43. What is the probable meaning of the underlined part ¡°Their gaze is arrested.¡±?

A. They get something to look at.

B. They can only look at one spot.

C. Their eyes are clear.

D. They can¡¯t see freely.


M: You don¡¯t look happy. What (44) s____ to be the problem?
W: I¡¯ve got to write a long composition for my English class, but I can¡¯t come up (45) w_____ any idea.
M: That shouldn¡¯t be too difficult. Remember those pictures you were (46) s_____ me last week?
W: (47) S_______, I¡¯ve got them here from someplace.
M: Why don¡¯t you write (48) s________ about the camel ride you took?
W: That (49) s_________ like a good idea. I can also tell about our visit to North Africa.
M: Well, now that you¡¯re (50) f_______, I think I¡¯ll be on my (51) w_______. I¡¯ve got to finish my composition too.
W: (52) T______ for your help. I¡¯m much more relaxed now and once I get it organized, it won¡¯t be so (53) d________.
(44) ________
(45) ________
(46) ________
(47) ________
(48) ________
(49) _______
(50) _______
(51) ________
(52) ________
(53) _______



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