1. It’s the third time that John has been late, ____? A. hasn’t he  B. isn’t he  C. isn’t it  D. hasn’t it 2. Let’s take a rest, ___________. A. will we  B. shall we  C. shan’t we  D. won’t we 3. Let us pass, _________? A. shan’t we  B. shall we  C. won’t we  D. will you 4. Wait a minute, __________? A. shall you B. will you C. do you D. don’t you 5. The suit’s finished, __________? A. doesn’t it  B. isn’t it  C. haven’t you  D. hasn’t it 6. He’s posted the letter, _________he? A. isn’t  B. doesn’t  C. hasn’t  D. wasn’t 7. They’d go with us, __________? A. wouldn’t they  B. didn’t they  C. hadn’t they  D. couldn’t they 8. What fresh air, ________? A. is it  B. does it  C. isn’t it  D. doesn’t it 9. The Emperor’s clothes became the talk of the whole city, _________? A. did it B. didn’t it C. did they D. didn’t they 10. Mr. And Mrs. Turner work in this hospital, ________? A. are they  B. aren’t they  C. do they  D. don’t they 11. She has breakfast at six every day, ________? A. has she  B. hasn’t she  C. does she  D. doesn’t she 12. Nothing seems to please her, _________? A. does it  B. doesn’t it  C. is it  D. isn’t it 13. She never tells a lie, ________? A. does she  B. doesn’t she  C. is it  D. isn’t it 14. You hardly know each other, _________? A. do you B. don’t you  C. have you D. didn’t you 15. The man in blue must be your brother, _____? A. mustn’t he  B. needn’t he  C. isn’t he  D. is he 16. I don’t think he will come to our party, _____? A. will he  B. won’t he  C. does he  D. do I 17. I suppose he’s serious, ___________? A. do IB. don’t IC. is he D. isn’t he 18. Wang said that he was not there then, _____? A. did he  B. didn’t he  C. was he  D. wasn’t he 19. You daren’t say that to him, _________? A. dare you  B. do you  C. daren’t you  D. don’t you 20. You must have read about Dickens long ago, __________? A. mustn’t you  B. haven’t you  C. can’t you  D. didn’t you 21. You’d better not smoke here, ________? A. will you  B. shall you  C. have you  D. had you 22. There isn’t going to be a volleyball match next week, __________? A. is it  B. isn’t it  C. is there  D. isn’t there 23. There used to be a church behind the cemetery,_____________? A. didn’t there  B. used there  C. usedn’t It  D. didn’t it 24. What a lovely day, _________? A. doesn’t it  B. hasn’t it  C. won’t  D. isn’t it 25. You must have been there, ____________? A. have you  B. did you  C. haven’t you  D. didn’t you 26. That is your school, ___________? A. isn’t that  B. mustn’t it  C. isn’t it  D. won’t it 27. She dislikes this skirt, _________________? A. doesn’t she  B. does she  C. isn’t she  D. is she 28. No one can stop us from going there, ______? A. can’t it  B. can they  C. can’t they  D. can one 29.--- Where is your father? --- Oh, __________ .  A.here comes he     B.here does he come C.he here comes     D.here he comes 30.Look, _________ .  A.here the bus comes  B.here is the bus coming C.here comes the bus  D.here the bus is coming 31.________ , I would have phoned you.   A.If I knew it  B.Had I known it  C.If I know it  D.Did I know it 32._________ in the river yesterday, the boy _________ .   A.Were Mr Black not; would not be drowned  B.Were Mr Black ; would be drowned C.Had Mr Black not been; would have been drowned D.Hadn't Mr Black been; would have drowned 33.--- It was cold yesterday.--- __________ . Which of the following is wrong? A.So it was  B.So is it today  C.So was it the day before  D.So it did 34.--- She's passed the entrance examination. --- ____ .   A.So am I  B.So have I  C.So I have D.Also I have 35.________ that he found it difficult to stop at the red light. A.So fast he was driving B.So fast he drove C.So fast was he drivingD.So fast drive he 36.Hardly ___________ the railway station when the train started.  A.did reach  B.had I reached  C.I reached .I had reached 37.No sooner _________ asleep than she heard a knock at the door.  A.she had fallen  B.had she fallen C.she had fell   D.had she fell 38.Only after his death __________ considered correct.  A.was his theory  B.his theory was C.did his theory   D.had his theory 39._________ his appearance that no one could recognize him.  A.So was strange  B.Was so strange C.So strange was D.Strange so was 40.__________ about her illness and still worked very hard.  A.She knows little  B.Little did she know C.Little does she know  D.She didn't know something 41.Only when the line was fixed _________ from floating away from the spaceship. A.could he keep B.he could keep C.he could be kept D.could he be kept 42.__________ , she wanted to buy her husband a Christmas gift.  A.As she was short of money  B.Though money is short C.She was short of money  D.Short of money as she was 43._________ about the universe up till now.  A.We know quite a lotB.Only little we have known C.Very little have we knownD.So much we do know 44._________ , she was very brave. A.Girl as she was B.As she was a girlC.A girl as she was D.Girl as was she 45.Such _________ the results of the experiments. A.is  B.was  C.are D.as be 46.Albert Einstein cared little for money. ___________ Professor Wang.  A.Either did  B.So was  C.So did D.Neither did 47.____ there no gravity, there would be no human beings on the earth. A.If  B.If was  C.If not D.Were 48.Only when ________ the painting _________ decide whether the painting is worth buying.  A.the sees; he can  B.does he see; can he C.he sees; can he  D.sees he; he can 49.On the wall ___________ two large portraits. A.hangs  B.hang  C.hanged  D.are hanging 50._________ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yang pu Bridge. A.Were B.Should  C.Would D.Will

