





One day, Mrs Hong went to the           

car park to get her car. While she got to the car park, she found that someone  76、____________

stolen her car. So she rushed to the police station and told         77、____________

the police about it. Meanwhile, the next morning, the car         78、____________

was in its usual parked place in the car park. Inside the car         79、____________

was a note, “We are sorry that we stole your car. We really    

needed for an emergency(急事) trip to the hospital. Please        80、____________

receive these two tickets for Saturday’s show at the Great Theater.”    81、____________

Mrs Hong’s husband said, “criminals(罪犯) are a lot more        82、____________

polite nowadays. We are educated people.”So they went to        83、____________

the show. When they returned home, there was something         84、____________

left in the house except a note saying that, “Hope you enjoyed      85、____________

the show!”


Individualism, independence, and self reliance(信心) are perhaps the most distinctive(与众不同的) American characteristics. American “individualism”is 36_____ a good thing, it does not mean being 37_______, each person is expected to make 38______ for himself about all aspects of life:39_______, career, and home. The nuclear family (mother, father and children)is 40_____ important aspect of American society, 41_______ usually has much less influence on the behavior of any individual in it 42_______ it is generally true in China. Children are 43______ from an early age to be self reliant 44_______ care of their clothes and bedrooms, perhaps helping to cook and 45______ and to begin thinking for themselves and even learning to manage 46______ own money. Parents provide advice and assistance of course, 47______ when their children are young, but the importance of the individual is 48_____. This is reflected in American 49____ sucn as “Think for yourself”, Do your 50______ thing.“And”You are the master of your own fate. 51____ concentrating on the individual, Americans 52_________a greater personal responsibility for the decisions they 53________ and the actions they take. This principle applies 54_______ all aspects of life, including the family, 55________ relations, finances(金融),business, law, academics, and medicine.

36.A.considered      B.considering        C.regarded          D.considered as

37.A.private        B.domestic         C.homely          D.selfish

38.A.conclusion      B.decisions         C.assignment        D.efforts

39.A.occupation     B.entertainment      C.education         D.leisure

40.A.an           B.some            C.the              D.any

41.A.or            B.and             C.but             D.thus

42.A.that          B.than             C.then             D.still

43.A.inspired       B.nursed           C.obliged          D.encouraged

44.A.taking         B.releasing         C.yielding          D.chasing

45.A.clothe         B.boil             C.clean            D.heal

46.A.one’s         B.their            C.children’s         D.our

47.A.particularly     B.usually           C.specially          D.especially

48.A.given         B.respected         C.stressed          D.ignored

49.A.expressions     B.remarks          C.language         D.dialects

50.A.right          B.proper           C.own             D.useful

51.A.For           B.With            C.In              D.By

52.A.overuse        B.neglect           C.assume           D.illustrate

53.A.make         B.draw            C.arrive            D.appeal

54.A.in            B.to              C.for              D.with

55.A.typical        B.causal           C.economic         D.social

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