摘要:June.6.2006Dear Ann.


     It was Sunday yesterday. Steve ___1___  a relaxing week-end. __2__ Sunday morning, he played
computer games with his friends at home. It ___3___ pretty good. In the afternoon, he ___4___ with his
mother. They bought many kinds of food and vegetables. It was really relaxing and exciting. In the evening, he ___5___ a talk show with his parents and listened to some songs by a ___6___ singer. ___7___ Ann
   had a busy weekend. She  ___8___ stopped working. On Sunday morning, she cleaned her bedroom
and did
her homework In the afternoon, she went to visit her uncle and ___9___ him do some farm work. In the
evening, she cooked dinner for her parents. After dinner, she washed all the dishes. Then she went out ___10__ a walk with her dog.    
     What about your weekend?

(     )1.  A. has          
(     )2.  A. In          
(     )3.  A. be          
(     )4.  A. goes shopping
(     )5.  A. watched      
(     )6.  A. height      
(     )7.  A. But          
(     )8.  A. often        
(     )9.  A. helped      
(     )10. A. to          

B. have        
B. At          
B. is            
B. went shopping
B. watches      
B. medium      
B. Because      
B. always      
B. liked        
B. for          

C. had            
C. For            
C. was            
C. went to shopping
C. looked        
C. popular        
C. Or            
C. usually        
C. asked          
C. from          

D. was      
D. On        
D. were      
D. went shops
D. see      
D. long      
D. So        
D. never    
D. told      
D. on        


完形填空         (A)

Which is the best  1  of the year? Spring, of course. Spring is the morning of the year. When spring comes, the  2  is getting warmer and warmer and everything wakes up. Leaves come out on the trees. Flowers and plants come out on the ground.  3  run out of their holes after they have slept all winter. It often rains in spring. But the rain is usually light. The ground is soft from the  4  and warm from the sun. So spring is the best time for planting. People usually plant trees in spring.  5  is Tree Planting Day.

(   )⒈A. day   B. week      C. month      D. season

(   )⒉A. day     B. night      C. weather     D. sun

(   )⒊A. People  B. Animals    C. Birds    D. Fishes

(   )⒋A. rain   B. snow      C. weather    D. moon

(   )⒌A. January 1  B. March 8   C. March 12  D. May 4

(B) A:Hello! Could I speak to Ann, please?

B:I’m sorry she  6  . This is Ann’s mother. Can I take a message?

A:That’s very  7  of you, Mrs Brown. This is Bill.I’m sorry to tell you that Miss Gao,our English teacher,is ill in hospital.I’d like Ann to go to see her with8  .

B:Sorry to hear that. I’ll let Ann know it. When and where will

you meet?       

A:What  9  nine o’clock at the gate of No. 1 People’s Hospital?

B:OK! Let’s make it. I’ll give her the message as soon as she  10  back.

A:Thanks. Bye!

B:That’s all right. Bye!

(  )⒍A. is at home B. isn’t out C. isn’t in D. isn’t at school

(  )⒎A. kind       B. good       C. fine        D. well

(  )⒏A. you        B. me        C. him        D. her

(  )⒐A. time       B. at         C. about       D. to

(  )⒑A. come      B. is coming   C. will come   D. comes

     Let's play an animal game. It's Saturday today and Jim    1    at home and does nothing,
because he doesn't have any lessons. But his mother is     2   . She has a lot of housework to
do. So she gives some apples and bananas to her children and says to Jim, "    3    Ann. I am
going to do some washing now."
     "OK, mummy." says Jim. The boy     4     apples and bananas very much. He     5     his
soon and now he wants Ann's. But the little girl doesn't give him any. He thinks for a while
(一会儿) and then has an     6   . He asks Ann to play an animal game with him.
      The girl agrees (同意). Jim     7     to play a monkey and Ann plays a visitor (游客). They
are having a good time. After a while, Jim stops and says, "Oh, the monkey is    8    . Feed him,
please." Ann     9     some bananas to him. Half an hour later (之后), Ann has no bananas. Jim 
   10    playing and the little girl begins to cry (哭).
(     )1. A. stays       
(     )2. A. free        
(     )3. A. Look at     
(     )4. A. likes'      
(     )5. A. finish eating
(     )6. A. apple       
(     )7. A. agrees      
(     )8. A. friendly    
(     )9. A. gives       
(     )10. A. keeps      
B. lives    
B. busy      
B. Look like 
B. is like
B. eat     
B. orange    
B. begins    
B. full      
B. shows     
B. likes   
C. works             
C. happy          
C. Listen to       
C. looks like      
C. finishes eating 
C. idea            
C. likes           
C. hungry          
C. sells          
C. stops        
D. keeps            
D. dangerous     
D. Look after                               
D. want            
D. finishes to eat
D. egg               
D. wishes        
D. sorry            
D. takes          
D. starts       

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