
现在有越来越多的大学生雇请清洁工定期打扫寝室。《二十一世纪报》就这种现象开辟了一个专题供读者讨论,大家意见不一。有的认为大学生不应该这样做,否则,既浪费钱财,也无助于他们养成良好的生活习惯,并真正独立地生活;有的则赞成大学生的做法,认为他们是成人,当然有权力按自己的方式来花钱,同时还可以节省时间来做更重要的事情。请您据此写一篇以“Should college students hire a cleaning person?”为题的短文,客观记录讨论的结果,并说明你的看法及理由。


Should college students hire a cleaning person?

Some people think that college students shouldn’t hire a cleaning person.         







第二节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





Dear, Michelle,

I’m very exciting! Today is my first day at a new school in Australia.    76.   

The school I study at is a government school . Although I’m new to my   77.   

classmates, the teacher asks me to introduce me to them in class. I tell them    78.   

I come from Hong Kong and I like to play with computer games, listen to    79.   

music and do sports in my spare time. I also like the Australia way of life.    80.   

Australia is big country. The shopping malls are big. There are many     81.   

public library and museums in Sydney. Just a few minutes’ walk from       82.   

which I live, there is a huge park. Around my house, there is plenty of space. 83.   

Michelle, I miss you very much. I’ll never forget the days we spend     84.   

together and the fun we shared with all our old classmates.               85.     

Best wishes.



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