摘要:35.In the English Summer camp.The students have a lot off fun English each other. A.to practice to speaking B.to practice speaking C.practicing speaking D.practicing to speak Maybe most people like to travel during their holidays.Some people like to travel in tour groups 36 they think it is safe and cheap.A tour guidetakes care of the tourists and makes sure the group can see a lot of interesting 37 beautiful sights.Other people like to travel 38 or with friends.They are free to see 39 they want to see. People travel for many reasons.Some people travel to learn more languages.Some people travel for adventure.They want to do some different things. 40 Skiing.bungee jumping.land mountain climbing.Other people like to shop when they travel.They look for new things or cheap ones. There are 41 ways to travel.Some people take trains. 42 or buses.some fly.and 43 drive cars.Some people like to ravel slowly and 44 a long time in each place.while others like to take quick tours and more places in a 45 time. How do you like to spend your holidays?


University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and it’s one of the top university in the world. There is no clear date when the university started, but teaching began at Oxford in some forms in 1096 and developed quickly from 1167.
There are 39 independent(独立的) colleges at Oxford, attracting students and learned men from across the world. There are over 100 libraries for the students and learned men to use. At University of Oxford, they also provide a number of money for the best students. Of course, if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level of English language.
College life at Oxford is very exciting but busy. The groups of college provide a friendly and welcoming home for students while the college are strict with students about their studies. Many Chinese students are studying here. The number of Chinese students at the university has grown quickly over the past 10 years.
【小题1】How many libraries are there at Oxford?
A.Only 100B.Just 100C.More than 100D.less than 100
【小题2】What do you have to do first if you want to ask fir studying at Oxford? You have to__________.
A.be independentB.pass a certain level test of English language
C.study English hardD.be the best students
【小题3】 How’s the college life at Oxford? It’s full of ________ and has ________.
A.excitement; much school work to doB.excitement; no school work to do
C.attraction; no school work to doD.attraction; a little school work to do
【小题4】 Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The college aren’t strict in studies.
B.Only because of 39 dependent colleges, thousands of students come here to study.
C.The university of Oxford is the most important and successful one in the world.
D.The university of Oxford provides a number of money for most students.
【小题5】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The College LifeB.The Famous Learners at Oxford
C.The Chinese Students at OxfordD.The University of Oxford


Lisa has always been overweight. She wanted to lose weight, not just because she wanted to   1  more beautiful and healthier, but also because it would make life easier. For example, it was   2  for Lisa to find ready-made clothes that would fit. She had to ask a tailor (裁缝)   3  clothes that were large enough. In school, she needed a special  chair    4  was bigger and stronger than the other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very quickly. She was also unhappy about the way people treated  5  sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of me. That’s unfair! It’s true that I’m overweight, but I don’t think people   6  treat me differently because I’m big. I can’t enjoy   7  with my friends because I’m afraid of getting fatter.” Her friends and family never made fun of her. They tried to help her   8  . They wanted her to be happy and healthy. Sometimes when Lisa was feeling sad, she didn’t want to speak to   9 .

But now things are quite   10 . Last month her classmates were preparing for the School   11  Week. Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the proud Queen who was tall and fat. Lisa   12  and practiced a lot.

Soon after the play, Lisa became the star! She did   13  well that everybody remembered the proud Queen. They stood around her and said “  14 ” to her. She even won the School Best Actress Award for her wonderful performance.

Now Lisa doesn’t   15  about being fat any more. She believes in the English saying “Every dog has its day. ”

1.A. see             B. notice            C. look

2.A. easy           B. difficult           C. right

3.A. to buy          B. to cook           C. to make

4.A. which          B. who             C. whose

5.A. her            B. him              C. me

6.A. can           B. can’t              C. must

7.A. having dinner   B. watching TV      C. doing sports

8.A. however       B. instead          C. either

9.A. any dogs        B. police          C. anyone

10.A. same          B. different         C. old

11.A. Sports         B. Art             C. Science

12.A. agreed        B. disagreed         C. allowed

13.A. not           B. little              C. so

14.A. Sorry         B. Good luck        C. Congratulations

15.A. happy          B. worry            C. sad



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