摘要:90.Where did he want to wake up?


A man decided to take off early from work and go drinking. He stayed there until the bar closed at three in the morning, and he was drunk at that time. After leaving the bar, he returned home on foot. When he entered his house, he didn't want to wake his wife, so he took off his shoes and started tiptoeing(用脚尖走) up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs, he fell down. That wouldn't have been so bad, but he had some empty bottles in his back pockets, and they broke. The broken glass hurt his back terribly. He was so drunk that he didn't know he was hurt. A few minutes later, when he was taking off his clothes, he noticed the blood, so he looked himself over in the mirror. He found his back was hurt terribly. He repaired the damage as best as he could and then he went to bed. The next morning his head was hurting, his back was hurting, and he was trying to think up a good story when his wife came into the bedroom. He told his wife his story. “Well, you really tied one on last night,” she said, “and where did you go?” “I worked late,” he said, “and I stopped for a cup of beer.” “A cup of beer? That’s a joke,” she replied, “and you were drunk last night. Where did you go?” “What makes you so sure I got drunk last night?” “Well,” she replied, “my first big clue(线索) was when I got up this morning, I found many Band-Aids(创可贴) on the mirror.”

54. The man didn't want to wake his wife because        .

A. he loved his wife very much 

B. he was afraid that he would be hurt

C. he was afraid his wife would find him drunk 

D. his wife liked him doing so

55. How did the wife find her husband got drunk?

A. She was very clever.       B. She found many Band-Aids on the mirror.

C. She found some broken bottles.   D. She knew her husband very well.

56. The underlined phrase “tied one on” may mean “       ”.

A. 摔倒      B. 躺在地上         C. 受伤          D. 喝醉

57. When did the man find himself hurt?

A. When he took off his clothes to go to bed.

B. When he fell down to the ground.

C. At three o’clock in the morning.

D. When his head and back were hurting.




A man decided to take off early from work and go drinking.He stayed there until the bar closed at three in the morning, and he was drunk at that time.After leaving the bar, he returned home on foot.When he entered his house, he didn't want to wake his wife, so he took off his shoes and started tiptoeing(用脚尖走)up the stairs.Halfway up the stairs, he fell down.That wouldn't have been so bad, but he had some empty bottles in his back pockets, and they broke.The broken glass hurt his back terribly.He was so drunk that he didn't know he was hurt.A few minutes later, when he was taking off his clothes, he noticed the blood, so he looked himself over in the mirror.He found his back was hurt terribly.He repaired the damage as best as he could and then he went to bed.The next morning his head was hurting, his back was hurting, and he was trying to think up a good story when his wife came into the bedroom.He told his wife his story.“Well, you really tied one on last night,” she said, “and where did you go?” “I worked late,” he said, “and I stopped for a cup of beer.” “A cup of beer? That's a joke,” she replied, “and you were drunk last night.Where did you go?” “What makes you so sure I got drunk last night?” “Well,” she replied, “my first big clue(线索)was when I got up this morning, I found many Band-Aids(创可贴)on the mirror.”


The man didn't want to wake his wife because ________

[  ]


he loved his wife very much


he was afraid that he would be hurt


he was afraid his wife would find him drunk


his wife liked him doing so


How did the wife find her husband got drunk?

[  ]


She was very clever.


She found many Band-Aids on the mirror.


She found some broken bottles.


She knew her husband very well.


The underlined phrase “tied one on” may mean “________”.

[  ]










When did the man find himself hurt?

[  ]


When he took off his clothes to go to bed.


When he fell down to the ground.


At three o'clock in the morning.


When his head and back were hurting.

