaries.Only three children said they were learning to make computer programs and nobody looked up databases(数据厍).The diagram gives all the results one by one.The results show that computer use is quite high among 14 to 18-year—old children.They also show quite clearly that computers are looked on by most young people as little more than game machines.It means that,though computers are common in the homes of young people,they have not yet become popular in everyday 1ife.

(  )1.In the diagram,what does the letter ‘‘d’’ show?

A.It shows three people between 14 and 18.

B.It shows only two of the thirty children.

C.It shows that only two of them use computers to help them with their lessons.

D.It shows that only three of them use computers to help them make computer programs.

(  )2.Most of the 3 0 children spent about   hours on computers in a week.

A.5    B.1 2    C.20    D.32

(  ) 3.There iS one mistake in the diagram.What is it?

A.The number of “e" should be lower.

B.The number of ‘‘d’’ should be higher.

C.The.number of “a” is too high.

D.There should be no number about “f’’.

(  )4.In the last paragraph “little more than” means  .

A.almost the same as  B.far more than C.different from D.much more than

(  )5.The writer thinks    .

A.children must learn to play a11 kinds of games

B.more other uses of computers should be learned

C.young people should spend more time on computers

D.computers will become much cheaper


  In almost every big university in the USA football is a favourite sport.American football is not like soccer.Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it.They try to take it to the other end of the field.They have four chances to move the ball ten yards(码).They can carry it or throw it.If they move it to the end of the field, they will receive six points(分).This is called a touchdown.

  It is difficult to move the ball.Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball.If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.

  Each university wants its team to win.Thousands of people come to watch.They all yell(喊加油)for their favourite team.Young men and women called cheerleaders(啦啦队长)come on the field to help the people yell more.They dance and jump while they yell.

  Each team plays ten or eleven games each season.The season begins in September and ends in November.If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends.The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the New Year.Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on television.


In American football players can ________.

[  ]


only kick the ball


only throw the ball


only carry the ball


kick, throw and carry the ball


If a team wants roger points, it has to move the ball ________.

[  ]


10 yards


to the other end


40 yards


away from its own end


Who are dancing and jumping while they yell?

[  ]


The cheerleaders.


All those who are watching the game.


The winners.


The players of both sides.


Most team play games in ________.

[  ]










When do the best teams play again?

[  ]


At Christmas.


Before the season ends.


On New Year's Day.


On the last day of the season.

In the UK a trip to Lazerquest is a popular way to celebrate a birthday. It's a game where you shoot your friends with toy guns. Kids hide in dark corners and hope to surprise them.
Other people go bowling (打保龄球) and then have dinner at a nice restaurant. If it's your birthday you can choose whatever you want to eat and drink.
Going to an amusement park for your birthday is popular too. Amusement parks have big rides like roller coasters and ghost (鬼怪) trains. Parents often pay for their kids to bring some friends with them on these big days out.
If the weather is nice and you have enough space, you can have a garden party. People play games like blind man's bluff. One kid cannot see but has to try and catch the others by listening out for them. There's music at the party and sometimes a barbecue (烧烤野餐). Kids will usually bring along gifts like CDs or books to the party. Parents will buy their child a big present, like a game console (电子游戏机) or a bike.
小题1:What is a trip to Lazerquest according to the passage?
A. It’s a roller coaster.B.It’s a barbecue.
C. It’s a game .D.It’s a picnic.
小题2:What can’t children do at a garden party?
A. They can play games .
B. They can have a barbecue.
C. They can bring books or CDs to the party.
D. They can go bowling .
小题3:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A. Children in the UK like playing games.
B. Parents in the UK won’t pay for their kids’ party.
C. The British ways of celebrating a birthday.
D. British kids like to have a birthday party.

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