摘要:43.A.even B.before C.until D.if



  My teenage son Karl became withdrawn(孤僻的) after his father passed away. As a 35   parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him, but the more I tried, 36    he pulled away. When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes and had six failing grades for the year. At this rate he would never graduate. I 37    him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. Nothing worked.

One night I felt so powerless that I got down on my knees and pleased for 38 . “ Please God(上帝,求求你), I can’t do anything more for my son. I’m at the end of my rope. I’m giving the whole thing up to you. ”

I was at work when I got a phone call. A man 39    himself as the headmaster. “ I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences. ” Before he could say another word, I choked up(说不出话) and all my disappointment and sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this 40  . “ I love my son but I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked. It’s out of my hands. ” For a moment there was 41   on the other end of the line. The headmaster seriously said, “ Thank you for your time, ” and hung up.

Karl’s next report card showed a marked 42    in his grades. Finally, he even made the honor roll. In his fourth year, I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl. I 43   that his teachers were astonished(震惊的) at the way he had turned himself around. On our way home, he said, “Mum, remember that 44   from the headmaster last year?” I nodded. “ That was me. I thought I’d play a 45   but when I heard what you said, it really hit me 46   I was hurting you. That’s when I knew I had to make you proud.” 

35.A.good                   B.single     C.responsible        D.successful

36.A.the best         B.the less     C. the most        D.the more    

37.A.sent         B.forced      C. allowed        D. pushed

38.A.help                   B.method     C.reasons      D.explanation

39.A.regarded        B.considered         C.introduced    D.looked

40.A.student                B.teacher      C.father            D. stranger

41.A.cry                B.silence          C.laugh         D. answer

42.A.achievement     B.failure      C.improvement   D. exchange

43.A.noticed         B.saw        C. knew           D.learnt

44.A.advice          B.report          C.encouragement         D.call

45.A. game            B.match      C.joke                    D.role

46.A. how long       B.how much       C.how often     D.how many


   Nobody can be happy all the time. You may become unhappy sometimes. 41__, when you fail an exam. Or you may become sad when you lose one of your friends or relatives. It's 42___ to have these feelings. If you don't know how to solve these problems, you may 43____something from Jeff.

      Jeff almost went mad when his 44____was killed in a car accident. He 45____play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. Instead, he just sat in his bedroom and didn't talk to 46____, even his parents. Jeff felt that the world was unfair. He was quite angry with the driver 47___ his car hit his brother, even though it was an 48____. After a few months, Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. Now he still 49____ his brother, but he doesn't hate the driver any longer. He is beginning to talk to his parents and this makes them happy again. He doesn't 50____ in his room by himself any longer. Instead, he goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends and he is feeling better now.

41.A.For example    B.In fact         C.Above all     D.After all

42.A.unusual        B.normal            C.likely        D.strange

43.A.stop           B.learn       C.protect       D.hear

44.A.friend         B.mother        C.father        D.brother

45.A.refused to     B.decided to      C.planned to    D.tried to

46.A.somebody       B.everybody       C.anybody       D.nobody

47.A.although       B.so                  C.because       D.while

48.A.experience     B.experiment    C.accident             D.instruction

49.A.helps          B.misses       C.likes          D.respects

50.A.live           B.play          C.lie            D.stay



Like many other 17-year-old girls,Maria Sharapova likes to go shopping,talk with friends and read Harry Potter Books.But she is  36  very different.

    The Russian tennis player is one of the richest sportswomen in the world.

    She can  37  100 million dollars a year.This year Sharapova has not only  38  five big games but also been  39  lots of fashion magazines.Will she let money and fame(名声)  40  the way she lives?

    “I have to keep my head cool.I leave business for  41  people.I just want to go out and play tennis,”she said.Sharapova has strict  42  for herself.When she is not playing games,she usually practices for two hours each day  43  she stays fit.

    Her mother   44  her textbooks into pages,so she doesn’t  have to  45  many pages with her.She takes just three courses a year,doing homework a few times a week.

    “I’m not really in a hurry,”she said.“I’ve always been learning by myself.”

36.A.even                       B.also                 C.just                 D.still

37.A.make                      B.run                  C.hold                D.set

38.A.got                         B.owned             C.won                      D.created

39.A.in                        B.on              C.at               D.of

40.A.find                      B.feel             C.stop           D.change

41.A.another                  B.others           C.the other        D.other

42.A.program                B.plan               C.practice        D.way

43.A.because of             B.if                  C.for             D.so that

44.A.breaks                  B.cuts              C.knocks         D.hits

45.A.deal                    B.leave             C.take             D.keep

Beautiful pictures of mountains and forests, clear skies, flying birds, wild animals, silly faces — you can find them all in one place. 46  ? On a postcard! Have people always sent postcards? No! Before postcards, people  47 sealed (密封的) letters.
The 48  for the first decorated (装饰的) postcard came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card  49 a border would be a great way to send a note. Then in the late 1800s, postcards which had pictures on them 50  . By law, people had to write their note on the front—on the picture! The back was 51 for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided-back (背面隔开的) postcard. Then people could write their 52  on the back left side. And they put the address 53 . During the early 1900s, the golden age of postcards, people around the world were more and more 54  picture postcards. In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million postcards.
Today, postcards are the 55  most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins. You can always see or get a lot of newly-designed postcards, especially on New Year's Day.
A.How B.When C.Why D.Where
A.liked B.hated C.found D.lost
A.advice B.picture C.idea D.card
A.above B.with C.under D.for
A.happened B.changed C.ended D.appeared
A.even B.only C.still D.ever
A.note B.word C.address D.letter
A.on the frontB.on the back C.on the left D.on the right
A.surprised atB.interested in C.expected by D.worried about
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

“Jane, please let me borrow a dollar,” Jenny asked as they stood in the school lunch line. “I have one in my jacket, but I don’t want to   1  and lose my place.”
“OK,” agreed Jane.
Jane waited all day for Jenny to   2  back the dollar she borrowed, but Jenny always seemed to be   3 . “She’s just forgotten,” thought Jane. “I don’t want to make her angry.” Still, her money didn’t go   4 . Some classmates, like Jenny, were   5  five dollars a week.
Weeks went by. At last Jane got up enough courage (勇气) to tell her about the money.
“Oh Jane, I   6 !” Jenny said. “I’ll bring the dollar tomorrow.”
The next day Jenny seemed to have forgotten again. During the noon hour Jane saw her buying sweets for Mary and Ann. Jenny saw Jane looking at her.   7  she said something in a low voice to the other two girls. Jane felt   8  and asked her teacher if she could go back to the classroom.
In the classroom, Jane saw two new pencils in Jenny’s desk. An   9  came to her. “Jenny’s not   10  lately, and anyway, she really owes (欠) me. Besides, she has all money to buy more. A dollar doesn’t mean anything to her, but it means a lot to me.”

A.stay B.wait C.leave D.take
A.return B.lend C.take D.pay
A.busy B.happy C.free D.sad
A.up B.on C.far D.back
A.losing B.gettingC.finding D.asking
A.used B.forgot C.understoodD.thought
A.Even B.Again C.Then D.Instead
A.alone B.bad C.hungry D.lucky
A.end B.answer C.idea D.example
A.busy B.pleased C.healthy D.kind


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