
A man decided to take off early from work and go drinking. He stayed there until the bar closed at three in the morning, and he was drunk at that time. After leaving the bar, he returned home on foot. When he entered his house, he didn't want to wake his wife, so he took off his shoes and started tiptoeing(用脚尖走) up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs, he fell down. That wouldn't have been so bad, but he had some empty bottles in his back pockets, and they broke. The broken glass hurt his back terribly. He was so drunk that he didn't know he was hurt. A few minutes later, when he was taking off his clothes, he noticed the blood, so he looked himself over in the mirror. He found his back was hurt terribly. He repaired the damage as best as he could and then he went to bed. The next morning his head was hurting, his back was hurting, and he was trying to think up a good story when his wife came into the bedroom. He told his wife his story. “Well, you really tied one on last night,” she said, “and where did you go?” “I worked late,” he said, “and I stopped for a cup of beer.” “A cup of beer? That’s a joke,” she replied, “and you were drunk last night. Where did you go?” “What makes you so sure I got drunk last night?” “Well,” she replied, “my first big clue(线索) was when I got up this morning, I found many Band-Aids(创可贴) on the mirror.”

54. The man didn't want to wake his wife because        .

A. he loved his wife very much 

B. he was afraid that he would be hurt

C. he was afraid his wife would find him drunk 

D. his wife liked him doing so

55. How did the wife find her husband got drunk?

A. She was very clever.       B. She found many Band-Aids on the mirror.

C. She found some broken bottles.   D. She knew her husband very well.

56. The underlined phrase “tied one on” may mean “       ”.

A. 摔倒      B. 躺在地上         C. 受伤          D. 喝醉

57. When did the man find himself hurt?

A. When he took off his clothes to go to bed.

B. When he fell down to the ground.

C. At three o’clock in the morning.

D. When his head and back were hurting.



A man made a nice talking machine .It could weigh people’s weight .The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines.
He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were always lots of people in and out.
The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine, the machine thought for a few seconds to decide which language to speak. “Good morning, Madam.” It said in Indian. “Your weight is 72 kilograms. That’s three kilograms more. If you eat more fruit and vegetables, you will be soon all right. Please have a nice day.”
The second one to use the machine was a Chinese girl .She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight. “Good morning, Miss.” The machine said in Chinese. “Your weight is 45 kilograms. It’s all right for your age. Keep eating what you eat every day. Please have a nice day.”
The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman .She thought for a long time to stand on the machine .The machine spoke quickly in English, “Good morning. Will one of you get off?”
【小题1】The machine in this passage could           .

A.tell the weight of people
B.tell people what they should drink
C.sell many kinds of drinks
D.make people laugh
【小题2】The man put his first machine           .
A.in the waiting room of a station
B.in a train
C.in the doctor’s waiting room
D.in the women’s room
【小题3】The machine told the Indian woman           .
A.she was a little lighter
B.she was a little heavier
C.it couldn’t speak Indian
D.to eat what she wanted to eat
【小题4】The machine said to a Chinese girl that she            .
A.should eat more
B.should eat less
C.had to eat more fruit
D.kept herself healthy
【小题5】 How was the American woman?
A.She was healthy.
B.She liked thinking.
C.She was too heavy.
D.The machine didn’t like her.

I’m Jack, and I am a middle school student. Yesterday? was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV! This is my first time on TV. In the evening, Mum, Dad and I were watching a TV programme in the sitting room and there I was! This is how it happened.

I was playing soccer in the park with my friends when a man and a woman came to us. The man had a camera. The woman had a microphone. “I’m from Channel 9,” she said. “Do you know the programme Kid’s Speak Out?” I did know it. I watched it often. It’s a weekly programme where kids say what they think about different things.

“Would you like to be on it?” the woman asked me.

I wanted to be on it and I thought my friends might also want to be on it, so I asked, “Can my friends be on it too?”

“Sorry, only one of you can,” the woman said. “You can talk about it and decide which of you is going to be on the programme.”

I asked my friends if they wanted to be on the programme. They didn’t, so I went on? it. The woman asked me a lot of questions. I thought carefully and tried to give sensible answers. When she finished, she said I was one of the best kids she’d spoken to! I felt very proud of myself. My mum and dad were proud of me too!

1.Jack was excited yesterday because he?????????? .

A. watched a TV programme with his parents????

B. was on TV for the first time

C. played soccer in the park with his friends????

D. saw the hosts of the programme Kid’s Speak Out

2.How did the thing happen?

Jack asked his friends if they wanted to be on the programme.

The woman asked Jack if he’d like to be on the programme.

The woman asked Jack a lot of questions.

Jack played soccer in the park with friends.

Jack thought carefully and tried to give answers.

