30. beatuiful   rainbow   looks   the   like   a   the sky   bridge  




Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.


Last week, we attended a health talk on hygienic habits. Mr Yeo, our headmaster, spoke about the (31) __________ of keeping our body and (32) __________ belongings clean. He said that (33) __________ is the key to healthy living. He warned us of (34) __________ germs taht cause disease. A contest was (35) _________ to select the cleanest (36) __________. Mr Yeo was (37) __________ with the efforts that we had put in for the past one week. We were all (38) _________ about the results of the competition as a (39) __________ would be awarded to the (40) _________ class.

Comprehension MCQ (14 marks)

Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.

It was raining cats and dogs. Jane was waiting at the shelter for the rain to stop. She did not have an umbrella with her. Jane was worried as she was late for work.

"Do you want to cross over to the other side?" a lady asked. Turning around, Jane came face to face with a middle-age lady who was carrying a big bag in one hand and an umbrella in the other.

"Yes, please. Which way are you going?" Jane asked.

"To the right," the lady answered. Jane declined the offer as she was going towards a different direction. She would be left without a shelter if they crossed over to the other side. "You can have my umbrella," the lady said, "I'll get my husband to pick me up."

Jane accepted the lady's kindness. She was very amazed and touched by such kindness a person can show to a stranger.

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