第三节   书面表达(满分30分)

在你们学校所在的城镇将合资建一个化工厂,这在居民中引起争议。有人赞成,有人反对。请根据下表中的信息,以Should We Build the Chemical Plant?为题,用英语写一篇短文,对双方的观点进行客观的介绍,并阐述自己的看法。




2.参考词汇:合资建设to build jointly;

Should We Build the Chemical Plant?

A chemical plant is said to be built jointly with a foreign company in our town, which has aroused argument among the citizens.








第二节  短文改错(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






My friend Jones is not a very practical person. Driving along a

main road one dark night, he suddenly had a flat tire.

Even more worse, he discovered that he didn’t                   76.     

have a spared wheel in the  back of his car! Jones then            77.     

waved to the past cars, but none of them stopped.                 78.     

Half hour went by and he almost gave up. At last,                         79.     

he waved to a car just as his own. To his surprise,                 80.     

the car stopped and a well-dressed young woman                 81.     

got out. Jones was terribly disappointing. How                  82.     

could a person like this possible help him? The lady,               83.     

however, offered him his own extra wheel, but Jones had           84.     

to explain that he has never changed a wheel in his life.            85.     

She set to work at once and fitted the wheel in a few minutes.

第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.The steel o    of the factory is 20% higher this year than last year.       66.     

67.What do you think are the major factors that I should take into c    when I want to buy a car?                67.     

68.Cigarettes can no longer be a    on TV or the radio.                 68.     

69.He keeps 20 h    of cattle on his farm.                           69.     

70.Look! She is so angry. You should make an a    to her for what you have done. 70.     

71.His experience and his fair knowledge of English meant that he had a big    (优势)over the others.                           71.     

72.     (如今), more and more people use cell phones.              72.     

73.New science and     (技术)is changing our life day by day.        73.     

74.I have got such a bad cold that I have lost all     (感觉)of smell     74.     

75.More and more classrooms in cities are     (配备)with computers.    75.     

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