第一节    单项选择题(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

21.Every winter many people went to Jinfoshan to see the snow covering    top of it, which is so beautiful    sight.

A.the; a       B./; the    C.a; the       D.the;/

22. ---Where did Mary’s parents buy the beautiful vase?

---It was in the same village______they spent their holiday last year.

A. that         B. when      C. as        D. where

23. We should talk about the things________the childeren’s understanding in a simple way.

A. over         B. beyond     C. above      D. under

24. For us Senior Three students, believing that our hard work will______can strengthen our confidence.

A. take off        B. pay off     C. keep off     D. get off

25. ---Oh, it’s nine o’clock! I have to leave for the airport now.

---Don’t worry. As you are our_______guest,I will give you a ______for free.

A. normal; hand      B. old; drive      C. regular; lift   D. usual; help

26. _______that they lost the game, tears came down Kate’s face.

A. On hearing the news        B. When heard the news

C. The moment she heard the news    D. While hearing the news

27. The boss was very glad that the new comer had finished      than 50 percent of the work in two hours .

A.less or more       B.more or less      C.no less       D.no more

28. He is so willing to help others that he seldom,_______,refused the people who turned to him.

A. if never              B. if ever          C. if not        D. if any

29. We all know it will be next June _______we can really have a rest.

A. when         B. before       C. since      D. until

30. We should also care about the children from the earthquake-stricken area after_______seemed to have returned to normal.

A. it          B. what        C. that       D. Which

31. “_______,but Jim made the same mistakes again. ”complained his mother.

A. Although he was told many times      B. Having been told many times

C. As he was told many times         D. He had been told many times

32. ______, please try your best to solve the problem in time.

A. Ought you get into trouble          B. Must you get into trouble

C. Can you get into trouble           D. Should you get into trouble

33. ---Jane, have you finished your paper?

---No,I________my sister with her homework all the morning.

A. help        B. have been helping    C. helped      D. was helping

34. ---Tom, it’s time that you _______your own clothes.

---I would rather you _______that for me just like before.

A. washed; had done  B. wash; have done  

C. washed; have done   D. wash; had washed

35. ---Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now?

---_________, if he is ready.

A. By all means    B. No way       C. My pleasure    D. In no case

85. Mike is a brave and honest person. He often says what’s in the mind. He has many true friends.


You’ll be asked a lot of questions concerning a wide variety of subjects. For example, you will be asked about the political affairs to see whether you keep an eye on the things happening at home and abroad. Of course, you should also know about the company itself very well-the basic information, the policy, the market, and the potential.


You may be interviewed with one or two other interviewees. The interviewer may ask you to solve problems which require you and your partner to work together. It’s as important to lead as to listen. So, team spirit matters.


The interviewer explores certain predetermined areas using questions which have been written in advance. You may be required to list your past experience, skills and personality. Your experience and skills are compared to specific job tasks to see whether you are fit for the job.


The interviewer intentionally attempts to upset you to see how you react under pressure. You may be asked questions that make you uncomfortable or you may be interrupted when you are speaking. At those times, your quick responses count.


In some job interviews, you will be asked about your social relationship. Sometimes, the interviewer will even ask you how much hard liquor (酒) you can drink. Just keep to the fact and tell the truth, or you’ll suffer later.


Situations are set up which simulate (copy) common problems you may meet with on the job. Your responses to these situations are measured against predetermined standards. The way of dealing with the problem really matters. The interviewers can determine whether you have the basic qualifications for the job.

第Ⅱ卷 (共40分)

第三部分: 写作(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节:短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)






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