摘要:1.A.this B.these C.six



  Jimmy started painting when he was four years old.When he was six,he was already very good at it.He 1   many beautiful and interesting pictures,and people 2   a lot of money for them.They said."This boy's going to be 3   when he's a little older,and then we're going to 4   these pictures for a lot more money.Then we will get rich."

  Jimmy's pictures were 5   from other people's because he never painted on the whole piece of 6 ndline.He painted on half of it,and the other half was always 7 ndline

  "That's very clever," everyone said." 8   else does that!"

  One day somebody bought one of Jimmy's 9   and then said to him,"Please tell me this,Jimmy.Why do you paint on the 10   half of your paper,but not on the top half?"

  "Because I'm small," Jimmy said," and my brushes don't reach very high."


A.took  B.borrowed  C.lent D.painted

[  ]


A.paid  B.bought  C.wanted  D.needed

[  ]


A.young  B famous  C.short  D.cool

[  ]


A.fill  B buy  C.sell  D. draw

[  ]


A.different  B.similar  C.away  D.good

[  ]


A. glass  B. wood  C. paper  D.table

[  ]


A.empty  B.full  C. dirty  D.blue

[  ]


A.Anybody  B.Somebody  C. Everybody  D.Nobody

[  ]


A brushes  B books  C. pictures  D.pens

[  ]


A. middle  B. bottom  C.right  D.left

[  ]

Claude Monet(莫奈) was born in 1840 in Paris, France. When he was five, his family moved to a place on the coast where he spent a lot of time on the beaches. It was here that he started to understand novels(小说).

As a boy he __21__friends and family by drawing caricatures(漫画).They were all pleased with his paintings. But at 18 his way of painting changed when he  __22__friends with Eugene Boudin who encouraged him to paint pictures out of doors. This is when his life as a(n)  __23__began. His family was  __24__ that he refused to go to art school. Instead Monet worked with other artists in their workrooms in Paris. In 1862 he became part of a group of impressionist(印象主义的) painters. During the 1860s he sold almost  __25__paintings but this didn’t stop him painting even though he always had problems with money.

Monet married his first wife in 1870 and had two sons. His second wife Alice, who had six children with her, lived with Monet and Monet’s children. After __26__houses several times, Monet found a house to rent(租) for his large family in a small village called Giverny in 1883, about 84 kilometers from Paris. He fell in love  __27__the place and it became his home for the rest of his life.

At last Monet began to  __28__his paintings and in 1890 he bought the house at Giverny. Monet was a loving gardener and created beautiful gardens there. His gardens inspired over 500 of his greatest paintings. Monet’s large paintings of the water lilies in his water garden, painted between 1916 and 1926, are some of his most famous. Monet gave these paintings to the people of  __29__. You can see them in Paris.

Towards the end of his life, Monet started to lose his __30__. This was the worst thing that could happen to a painter. It happened slowly over 16 years and by 1923 he was nearly blind. When Monet was very old and had bad health, he kept painting until a few months before his death in December 1926. 

(  )46.A. had    B. loved    C. kept  D. pleased

(  )47.A. met    B. made    C. fought  D. found

(  )48.A. writer  B. painter  C. actor  D. teacher

(  )49.A. glad    B. helpful  C. angry  D. satisfied

(  )50.A. no      B. all     C. little  D. any

(  )51.A. buying  B. building  C. moving  D. repairing

(  )52.A. with    B. in      C. around  D. at

(  )53.A. draw    B. sell    C. watch  D. collect

(  )54.A. France  B. Britain  C. America  D. Australia

(  )55.A. taste  B. weight  C. money  D. eyesight




  Games are fun.After hours of homework it's great to relax by playing a game.But do games ever do kids any harm(害处)?And are there any ways parents can help kids stay away from bad games?The US researchers are trying to find solutions to these problems.

  They studied what video games could do to children.The researchers found game sellers had made big changes to make sure the games didn’t harm kids.And they suggested that work should be done to find out if video games affected children's school work and health.

  One problem found was that parents hadn’t taken enough notice of their kids' game-playing habits.

  “Many game sellers put control(控制键)on the games to help parents make sure that children don’t play games unsuitable for them,”said David Walsh, the president(院长)of the National Institute on Media and the Family.Parents should watch the games kids are playing and know how much time they are spending playing them.

  The study found that playing games too long could affect kids' health as well as their school work.Almost half of all“heavy garners”were six to seventeen years old.These kids were more likely to have weight and eyesight problems than other kids.Playing too many games also affected how children did at school.

  Kids are supposed to ask their parents to set a time limit(限制)for playing games and remind them when the time is up.


The US researchers are trying to find out ________

[  ]


whether games do any good to kids


if there are ways for parents to keep kids away from bad games


how many students will spend their most time playing games


whether games are fun


The word“affected”in the second paragraph probably means ________

[  ]






had influences on


were divided between


What problems did the researchers find out about parents?

[  ]


Parents were too strict with their kids.


Parents cared too much about kids' study skills.


Parents didn’t notice their kids' hobbies.


Parents didn’t pay much attention to their kids' game.playing habits.


According to the passage, playing too many games can affect a kid's ________

[  ]


weight and height


health and school work


brain and thought




The main purpose of this passage is that ________

[  ]


kids are supposed to have a time limit for playing games with their parents' help


parents must join their kids in playing games


parents should learn to play games from their children


kids can play games with the help of their parents


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