第二节  完形填空。30分

New comers to the United States are often  31  by the schools.American schools  32  seem so different from schools they know in  33  parts of the world.American education is based on the  34  that children  35  to learn to think  36  themselves.The school should be the  37  where they learn to do this.  38  ,children learn the "three R's"(Reading, Writing and Arithmetic),history and government(often called Social Studies) and many other  39  .They also learn  40  be independent(独立的), how to make their own judgment(判断),and how to develop their own  41  and interests.The American teacher does not  42  the children in her class to sit  43  hands folded quietly and to say  44  .She wants them to listen attentively, to ask questions. She knows that  45  children learn from books is  46  .She also knows that, it is necessary for them to know how to use this  47  for their  48  and development. During Open School Week, parents have a  49  to see how American education  50  .

31. A. happy       B. afraid        C. glad          D. surprised

32. A. some time     B. sometime       C. sometimes        D. sometimes

33. A. other       B. the other        C. another        D. all

34. A. opinion       B. idea          C. promise        D. question

35. A. need       B. needed         C. dare          D. dared

36. A. of        B. against         C. for          D. with

37. A. place       B. space         C. room         D. area

38. A. From school    B. Out school      C. By school       D. In school

39. A. lessons      B. knowledge      C. subjects        D. objects

40. A. when to       B. how to         C. what to        D. where to

41. A. ability       B. skill          C. abilities         D. skills

42. A. think        B. want         C. let          D. make

43. A. with       B. across         C. over         D. above

44. A .something     B. anything        C. nothing    D. much

45. A. that        B. which         C.不填        D. what

46. A. important    B. unimportant      C. necessary      D. useless

47. A. study       B. work         C. learning      D. aim

48. A. growing    B. growth        C. future       D. tomorrow

49. A. ability     B. possibility        C. interest       D. chance

50. A. develops    B. learns     C. goes      D. works

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