

A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an old Indian went up      

to the director saying, "Tomorrow rain."                       

The next day it r____.                             1____

A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "____ storm."         2____

The next day ____(在那里) was a hailstorm.                    3____

"This Indian is incredible," said the director. He told his secretary

to hire the Indian to predict the ____.                       4____

However, after several ____ (成功)predictions, the old Indian didn't show up      5____

for two weeks. Finally the director s____ for him.                  6____

"I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I'm (依靠)____ on     7____

you. W____ will the weather be like?"                      8____

The Indian shrugged his ____(肩).                        9____

"Don't know," he said. "Radio is b____."                     10____


There are many differences between China and America ;

such as in the  ____(领域)of geography ,culture, language ,politics , economy and    1____

education with the ____(发展)of science and technology .             2____

The c____ between them is more frequent .                    3____

Our China absorbs many u____ and some bad things,                4____

as a saying says when the fresh air comes in ,the flies will also f ____ it .        5____

Sometimes we may not determine our countries’ geography and culture .

But the system of politics economy , e____ family education can            6____

be d____ personally .                             7____

Though each parent ____ their best to teach their children well,            8____

there are still some problems in it . To solve them, I’ll give some advice on ____(辨别) the 9____

difference of family education ____ China and American.              10____


Among the many tourist sights , people around the world

often wish to visit the Disney Parks in America.            

The visiting experience is both ____(激动)and enjoyable.         1____

These parks are places ____ adults can once again become a child,      2____

and children can live in the ____(梦)of their youth.           3____

The Disney characters made popular cartoon films come ____(活) and   4____

invite the v____of the park to become part of their world.          5____

Children can t____ a picture with Snow White and shake          6____

h ____with Mickey Mouse himself. Donald Duck              7____

and the Seven Dwarves w____ about the streets and avenues         8____

of the park ____ living celebrities ever ready for a photo or a sign.       9____

The magical world of Disney ____(创造)a free world which speaks      10____

directly to the child within each of us.  



US President Barack Obama sat down for beers with a Harvard professor and a police officer at the White House on July 30. They were not talking about big problems,  1  making small talk.   A few weeks ago, the white police officer, James Crowley, arrested the black professor, Henry Louis Gates.   On July 16, police went to Gates’ home  2   a neighbor called the police to say that she had seen two men trying to force open the front door. Gates was coming home from a trip and found his door  3  (stick) , so he and his taxi driver tried to force it open.   Crowley arrived and asked Gates to prove he was the  4  (own) of the home. But Gates flew into a rage and accused Crowley  5  being racist. Crowley arrested Gates. A hot debate was stirred up. Obama suggested holding a "beer summit" in the hope that the men  6  work out their problem by talking.   Racism has been  7   major problem in US history. Historically, the country has been dominated by whites. Blacks, American Indians, and some other peoples were discriminated.   Over the years, much progress has been made in fighting racism. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed. It made discrimination based on race and color illegal. In 1965, President Johnson passed the Voting Rights Act, making  8  easier for blacks to vote.   In 2008, Obama became US’ first black president. This was a big step forward. However, the Gates incident suggests that US still  9  (have) a long way to go     10  it has fixed its racial problems.


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