1. Go and get your coat. It's _______ you left it. A. there     B. where     C. there were     D. where there 2. _______ the sports meet will be held depends on the weather. A. Whenever     B. If     C. Whether     D. That 3. The problem is_______ he has enough time. A. if     B. whether     C./     D. that 4. He made a promise_______ he would help me. A. what     B. when     C. that     D. which 5. I remember_______ this used to be a quiet village. A. how     B. when     C. where     D. what 6. They lost their way in the forest and _____ made matters worse was that night began to fall. A. that        B. this        C. what       D. which 7. He told me the news ____ the Queen would visit China the next month.   A. that        B. which       C. when      D. when 8. When the holidays were drawing near, I asked my American friends ___ was the best way to travel in the United States.   A. that        B. what       C. such       D. that 9. He was lucky enough to sell his car for exactly ______.   A. where he had paid for it      B. what he had paid for it   C. what he was paid for it      D. which he had paid for it 10. Sometimes we are asked ______ we think the likely result of an action will be.   A. that       B. what       C. which       D. whether 11. They have not made any decision on ______ they are going to do to deal with the waste and control pollution.   A. that       B. which       C. if         D. what 12. --- Do you know him? --- Yes, but I can’t remember ________I met him for the first time. A. where      B. what       C that        D. if 13. --- Do you know _____ Mr. Black’s address is.   --- He may live at No. 18 or No. 19 of Bridge Street. I'm not sure of _____.   A. what; which     B. where; which     C. where ; what     D. what; where 14. This old computer must have been of great use to _______ did the scientific research.   A. those      B. when      C. whoever      D. whomever 15. _______ all the inventions have in common is _____they have succeeded.   A. What; what     B. That; that     C. What; that     D That; what 16. --- I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply.   --- Oh, that was probably ____ I was seeing the doctor.   A. when        B. why         C. what       D. that 17. Maria has to baby-sit. That’s______ she can't come with us.   A. why        B. how         C. when       D. what 18. ____ surprised me most was ______ they had finished it so quickly.   A. What, what     B. That, that     C. What, that     D. That, what 19. The reason why she couldn’t come to the meeting was_____ she had not been invited.   A. because       B. which       C. that       D. why 20. In some countries, ____ is called "equality" does not really mean equal rights for all people.   A. which       B. that        C. what        D. one 21. Although he knew little about the work done in the field of physics, he succeeded ______other experienced experts failed.   A. which       B. that       C. what       D. where 22. Father made a promise _______ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.                        A. that       B. if       C. whether       D. that if                         23. What I want to know is ______ he likes the gift given by us. A. that       B. if        C. whether       D.不填 24. He wanted to make sure __________.       A. how we went there by bus      B. where did we go C. what did we go there         D. when we went there                               25. _____ they won the game was ______ we had expected.   