59.It can be inferred from the passage that the March family had     .

    A.both happiness and sadness              B.wealthy neighbors

    C.more girls than boys                   D.a lot of rich relatives

答案  56.A  57.A  58.C  59.A

Passage 48


The incident took place on Sunday,the 25th Of June.On that particular day,a south wind had been gusting(劲吹) on and off all morning.It was not strong enough to cause us any concern,so we carried on our daily work not suspecdng what was about to happon.

   The storm gaveus very little warnning.Black clouds loomed over the distant horizon(地平线) so suddenly that we were taken by surprise.Even then,we were not really worried,as the clouds seemed to be moving over our house and towards the distant moountains.Then,just as the clouds had moved inland,the wind suddenly swung around in a full circle and we were facing a major storm.

   Instantly,we were busily preaparing for the worst. The whole family had experienced such a storm before and evelyone remembered the damage it had caused to stock and crops.There was very little we could do about tbe corps.

But we needcd to protect the animals in case the river flooded again.My older brother called his sheep-dog and began driving our small flock of sheep to higher ground above river.If the river flooded,they should be safe there.

   In the meantime,my father was mending a shed roof that had partly fallen down after many years of fine service.If the tin flew off,it could damage the house.  My younger brother began hurriedly carrying firewood under the shelter.My job was to help Mum board up the windows.If the storm developde into a cyclone(旋风),the boalds would protect the glass.

   Thc storm raged for four hours,pouring more rain on us than we had seen in the last five years.As expectcd the river borke its banks and came slowly up towards the house and the stock.

   Then,jnst as we were beginning to lose hope,the storm stopped as suddenly as it had begun.The animals were  safe,and the roof was still nailed on.  “All,s weU that ends well,"Said my mother.

58.What is the main idea of the story?

    A.Everybody can find his or her own way to success.

    B.Everybody has his or her own value in the world.

    C.Everybody should learn to play different roles.

    D.Everybody has some unforgettable memory.

答案  56.A  57.C  58.B

Passage 47


The Marches were a happy family . Poverty, hard work, and even the fact that Father March was away with the Union armies could not down the spirits of Meg , Jo, Beth , Amy , and Marmee , as the March girls called their mother .

The March sisters tried to be good but had their share of faults . Pretty Meg was often displeased with the schoolchildren she taught ; boyish Jo was easy to become angry ; golden-haired schoolgirl Amy liked to show up ; but Beth , who kept the house , was loving and gentle always .

The happy days passed and darkness came when a telegram arrived for Mrs . March . “Your husband is very ill,” it said , “come at once.” The girls tried to be brave when their mother left for the front . They waited and prayed . Little Beth got scarlet fever (猩红热)when she was taking care of a sick neighbor . She became very ill but began to recover by the time Marnee was back . When Father came home from the front and at that joyful Christmas dinner they were once more all together .

Three years later the March girls had grown into young womanhood . Meg became Mrs .Brooke , and after a few family troubles got used to her new state happily . Jo had found pleasure in her literary efforts . Amy had grown into a young lady with a talent for design and an even greater one for society . But Beth had never fully regained her health , and her family watched her with love and anxiety .

Amy was asked to go and stay in Europe with a relative of the Mareches’ . Jo went to New York and became successful in her writing and had the satisfaction of seeing her work published there .But at home the bitterest blow was yet to fall . Beth had known for some time that she couldn’t live much longer to be with her family , and in the springtime she died .

News came from Europe that Amy and Laurie , the grandson of a wealthy neighbor , had planned to be married soon. Now Jo became ever more successful in her writing and got married to Professor Bhaer , and soon afterwards founded a school for boys .

And so the little women had grown up and lived happily with their children , enjoying the harvest of love and goodness that they had devoted all their lives to .

63. This story wants to tell us that        .

   A. craftsmen make a lot of money

   B. whatever you do, do it well

   C. craftsmen need self-respect

   D. people are born equal

答案  60.C  61.A  62.C  63.B

Passage 46


When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess(公主)in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practice my lines. But once onstage, every word disappeared from my head. Then my teacher told me she had written a narrator’s(解说者的) part for the play, and asked me to change roles. Though I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day, she sensed my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day .We could see dandelions(蒲公英)popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down by one of the bunches. “I think I am going to dig up all these weeds,” she said. “From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden.”

“But I like dandelions,” I protested. “All flowers are beautiful-even dandelions!”

My mother looked at me seriously. “ Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” she asked thoughtfully. I nodded. “And that is true of people, too,” she added.

When I realized that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth.

 “But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.

Over the next few weeks, with her continuous encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing me a dandelion. After the play, I took home the flower, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such a weed.

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