55.A.Needless to say   B.No matter how   C.What’s more     D.In the end

姓名    班级   日期  


It’s The Thought That Counts

    This past Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. This was made possible by my sister, Amy. She is eight years older and has already made it into“real world”.

    My sister bought me three wonderful gifts,  36  only one would capture my heart forever. First she handed me the  37  . Because Amy is careful with her actions, I knew this was her 38   favourite. It was a bottle of perfume(香水). I was happy with it, yet  39  as to what lay ahead. Next she handed me a box. After  40  away the wrapping paper, I found a stylish and expensive sweater. I was deeply moved that my sister was so  41  . Then she handed me the  42  gift. Judging by the familiar size and  43  , I knew it was a CD. It was the soundtrack to the movie“Rocky”, with songs inspiring to all athletes, dreamers…I  44  loved it, but not as much as I would after what my sister explained to me.

    She was  45  to a knee injury that  46  me half of my soccer season. I desired to be with my team-mates and  47  each minute I sat on the bench. I tried hard, hoping my knee injury would heel soon. This was what led my sister to buying that CD.

    After mentioning what was behind the  48  , Amy played the CD for me. Even though I had heard those songs a thousand times, each note struck me as if it was  49  . It played in my soul and on my emotions. I  50  breathlessly, as the words“Trying hard now. It’s so hard now”sounded through the room. It  51  me in a way beyond the happiness most gifts could bring. I couldn’t  52  crying and hugged my sister. Knowing that my sister had  53  my problem so deeply made me realize that I am the  54  little sister in the world. I had never received a gift with so much  55  behind it! I’ll cherish it forever.

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