
     Let's play an animal game. It's Saturday today and Jim    1    at home and does nothing,
because he doesn't have any lessons. But his mother is     2   . She has a lot of housework to
do. So she gives some apples and bananas to her children and says to Jim, "    3    Ann. I am
going to do some washing now."
     "OK, mummy." says Jim. The boy     4     apples and bananas very much. He     5     his
soon and now he wants Ann's. But the little girl doesn't give him any. He thinks for a while
(一会儿) and then has an     6   . He asks Ann to play an animal game with him.
      The girl agrees (同意). Jim     7     to play a monkey and Ann plays a visitor (游客). They
are having a good time. After a while, Jim stops and says, "Oh, the monkey is    8    . Feed him,
please." Ann     9     some bananas to him. Half an hour later (之后), Ann has no bananas. Jim 
   10    playing and the little girl begins to cry (哭).
(     )1. A. stays       
(     )2. A. free        
(     )3. A. Look at     
(     )4. A. likes'      
(     )5. A. finish eating
(     )6. A. apple       
(     )7. A. agrees      
(     )8. A. friendly    
(     )9. A. gives       
(     )10. A. keeps      
B. lives    
B. busy      
B. Look like 
B. is like
B. eat     
B. orange    
B. begins    
B. full      
B. shows     
B. likes   
C. works             
C. happy          
C. Listen to       
C. looks like      
C. finishes eating 
C. idea            
C. likes           
C. hungry          
C. sells          
C. stops        
D. keeps            
D. dangerous     
D. Look after                               
D. want            
D. finishes to eat
D. egg               
D. wishes        
D. sorry            
D. takes          
D. starts       
1-5 ABDAC  6-10 CBCAC
                                          How 3D Movies Work   .
     Do you know 3D movies? When you see one, it's like the story  l  in front of  you, and you are a  part ofit. 3D movies are  exciting to   2   , but do you
know how3      them, and      4   you need to wear a pair of  3D  glasses? To
understand these  questions, let's make an easy   5  .
     O Put a finger   6   your eyes.
     O Cover your lef't eye and look at the finger.
     O Cover your right eye and look at the finger.
     What do you see:l The finger you see with your left eye is in a different
position from the one you see with your right eye. This means you get two
images(图像) when you look at   7     _ with both your eyes. To makea 3D
movie, people have to get two images at the same time,   8_ they use two
video cameras.  When playing a  3D movie, they use two projectors (放机)  
at the same time.  This brings two images together on the screen. Then, we
use 3D glasses to separate(识别) the two images. One image enters one eye
and   9 enters the other eye.
     Then our brains   10      the two images together. In this way, we get 3D
(     )1. A. happen      
(     )2. A. watch        
(     )3. A. make        
(     )4. A. when        
(     )5. A. examl)le    
(     )6. A. in front of  
(     )7. A. everything  
(     )8. A. because      
(     )9. A. other        
(     )10.A. let          
B. happened     
B. see            
B. to make        
B. why            
B, picture        
B. in the front of
B. anything        
B. so              
B. the other      
B. put            
C. to happen  
C. look        
C. making      
C. which      
C. experiment  
C. behind      
C. something  
C. and        
C. others      
C. take        
D. happening  
D. notice    
D. made      
D. what .    
D. mowe      
D. beside    
D. nothing    
D. but        
D. the others
D. bring      
  Daniel is an American young man. He lives on the    1    floor of a tall
building. His office is more than ten kilometers away. He must get up early 
   2    a quarter past six, and    3    home at seven. The lift takes him down. Then
he    4    to the bus stop. The stop is only two    5    metres from the building.
There he   6   No. 11 Bus. He begins     7    at eight and finishes it at five. Then
he comes back. He takes the lift up to the   8    floor. Then he     9  up the three
floors on foot, just for exercise. He cooks and eats his supper, and watches TV
until   10  . After that Daniel usually falls into bed for night.
(     )1. A. fifte en      
(     )2. A. in            
(     )3. A. leave          
(     )4. A. walk          
(     )5. A. hundred        
(     )6. A. drives        
(     )7. A. to work        
(     )8. A. twelve        
(     )9. A. climb          
(     )10. A. nine twentieth
B. fifteenth  
B. on        
B. left      
B. run        
B. hundreds  
B. takes      
B. works      
B. fifteen    
B. jumps      
B. nine twenty
C. fiveteen      
C. about        
C. le aves      
C. went          
C. hundreds of  
C. by            
C. work          
C. twelfth      
C. go            
C. nine-twentieth
D. fiveteenth  
D. at          
D. lives      
D. walks      
D. hundred of  
D. catch      
D. worked      
D. fifteenth  
D. climbs      
D. ninth twenty

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