A. ④①③②⑤? B.④②①③⑤?? C. ④③②①⑤? D. ④⑤③①②

3.What does the word sensible mean in the passage?

A. 明智的???? B. 可能的??? C. 合理的??? D. 正确的

4.What can we know about Jack from the passage?

A. Jack’s parents were proud of him.

B. Jack was the top student at school.

C. Jack was afraid to be on the programme.

D. Jack never watched the programme Kid’s Speak Out.


I’m Jack, and I am a middle school student. Yesterday was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV! This is my first time on TV. In the evening, Mum, Dad and I were watching a TV programme in the sitting room and there I was! This is how it happened.

I was playing soccer in the park with my friends when a man and a woman came to us. The man had a camera. The woman had a microphone. “I’m from Channel 9,” she said. “Do you know the programme Kid’s Speak Out?” I did know it. I watched it often. It’s a weekly programme where kids say what they think about different things.

“Would you like to be on it?” the woman asked me.

 I wanted to be on it and I thought my friends might also want to be on it, so I asked, “Can my friends be on it too?”

“Sorry, only one of you can,” the woman said. “You can talk about it and decide which of you is going to be on the programme.”

I asked my friends if they wanted to be on the programme. They didn’t, so I went on it. The woman asked me a lot of questions. I thought carefully and tried to give sensible answers. When she finished, she said I was one of the best kids she’d spoken to! I felt very proud of myself. My mum and dad were proud of me too!

1.Jack was excited yesterday because he           .

A. watched a TV programme with his parents    

B. was on TV for the first time

C. played soccer in the park with his friends     

D. saw the hosts of the programme Kid’s Speak Out

2.How did the thing happen?

①Jack asked his friends if they wanted to be on the programme.

②The woman asked Jack if he’d like to be on the programme.

③The woman asked Jack a lot of questions.

④Jack played soccer in the park with friends.

⑤Jack thought carefully and tried to give answers.

A. ④①③②⑤  B.④②①③⑤   C. ④③②①⑤  D. ④⑤③①②

3.What does the word sensible mean in the passage?

A. 明智的     B. 可能的    C. 合理的    D. 正确的

4.What can we know about Jack from the passage?

A. Jack’s parents were proud of him.

B. Jack was the top student at school.

C. Jack was afraid to be on the programme.

D. Jack never watched the programme Kid’s Speak Out.


It’s never easy to admit(承认)you are in the wrong. We all 1 to know the art of apology(道歉). Think how often you’ve done wrong. Then count how many 2 you’ve expressed clearly you were 3 . You can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do 4 about it.

A doctor friend, Mr Lieb, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart trouble and insomnia(失眠症). 5 some careful exams, Mr Lieb found nothing wrong with him and said, “If you don’t tell me what’s 6 you, I can’t help you”.

The man admitted he was cheating(骗取) his brother of his inheritance(遗产). Then and there the clever doctor 7 the man write to his brother and 8 his money. As soon as the letter was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried.“Thank you ,” he said to the doctor, “I think I’ve got well.”

An apology can not only save a broken relationship(关系), but also make it 9 . If you can think of someone who should be 10 an apology from you, do something about in right now.

1.                A.decide       B.have           C.need      D.try


2.                A.mistakes      B.people         C.ways D.times


3.                A.sorry        B.weak           C.sad        D.wrong


4.                A.something      B.anything        C.nothing     D.everything


5.                A.Before       B.After           C.Till        D.Since


6.                A.hurting       B.changing        C.touching     D.worrying


7.                A.made        B.helped         C.let       D.saw


8.                A.gave        B.kept           C.returned     D.paid


9.                A.newer       B.worse          C.harder      D.stronger


10.               A.received      B.given          C.known       D.forgotten



Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(坏脾气的) and never gave way(退让)to 1.     

One day the father 2  to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He 3    his son to buy some meat in town. When the son walked towards the town gate, a man was coming from the outside. The gate wasn’t 4  enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But neither of  5 would give way to the other. They stood straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried. “What shall I do? My son hasn’t 6  yet. I can’t wait any more.” He wanted to know what was the 7   with his son. So he left his friends at home ,and went to town 8   his son.

“You may first take the 9  home for my friends .Let me 10    here against him instead.” he said to his son when he knew what had happened.

1.                A.one           B.another         C.other D.others


2.                A.decided        B.decides         C.decide   D.decision


3.                A.hoped         B.told            C. let  D.tells


4.A .long        B. wide            C  high         D .tall

5.                A.their           B.they           C.them D.theirs


6.                A.gone           B.bought         C.returned  D.been


7.                A.wrong          B.accident        C.thing D.matter


8.                A.to look for      B.looked for       C.to find    D.found


9.                A.meat           B.dinner          C.bread    D.money


10.               A.stood          B.stands          C.stand D.standing



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