第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

When I was 14, I was hired for an after-school job selling subscriptions (征订,订阅) to my hometown paper, the Houston Post. I was sent to some of the city’s worst neighborhoods to “beg” door-to-door. Even though I was often moving around after dark in bad areas __36__ for garage apartments, I was __37__ for the work.

It was a __38__ because people didn’t like a stranger knocking on their door, __39__ a kid trying to get them to buy something. On one ___40__, a man shut his door heavily in my face and __41__, “I don’t want your damn paper.” I __42__ myself to knock again and was able to tell him how great the paper was. I __43__ selling him a subscription. I was soon among the __44__ subscription sellers and, like other successful __45__, was given responsibility for training newcomers.

__46__ this time I started playing the harmonica and guitar. Before long I was playing in a __47__ at barbecues and other events. When I __48__ 18, I focused my __49__ on becoming a professional musician. I never lost ___50___ of this dream. I’m sure my determination came from what I __51___ knocking on strangers’ doors.

That ___52___ helped me in many ways. Early in my music career I was locked in a legal disagreement with a former manager. He ___53__ me to back off, but I refused.

Having all those doors shut in my face as a kid gave me the ___54___to stand up to this frightening figure. Except this time there was one ___55___: I was the one saying no. And I won.

36. A. leaving       B. searching       C. reaching      D. asking

37. A. sorry        B. ready        C. doubtful     D. thankful

38. A. challenge     B. puzzle        C. surprise      D. failure

39. A. certainly      B. obviously      C. especially     D. usually

40. A. time       B. occasion      C. day        D. place

41. A. screamed     B. whispered      C. begged      D. announced

42. A. allowed      B. forced       C. wished      D. reminded

43. A. ended up     B. gave up       C. picked up     D. kept up

44. A. rich        B. large        C. fast       D. top

45. A. reporters      B. managers       C. salesmen      D. secretaries

46. A. For        B. Since        C. Around      D. Until

47. A. concert      B. band        C. kitchen    D. party

48. A. seemed      B. grew        C. appeared     D. turned

49. A. attention      B. attraction      C. service       D. trust

50. A. sight       B. use        C. ability      D. fortune

51. A. accepted      B. decided       C. expected     D. learned

52. A. experience     B. problem       C. story       D. introduction

53. A. invited      B. pressured      C. excused      D. charged

54. A. pain       B. right        C. strength      D. imagination

55. A. conclusion     B. difference      C. chance       D. decision

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