
   It was raining.I went in to a cafe and asked for a coffee.  36  I was waiting for my drink,I realized that there were other people in the place,but I sensed  37 .I saw their bodies,but I couldn't feel their souls  38   their souls belonged to the  39

     I stood up and walked between the tables.When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin.small man  40  in front of it.”I'm Steve”,he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was.”I can。t talk with you I’m  41 ”,he said.He was chatting online with somebody-probably someone he didn't know-and, 42 he was playing a computer game-a

War game. I was  43

     Why didn’t Steve want to talk with me? I tried  44  to speak to that computer geek(怪人),

 45 not a word carne out of his mouth.I touched his shoulder but no reaction.I was  46.I put

my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout.”  47  !”

     I took a few steps back,wondering if all those people in the caf6 were looking at me.I  48 ,and saw nobody showed any interest.

   49 , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines

not with people. They were more  50  having a relationship with the  51 ,particularly Steve.I

wouldn't want to  52  the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines  53 with people.

     I was worried and I sank in my thoughts.I didn’t even  54  that the coffee was bad,  55

Steve didn’t notice there was a person next to him.

36.A.Before              B.Since              C.Although            D.While

37.A.pain               B.fear               C.sadness             D.loneliness

38.A.because                 B.when              C.until           D.unless

39.A.home             B.Net               C.Care                D.world

40.A.sitting              B.sleeping           C.laughing            D.learning

41.A.busy              B.thirsty             C.tired                    D.sick

42.A.first of all       B.just then          C.at the same time    D.by that time

43.A.moved              B.delighted          C.surprised           D.frightened

44.A.once              B.again              C.first                D.even

45.A.but                B.so                 C.if                   D.or

46.A.excited             B.respected         C.afraid               D.unhappy

47.A.Shut up             B.Enjoy yourself       C.Leave me alone      D.Help me out

48.A.walked about        B.walked out          C.raised my hand      D.raised my head

49.A.In all              B.Above all            C.From the non        D.At that moment

50.A.interested in        B.tired of            C.careful about       D.troubled by

51.A.soul               B.shop              C.geek                D computer

52.A.tell                B.plan               C.imagine             D.design

53.A.other than         B.instead of         C.except for           D.as well as

54.A.pretend           B.understand         C.insist               D.realize

55.A.as if               B.just as             C.just after           D.even though

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