A. That; which      B. Whether; that      C. What; that      D. That; what 26. I really don't mind much ________ they came to visit me or not.   A. because       B. why       C. when       D. whether 27. The question came up at the meeting _____ we had not enough money to do the research.   A. whether      B. that       C. if        D. what 28. ____ we can't get seems better than _____ we have.   A. What; what     B. What; that     C. That; that     D. That; what 29. ___ surprised me most was ____ he was too late for the important meeting, for he was chairman of it. A. What; why      B. That; how     C. What; how     D. That; why 30. Although most of them have no doubt ____ he will pass the exam, I still think there is something about _____ he has really got everything ready.   A. whether; that      B. that; whether      C. that; that       D. whether; whether 31. _______ beat Xiao Wang black and blue is not known. A. Whom     B. Whoever     C. Who     D. What 32. It is generally considered unwise to give a child_______ he or she wants. A. however     B. whatever     C. whichever     D. wherever 33. He was never satisfied with or proud of ____ he had achieved. A. what     B. that     C. which     D. all which 34. Can you tell me ____ get to the railway station? A. how can I     B. what I can     C. how I can     D. where I can 35. We don’t know ______. A. this is whose dictionary     B. whose dictionary is this C. whose dictionary this is     D. whose is this dictionary 36. The problem is ____ we can finish the work within such a short time. A. that     B. why     C. how     D. when 37. ___ the boy didn’t take the medicine made his mother very angry. A. That     B. What     C. How     D. Which 38. Each blind man believed ____ he knew just ____ the elephant looked like. A. that; what     B. what; that     C. that; that     D. what; what 39. It was by the roadside ____ the six blind men sat quarrelling about the elephant. A. when     B. which     C. on which     D. that 40. They have no idea at all ____. A. where he has gone         B. where did he go C. which place had he gone     D. where has he gone 41. Do you know ____ your parents are pleased ____ you’ve done? A. why; for what     B. how; with what      C. that; with which     D. how; for what 42. The reason ____ he hasn’t come is ____ he has to look after his father. A. that; because     B. why; because      C. why; that     D. which; because 43. ______ is unfit for the office. A. It seems to me that         B. It seems to me that he C. That seems he         D. That seems to him that 44. That is ____ paper came into use in China. A. how     B. that     C. what     D. which 45. It looks ____ we shall have to do the work ourselves. A. that     B. like     C. seeming     D. as though 46. ____ is not known yet. A. When she has gone         B. Where she has gone C. How did she leave         D. Why did she go 47. His suggestion ____ to see the exhibition interested everyone of us. A. that we go         B. which we should go C. that we would go         D. when we should go 48. I’ve got to make ____ he told a lie. A. that clear     B. it clear that     C. quite clear     D. this clear that 49. Word came ____his poem won the first prize. A. that     B. whether     C. as     D. because 50. Some people believe ___ is easier for small countries to become strong and rich than for large____. A. that; country     B. it; one      C. that; countries     D. it; ones