     Arnel Laparan grew up in Rosario. After his father died in 1970, five-year-old Amel had to work in a
small shop to help his family. The boy insisted on going to school and his mother finally sent him to a nearby
public school. "I was happy to study but my life became harder because I had to wake up earlier to do all my
jobs before I went to school," says Arnel. Worn down by all the work, he was ready to give up by the time
he reached the fifth grade. Then his teacher's words changed his life and made him study harder.
     Arnel finished high school at the top of his class, received a scholarship (奖学金) from the Philippine
Normal University in Manila and got a degree in education in 1985. He took a job teaching math at a Manila
private school and did volunteer teaching at the school's adult class in the evening. "The adults were from poor
families and had to work when they were very young," he explains. "It was touching to see how they tried to
get a high school education at their age."
     As time passed, he realized that helping needy students was his true calling. In 2004 he left his well-paid job
and retumed to Rosario. "My goal was to educate street children for free." He began holding classes under a
large tree. Slowly, more and more street children became interested in his teachirig. "I taught them the basics
of reading, writing and math," says Arnel. He worked harder, walking to nearby villages, where he would give
classes in parks or on playgrounds. To make ends meet, he began teaching children from rich families.
     In June this year Arnel borrowed a bicycle with a large sidecar from a neighbour. The sidecar holds a small
wooden desk, textbooks and school supplies, and a black- board set to the front bears Arnel's words:"Education
can be found anywhere. It is a road to progress."
     The bicycle allows Arnel to visit faraway areas. He sets up an outdoor classroom and invites teenagers to
his class three days a week. Many of the children have been out of school for years. Amel also offers adult
education to help out-of-school young people learn high school lessons. He does not receive any money but
accepts school supplies and food for the students. He says, "I want to bring education to as many children and
adults as possible. Everyone should have a chance."
1. Who decided Arnel should go to school at first?
A. His mother.
B. He himself.
C. His teacher.
D. The govemment.
2. Why did Amel retum to his hometown to teach the street children?
A. Because there were no schools in his hometown.
B. Because he didn't want to teach rich children only.
C. Because he considered it's his duty to help the poor.
D. Because the country's education should be improved.
3. How does Arnel make his living?
A. By serving rich families.
B. By accepting school supplies.
C. By receiving his family's help.
D. By offering lessons for adults.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Teacher on Wheels
B. Classes for the Poor
C. Road to Progress
D. Students in the Street




1What does the man want to buy?




2What size does the man want?





3How many rooms are there in the house?




4Who are the man and the woman?

ATwo friends

BHusband and wife

CBrother and sister


5What's the man looking for?

AA bag

BAn English book

CA radio

6When did the man lose it?

AIn the afternoon

BIn the morning

CIn the evening

7Where is this conversation taking place?

AIn the street

BIn the hospital

CIn the hotel


8What are the two speakers talking about?


BDoing housework

CA plan for holiday

9How long will it last?

ASeveral days

BTwo weeks

CTwo months

10Why does the boy want to go to a summer school?

ATo improve his English

BTo make some new friends

CIt might be interesting





16What was wrong with the clock?

AIt went very slowly

BIt went very quickly

CIt stopped working at night

17When did the speaker wake up in the morning?

AAt 900

BAt 1000

CAt 1030

18What did the speaker do after he got up?

AHe ran to the bus stop after breakfast

BHe ran to the bus stop without breakfast

CHe ran to the bus stop with breakfast

19What happened to the first bus?

AIt got to his school very fast

BThere was something wrong with it half way

CIt went slowly

20What was the worst thing for the speaker?

AHe forgot to take his schoolbag

BHe missed all his classes

CHe lost his schoolbag

Mr Scott was the owner of a shop. He lived by himself in a small room above his shop. He was always afraid that someone might break into his shop at night
One day, when he checked his money after closing up, he found he had almost 10,000 dollars. He thought keeping so much money in the shop was a dangerous thing. So he took the money with him to his bedroom, put it in the pocket of his coat and went to bed with his coat on. At midnight the doorbell rang and woke him up. He got out of bed and called out in a shaky(颤抖的) voice, “What do you want?” Under the street light stood a policeman, “Sorry to wake you up,” the policeman said, “but all the lights are on in your shop. I think you just forgot to turn them off when you closed up.”
【小题1】Where did Mr Scott live?
A. By himself.         B. In his shop.        C. Above his shop.
【小题2】How much money did he have that day?
A.$10,000.         B.¥10,000.        C. 10,000.
【小题3】Why did Mr Scott sleep with he money that night? '
A. Because he loved money very much.
b. Because he thought it was not safe to keep it in the shop.
C. Because he knew the policeman would wake him up.
【小题4】Why did the policeman wake him up? '
A. Because he wanted to turn off the lights .
b. Because he wanted to remind Mr Scott
C. Because he wanted to ring his doorbell.
【小题5】How did Mr Scott feel when he heard the doorbell.
A. Excited.           B. Angry.          C. Stressed.

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