
Beautiful pictures of mountains and forests, clear skies, flying birds, wild animals, silly faces — you can find them all in one place. 46  ? On a postcard! Have people always sent postcards? No! Before postcards, people  47 sealed (密封的) letters.
The 48  for the first decorated (装饰的) postcard came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card  49 a border would be a great way to send a note. Then in the late 1800s, postcards which had pictures on them 50  . By law, people had to write their note on the front—on the picture! The back was 51 for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided-back (背面隔开的) postcard. Then people could write their 52  on the back left side. And they put the address 53 . During the early 1900s, the golden age of postcards, people around the world were more and more 54  picture postcards. In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million postcards.
Today, postcards are the 55  most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins. You can always see or get a lot of newly-designed postcards, especially on New Year's Day.
A.How B.When C.Why D.Where
A.liked B.hated C.found D.lost
A.advice B.picture C.idea D.card
A.above B.with C.under D.for
A.happened B.changed C.ended D.appeared
A.even B.only C.still D.ever
A.note B.word C.address D.letter
A.on the frontB.on the back C.on the left D.on the right
A.surprised atB.interested in C.expected by D.worried about
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

【小题1】由后文“on a postcard”可知:是询问在哪里能够找到这些山脉、森林等。
【小题1】a simple card with a border 带有饰边的简单卡片。
【小题1】由后文“In 1908, Americans...postcard”可推知:人们对图画卡片很感兴趣了。
【小题1】由文中的“stamps and coins”可知:是第三个最受欢迎的收藏品。

“Well, we’re in our new house. Let’s get a new pet to get along with it,” Mrs. Brown said to her husband.
“That sounds like a pretty good idea,” he answered. “Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?”
“Let’s go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go,” she said.
The next morning the Browns met Mr. Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr. Snow said, “So I need to ask you some questions.”
After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldn’t need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark(吠) and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr. Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadn’t checked her yet. So Mr. Snow told them to return on Sunday.
On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter again. The animal doctor said, “Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy.” The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.
【小题1】From the reading we learn that _______.

A.the Browns have never had a pet before.
B.the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper.
C.Shadow is a small and healthy dog.
D.Mr Brown didn’t quite agree with his wife.
【小题2】The word shelter in the reading means _______.
A.a place to sell small dogs
B.a place to keep homeless animals
C.a place to study animals
D.a place to sell books on pet care
【小题3】Mr Snow asked the Browns some questions to _______.
A.see if they had moved to a new house
B.find out how rich the Browns were
C.know where they’d keep their new pet
D.make sure they’d take care of pets
【小题4】The Browns thinks that a small dog _______.
A.doesn’t need any room to keep
B.can help them watch their house
C.eats less food than a bigger one
D.usually has a beautiful name
【小题5】It’s clear that _______.
A.Shadow will not be easy to get ill
B.the Browns were not satisfied with Shadow
C.Mr Snow didn’t check Shadow at all
D.Shadow likes barking a lot

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