C. She’s at the party. ( ) 2. I’d like ______ . A. apple B. banana C. mango ( ) 3. I have ____ kilos of grapes. A. three B. four C. five ( ) 4. The man in a white shirt is my ____. A. father B. uncle C. grandfather ( ) 5. ____ the girl? A. What’s B, Whose C. Who’s D. How’s ( ) 6. How old is she ? She’s _____. A. 31 B. 13 C. 30 D. 33 笔试部分(70 分 ) 一. 将下列单词按要求归类.(12 分) farmer, supermarket, plane, black, skirt, hospital, grape, white, dress, bus, mango, engineer, A.颜色______________ B. 水果_______________ C.职业 ______________ D. 场所_______________ E.服装 _______________ F. 交通工具________________ 二. 请根据中文提示完成词组.(8 分) 1. 一位新学生 a new __________ 2. 她的祖母 her ____________ 3. 你的朋友们 your ___________ 4. 一些桔子 some __________ 5. 一位老工人 ____ old _________ 6. 穿着白袜子 ___ _________ socks 三. 请按要求写出下列各词. (5 分) 1. who’s (同音词) ___________ 2. policeman (复数) ___________ 3. peach (复数) ___________ 4. they are ( 缩写) ____________ 5. are not ( 缩写) ____________ 四.选择题.(15 分) 1.( ) Is she your teacher? ____________ A. Yes, she’s. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she is. 2. ( )The boy ____ the tree is my friend. A. on B. at C. in 3.( )Mr Green is mother‘s brother. He’s my . A. brother B. uncle C. aunt 4. ( ) ______ bike is it ? A. Who’s B. Who C. Whose 5. ( )---Can I help you? ---Some , please. A. strawberry B. strawberrys C. strawberries 6.( ) What’s his job? ______________. A. I’m a cook. B. He’s a cook. C. She is a cook. 7.( ) Are you new doctors? Yes, _____________. A. I am B. we are C. we’re 8.( ) What ____ their jobs? A. are B. is C. am 9.( ) What’s the ______ job ? She is a nurse. A. man’s B. woman’s C. her father’s 10. ( ) ______________? Two kilos, please. A. How many kilo? B. How much kilos? C. How many kilos? 11.( ) What ____ these ? ______ apples. A. are, It’s B. is , It’s C. are, They’re 12.( ) 你想知道对方的年龄,可以问: A. How are you today ? B. How old are you ? 13. ( ) 汤姆要买草莓, 他会说: A. I’d like some strawberries. B. Sorry, are they strawberries? 14.( ) 你想知道对方是否是医生,可以说: A. Are you a doctor? B. You are a teacher. 15.( ) 对来访的客人表示欢迎,可以说: A. Welcome in my home. B. Welcome to my home. 五.句子配对. (8 分) ( ) 1. Excuse me, are you a teacher ? A. They’re pears. ( )2. What are those? B. The tall one. ( ) 3. How many kilos would you like? C. Five, please. ( ) 4. We are late for the party. D. Five yuan. ( )5. How old are you? E. Some lemons, please. ( )6. How much are they ? F. I’m ten. ( )7. Can I help you ? G. Yes, let’s hurry. ( )8. Which man is a cook? H. No, I’m a engineer. 六. 看图, 把句子补充完整.(10 分) 1. A: Good morning, Liu Gang. B: _____ morning, Wang Ping. A: Who’s ______ _______ with long hair ? B: ________ my aunt. 2. How many people (人) are there in this family ? There are _______. (五口人)

Is Li Hua’s grandfather old ? Yes, ______ _________. Is Li Gao a teacher ? No, _____ a ________. What’s Ding Ying’s job ? She’s a ________. 七. 连词成句.(12 分) 1. small, the , eyes, boy, who’s with ? 2. sister, is , your, that, girl? 3. some, like, I’d, grapes. 4. over what those are there ?

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