第一小题:情景作文 (20分) (略)

第二小题:开放作文 (15分)(略)


Text 1

M: We are almost at the end of our tour now and I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

W: I certainly have. It’s been a most interesting day.

Text 2

M: The fish in the warm sea come in many different colours. That helps them escape from danger, I think.

W: Well, colour is not always for protection. Some fish use it to show their feelings, such as anger or fear.

Text 3

M: Good much, madam! I’d like to take a few minutes of your time to show you how much better your life will be with the help of our newest PC.

W: Now, I’m too busy washing clothes to talk about computers.

M: Wait, madam! Our new PC can wash those clothes for you!

Text 4

W: Mr. Black knocked down a girl and hurt her badly.

M: Yeah? How did it happen?

W: He drank too much at his friend’s birthday party before going home that evening. He was driving too fast to stop his car while the girl was crossing the street.

M: That’s terrible! He should give up drinking immediately.

Text 5

M: I thought Betty and Mike were getting married in June.

W: No, that’s when his cousin’s wedding is. They’re getting married the following month.

Text 6

W: Bill, I just went into the Red Apple chatting room

M: Yes?

W: I met an American who studied in the same college as you did.

M: Really? What were you talking about?

W: He told me he liked China very much and had been to Tibet, Yunnan and Shanghai. Last month, he came to Beijing to study.

M: I also want to talk with him. Can I have his QQ number?

W: Yeah, it’s 52884736.

M: OK, thank you.

Text 7

W: Hello, Jim. What was the film like?

M: Terrible. It was a complete waste of time. It was about a married couple. They had to live with the wife’s mother because they didn’t have enough money to buy a house of their own.

W: A lot of young people have to do that.

M: Yes, but the husband had to work overtime three times a week, so he was always tired.

W: It sounds miserable.

M: Not really. His wife was able to find a good job as a manager in a company. So, in the end, they were able to buy a house, but he didn’t have to work any more. Stupid, wasn’t it?

W: I don’t know. Anyway, I don’t want to see that film. I’m so busy with my examinations.

Text 8

M: This is really a good store. I’m sure you can find everything you need for Europe right here.

W: I hope so. I have a lot to do before the trip. I need trousers, a light jacket, and a sweater.

M: Here are the trousers. Oh! This is a nice pair. They’re black, so they’ll go with everything.

W: Except that, if it’s sunny, they’ll be too hot. Besides, I already have black ones at home. How about these pink trousers?

M: They’re a much nicer color.

W: And they feel like a better quality, too. I’ll try them on later. Let’s look for a sweater now. I like this brown one.

M: Do you? I really think it’s too plain. What do you think of this white one? It’s more beautiful, so you could wear it in the evening.

W: I know, but the purple one is looser. It’ll be more comfortable. And how about this jacket? It’s beautiful, but I know it’s too heavy for the summer.

M: it’s also too expensive! I don’t want to spend that much money. Do you see a cotton jacket?

W: Right over here. Oh, these are much lighter, and a lot more useful.

Text 9

W: I’m so worried about Marc these days. Ever since he moved into his own apartment he’s been losing weight. He really doesn’t look well at all.

M: He moved into his own apartment? Well, no wonder he’s looking so thin. He really should try to gain some weight. Perhaps he’s not eating enough. Did you talk to him about it when you saw him yesterday?

W: Yes, but well, you know. Well, anyway, how’s Tim these days?

M: Tim? Oh, Tim has worried me, too. He is really getting much too fat. He needs to lose about seventy-five pounds now. I don’t know what to do. I keep telling him to go on a diet, but he gets angry every time I try to talk to him about it.

W: Seventy-five pounds!? That is a lot of weight to lose. What does Tim eat?

M: I really don’t know. But I am sure he is eating too much cake and sweets. I keep telling him, “Tim, dear, you will just have to eat more fruit and vegetables and eat less sweets. Of course he doesn’t listen to me. Maybe Marc should talk to him.”

W: Well, maybe. Oh, did I tell you he’s decided to eat vegetables and fruit only?

M: Marc doesn’t eat any meat now?! perhaps that’s why he’s so thin! I’ll talk about it with him.

Text 10

W: A small store sold a lot of nice jewellery, and the owner was always very careful to prevent people from stealing it.

    One day a thief came to try to steal a beautiful necklace, but the owner of the store caught him immediately and went to the telephone to call the police to come and arrest him.

    “Please don’t do that!” the thief said. “I have a wife and three children at home. And I’ll pay for the necklace.”

    The owner of the store felt sorry for the man and he didn’t want to have a lot of trouble with the police, so he accepted the man’s offer to pay for the necklace and went to prepare a bill for it. But when he gave it to the thief, the man looked disturbed and said, “I wasn’t intending to get anything as expensive as that. Do you have something cheaper?”

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