51. She showed me the dictionary ____ she paid a lot of money. A. by which  B. to which  C. for which  D. on which 52. Abraham Lincoln is a man ______ I have the greatest respect. A. who  B. to whom C. whom D. for whom 53. Edison had one suit ______ very little money, and which he wore until it was thin. A. which cost       B. which costs      C. which was cost     D. which has costed 54. The people ______ in the paper did not like it, but other readers liked it very much. A. who was written B. who were written   C. who were written about           D. whom were written about 55. Finally, the thief handed everything ______ he had stolen to the police. A. which B. what C. whatever  D. that 56. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ______ family was poor. A. of whom B. whom C.of whose D. whose 57. Mayor will make an inspection of our school on Monday, ______ you can tell him how hard the situation we are in. A. where B. which C. when  D. that 58. I’ll show you the magazine ______ I bought the other day. A. who  B. that  C. what  D. where 59. The person ______ talking to the shop assistant is an engineer. A.who isB.what isC.whom is D.who you are 60. That is the office ______ Lincoln once worked in. A. where B. which C. what D. in which 61. The girl ______ aunt is a famous singer is fond of music. A. who B. whom C. that  D. whose 62. The skirt is Ann’s, ______ color is blue.A. it’s  B. whose  C. who’s   D. that 63. The washing machine ______ last Wednesday works well. A. I bought   B. I bought it C. which I buy D. that I bought it 64. The college students asked the soldier everything ______ he saw at the front. A. that  B. which  C. what  D. all what 65.Last year we visited the Summer Palace,_is one of the most beautiful places in Beijing. A.whereB. which C. in which  D. that 66. Shanghai is the very place ______ the foreigners are eager to visit. A. where  B. in which C. that D. whose 67. The doctor___is going to Europe next year. A.which the manager is talking to B.who the manager is talking C.the manager is talking to him D. the manager is talking to 68. Do you have anything ___I can do for you? A. which B. what  C. else  D. when 69. All ______ you must do now is to lend us ten dollars, because we haven‘t brought any money with us at the moment. A. that  B. what  C. which  D. things 70. Those are model workers, some ______ are young fellows. A. of that B. of whom C. of whoD. of whose 71. The Science Building is very beautiful, behind ______ there is an orchard. A. which B. what C. this   D. these 72. Joan is one of the best writers who ______ published a lot of books. A. has  B. have  C. have been  D. are 73. When they met again, the two friends talked about lots of things and persons ______ we could remember in the school. A. who  B. whom  C. that   D. which 74. He is ______ everyone respects. A. the person        B. the one which  C. whom    D. who 75. This is the modern hotel_____ the guests can enjoy the most comfortable things. A. where B. which C. that  D. in that 76. July 27, 1989 is the day ______ I will never forget, when we had a wonderful time. A. on which B. when C. whom   D. that 77. Both of them will remember the months and the years ______ they spent in the army. A. which B. when C. in which  D. what 78. It is the factory ______ produces all kinds of TV sets. A. in which B. which  C. what  D. where 79. The sun is bigger than the earth, ______ even a child knows. A. that  B. who   C. as  D. what 80. Miss Zhang devoted herself to the development of education, ______ led to her final success. A. that  B. which  C. so that  D. so 81. Everything___should be__be done right now. A.that, done must  B. that, must done C. which, done should D. that, should 82. Is that the lab _____we did physics experiments in during our middle school days. A. what B. where C. which  D. the one 83. Is the lab _the foreigners visited yesterday? A. that B. where  C. in which D. the one 84.I have the same book_you bought just now. A. which  B. that  C. as   D. whose 85. I’d like to borrow _____ typewriter as was used yesterday. A. as B. the same  C. the other  D. same 86. I,__one of the sports-lovers, often spend some time on training in the stadium. A.who am B. who is C. that am D. whom is 87. Let’s discuss ______ questions ______ are about the future of the youth. A. so, as B. as, that C. such, that D. such, as 88. The man ______ talked to you just now is an engineer. A. who B. whose  C. which   D. what 89. In fact the Swede did not understand the three questions ___were asked in French. A. where B. who C. in which D. which 90. These books ______ he read some were written by Lu Xun. A.which B. among which C. of  which  D. with which 91. I can still remember the sitting-room _____ my mother and I used to sit in the evening. A. which B. what C. that  D. where 92. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ______ was very reasonable. (2000) A.which price B. the price of which  C. its price  D. the price of whose 93. Is this the house ______ he was born? A. at where B. which C. in which D. at which 94. A child ______ parents are dead is called an orphan. A. which B. his C. whose  D. with 95. The watch he ______ went wrong again. A. had to be mended B. has mended  C. had had mended     D. had been mended 96. To get the job started, ______ I need is your permission. A. only whatB. all what C. all that D. only that 97. All ______ is needed is a cup of tea. A. the thing B. that C. what  D. which 98. The doctor ______ is leaving for Africa next month. A.the nurse is talking to him  B.whom the nurse is talking C.the nurse is talking to   D. who the nurse is talking 99. He met my mother, from ______ he got the news of my marriage. A. who   B. whom  C. which   D. her 100. After graduation he asked to be sent to the place ______ A.where he is most needed B.where he need  C.where he is mostly needed D. where is he mostly needed.

