




Dear Jim,

 I’m glad to have received the letter you sent me last week.





    Best wishes to you !                           

  Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Text 1

M: I'm not feeling so well.

W: Get some rest and take these three times a day and you should feel better. If you don't, come back and see me.

Text 2

M: I met Sam on the street today.

W: Really? Did he say something about his sister?

M: Yes. She ought to be leaving New York very soon, because her hus­band has taken a job in Los Angeles.

Text 3

M: Are you sure you've corrected all the mistakes in the paper?

W: Perhaps I'd better read it through again.

Text 4

M: Does this bill belong to you?

W: Oh, thanks. I've just lost five pounds.

M: I'm glad that I've found the owner, otherwise I would have to go to the Lost and Found.

Text 5

M: We'd better hurry. I think that's our flight.

W: Have I got time to get a newspaper?

M: Well, I don't think we have time. Look….

W: All right, well, you take that bag, and I'll take this one.

Text 6

W: My brother and his family will be coming into town next week.

M: Is he the one who writes articles for the Washington Post?

W: Right. Why don’t you come over next Sunday to meet him?

M: I’d love to, but I can’t. Can I pay a visit to him later than that ?

W: Sure, they’ll be here for a week. So just let me know when you can come.

M: OK! I’ll be very pleased to see him.

 (Text 7)

M: Helen, what do you think of this advertisement in today's newspaper?

W: Didn't I tell you? It was also in last week's newspaper. I saw it there and so I inquired by letter. I had a phone call today from the company and I've got an interview tomorrow.

M: That's exciting. Do you think you've got the job?

W: Well, they seemed very eager on the phone. I do think that they'll probably offer me the job.

M: So, are you going to California?

W: I didn't say that. I may be offered the job, but I won't take the job unless they agree to pay for my return ticket. It would be hard work looking after two boys and three girls, so I want a proper salary, too. Even though living in California would probably be great fun.

 (Text 8)

M: Susan, I’ve got a few questions. Let’s see. Can you type?

W: No, I can’t type.

M: What about shorthand?

W: I don’t know. I’ve never tried.

M: So you can’t take shorthand and you can’t type. What can you do, may I ask?

W: Well, I can play the piano and violin.

M: Play the piano and violin?

W: Yes, and I can sing and dace.

M: Miss Susan, what are you doing here?

W: I want a job. I want to work here.

M: But you can’t take shorthand and you can’t even type.

W: No, of course I can’t. I’m an actress.

M: But I want a secretary.

W: Is this the Grand Theatre

M: No, of course not. It’s the Grand Hotel. The Grand Theatre is in the opposite street.

 (Text 9)

M: Stand back from the door, please! Let the passengers off. You can’t get on until the others get off.

W: How much is the fare, please?

M: One dollar. Drop it in the box. Move to the back of the bus. There are a lot of seats at the back of the bus.

W: Wait ! I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village.

M: That’s right. Move along, please. There are more people waiting to get on. Move to the back..

W: I thought this bus went down Park Avenue.

M: No, that’s No. 1. It goes down Park Avenue. This is No. 2

W: But I thought this was the right bus to go to Washington Square Park..

M: It is. Get in, please. You’re holding everyone up. You can’t miss Washington Square Park..

W: Would you tell me when we get there?

M: It would be better if you watch out for yourself. I might forget.

W: Well, how can I recognize it?

M: Just watch for the big gate and all the trees. Get off the bus when we get there.

 (Text 10)

More and more private cars are being bought by Chinese families. Family cars are intended to be convenient, but will they really bring convenience to everyday life in a country with such a large population? Moreover, driving cars will probably make people sit all the time without any exercise. It will do harm to their health. Riding bicycles is much better. It is not practical for China to popularize family cars in the near future, especially in our big cities.

   There are a number of reasons why private cars are becoming popular in China. To start with, many people have become wealthy. They can afford to buy their own cars. Besides, with their improved living conditions, many people think that they should have more comfortable means of traveling. They are no longer satisfied with bicycles or motorcycles. Finally, new bank systems allow people to buy cars with loans. Thus, more and more people have cars.

However, private cars have caused some problems in China. One problem is traffic jams. With so many cars being used, the streets have become very crowded. The number of accidents has increased. Another problem is air pollution. People are starting to complain of the waste gas given off by cars. Fortunately, local governments have become aware of these problems and are trying their best to solve them.


35. B.考查动词时态和语态。cancel 与the toll 之间是被动关系,而且是目前状况,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。

36.B 通过和我们亲人交谈的方式,可能会产生,维持或毁掉我们和他人的关系。


38.D 她有一些关于在宴会桌上如何提高我们交流的技巧。

39.A 圆桌最有利于促进积极活泼的交谈。


41.C seat sb.使某人坐下。

42.D the traditional place of honor 传统的尊位。

43.A 表示跟上谈话的内容”

44.D 从”in contrast” 可知是女性与男性的对比。

45.B 男人眼睛会盯着电视,也许显得更轻松。

46.C 从though看出,虽然眼睛盯着电视机,但仍在听。

47.B 每个人对说话的强调,节奏,时间和停顿的长短都有不同感觉。

48.B  停顿的长短。how long 多长,多长时间;how soon多快,有多久;how often 多久一次

49.A  留意那些似乎被冷落的人。

50.D  给别人一次机会,与下文呼应。

51.A  push sb. to do sth. 敦促某人做某事。

52.B  如果人们呆在屋里太久,他们有时也会对彼此感到厌烦。

53.D  聚会会进展得更顺利。

54.B  与文章最后的inside相对应

55.C  enjoyable 令人愉快的



58.D事实判断题。根据第三段:In Britain, however, a redcap is a military policeman.可知选D



61.[答案]A[解析]细节理解题。根据第二部分的“Language instruction that is proven effective”可知A正确;



64 D写作目的题。文章首段点出文章的中心。通读全文可知,文章从两种探索的环境、通讯速度、位置的确定及成本的高低等不同方面来比较探索太空和探索海底世界的不同。

65. C。 句意理解题。上文提到科学家探索太空时先用无人太空船试验,之后才用载人太空船;由关键短语on the other hand 及下文提到的无人潜水器最近才被使用可推知此处指探索海底不同于探索太空,是先用载人潜水器的。

66.C 细节理解题。由倒数第二段最后一句可知利用声波探测水下物体的装置是在探索之前置于海底的。

67.C推理判断题。文中第一段提到潜水器必须能承受极大的水压,并非指潜水器在深水处通常会被毁坏,故A项不正确;由第三段可知信号在水中传输速度慢,故B项不正确;由第三段中A vacuum is an ideal medium 可知D项不正确;最后一段指出探索海底有一个隐含的优点:不需要摆脱地球引力的能量,所以成本较探索太空稍低,由此可知,探索太空需要摆脱地球引力的能量。


由第三段的incurable以及which is doctor’s code for preparing yourself to die可知医生认为作者的病无法医治。

69.D细节理解题。由第四段中的 I was completely in despair 可知诊断结果出来之后,作者感到很绝望。C



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