1. We should learn from those ______ are always ready to help others. A. who  B. whom  C. they   D. that 2. Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who ____ in China. A.works  B. is working C. are working D. has been working 3 Tom is the only one of the students who ______ to Shanghai. . A.have gone  B. have been  C. has been  D. had gon 4. I, ______ your good friend, will try my best to help you out. A. who is  B. who am   C. that is   D. which am 5. The old man has two sons, ______ are lawyers. A.both of them  B. both of who  C. both of whom  D. both of they 6. He is a man of great knowledge, ____ much can be learned.  A. in whom  B. about whom  C. from whom  D. of whom 7 Do you know the man ______ just now? A. to who I nodded      B. I nodded to C.whom I noddedD.Whom I nodded to him. 8. The man ____ has gone to Japan. A.whom I told you  B. that I told you  C. whom I told you about him D. I told you about 9. Please pass me the dictionary ______ cover is black. A. which B. its  C. whose D. which of 10. The radio set ______ last week has been out of order. A.I bought B. I bought it  C. which I bought it  D. what I bought 11. All the apples ______ fell down from the tree were eaten up by the pigs.  A. which  B. /   C. that      D. they 12. I can tell you ______ he told me last week.  A. all which   B. all what     C. that all       D. all that 13. This is the biggest lab ______ we have ever built in our university. A. which  B. what  C. that  D. where 14. Is oxygen the only gas ______ helps fire burn? A. that     B. /  C. which   D. what 15. Air, ______ we breathe every day, is around us all the time.  A. that   B. /  C. which  D. it 16. This is the museum ______ we saw an exhibition the other day. A. that  B. which  C. where     D. in that 17. This museum is ______ you visited the other day. A. that  B. which  C. where  D. the one 18. This is the museum ______ you saw the other day. A. that B. where  C. in which  D. in that 19. It is the third time __ late this month. A.that you arrived B.when you arrived C. that you’ve arrived D. when you’ve arrived 20. It was in 1969 ___ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon. A. that  B. which  C. in which     D. when 21. We often think of the days ______ we spent together on the island. A. when B. which C. in which D. during which 22. Have you ever been to Shanghai, ______ I left ten years ago? A. where  B. which  C. that  D. when 23. He has left Beijing, ______ a meeting is to be held. A. when  B. where  C. as  D. which 24. This is the very place ______ I’m wishing to live in. A. where  B. which  C. that  D. in which 25. Is it in that factory ______ “Red Flag” cars are made? A. in which B. where  C. that   D. which 26. I have bought the same dress ______ she is wearing. A. as   B. that   C. which   D. than 27. Can you solve such problems ______ raised by the audience? A. what were     B. as were C. that were  D. which were 28. The reason ______ he didn’t come was __ he was injured. A.that, because  B. why, that     C.why, because D. that, that 29. He must be from Africa, ______ can be seen from his skin. A. that   B. as   C. it   D. what 30. His father died last year, ______ made it impossible for him to go abroad. A. when  B. which  C. as  D. that 31. ______ is natural, he married Mary. A. It   B. What   C. Which  D. As 32. The buses,__were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. A.most of them  B. most of whichC. which most  D. that most 33. All ______ is needed is a supply of oil. A. the thing B. that  C. what  D. which 34. He paid the boy 10 dollars for washing ten windows, most of ______ had not been cleaned for years. A. these B. those  C. that  D. which 35. She heard a terrible noise, ______ brought her heart into her mouth. A. it  B. which  C. this  D. that 36. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ______ she could turn for help. A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom 37. This is one of the means ______ the electric energy is conducted from one place to another. A. by which        B. by that         C. through which       D. through that 38. The place ______ you are going to visit is the ruin of a place.  A. in which B. at which C. where  D. which 39. The last river ______ they crossed is two miles wide. A. where  B. which C. that  D. in which 40. The Summer Palace is one of the most beautiful parks ______ built in the Qing Dynasty. A. where were   B. where was       C. that were       D. which was 41. The factory ______ I am going to is the place ______ my mother used to work many years ago. A. where, where      B. where, which  C. which, where      D. that, which 42. Don’t trust such men ______ over praise you to your face. A. as  B. that C. who   D. which 43. The professor has two sons, ______ are teaching in the same university. A. neither of them  B. either of them      C. both of them      D. both of whom 44. Don’t do such things ______ you are not sure about. A. that  B. which  C. as D. what 45. Rober is good at language, ______ we all know. A. because B. for  C. as   D. since 46. China has hundreds of islands, ______ we all know. A.in which  B. at whichC. of which  D. which 47. She wrote a letter to her father, ______ she made her secret known. A. which B. that C. in which D. where 48. Oxygen is a kind of gas, ______ we couldn’t live. A.without itB. without that C. without which  D. if not 49. Matter is anything ______ A.hat take up space and have weight      B. which take up space and have weight C. that takes up space and has weight      D. those take up space and have weight 50. I have many books, the best ______ was borrowed by Mary. A. about them  B. of which  C. among them  D. in which

65.According to Sewing Machinist, how can you contact with this company?

    A. By phone.       B. By email.        C. By fax.         D. By visit.


The salmon(大麻哈鱼)is one of our most valuable fishes. It gives us food and money. Every year, commercial fishing results in a harvest of over a billion pounds of salmon from the sea. Hundreds of thousands of salmon are caught each year by eager sports fishers.

In autumn, the rivers of the northwestern United States come alive with salmon. They have left the ocean on their yearly run upriver to produce eggs. Yet today, there are far fewer salmon in the northwest and elsewhere than ever before. That is because the salmon population suffers from many dangers of the modern age.

Water pollution has killed many salmon by taking away the oxygen. Over-fishing has further reduced their number. Dams are another danger because they block the ways that the salmon move from one place to another. “Fish ladders”, almost like stairs, have been built so that salmon can swim safely over the dams. But young salmon swimming to the ocean have trouble finding the ladders. They often fall to their deaths over the dams or are killed in giant hydroelectric turbines(水电涡轮机).

To fill the salmon supply, people have turned to fish farming, or aquaculture. Farm-raised salmon are Atlantic salmon. Most of them are raised in the United States, Canada, Scotland, and Norway. In a typical salmon farm, the fish remain in the places they produce eggs until they are eight inches in length. Then they are moved to large net cages by the coast. There they are fed a diet of fish meal until they reach eight pounds after about 18 months.

Aquaculture is one of the world’s fastest growing food industries. It is replacing commercial fishing in many places and is reducing the price of salmon to about a third of its earlier price. The other benefit of aquaculture is that it is allowing the wild salmon population to recover. About a quarter of a million more salmon returned to their home rivers to produce eggs each year in the mid-1990s.

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