第一节 短文改错


Today we visited Qinghua University.

Early in the morning, we arrive at the gate of                     86. _____________

Qinghua University, where a old professor                       87. _____________

gave a warm welcome to us. We were shown around

and then go to the library where we saw                         88. _____________

many book and some university students                         89. _____________

read attentively(专心地). After that we visited the                  90. _____________

lab building, but there we found some students                    91. _____________

were doing experiments. In the afternoon

the old professor gave our a report on science.                     92. _____________

Time passed quick. Before we knew it                              93. _____________

we had to say good-bye for the professor. In the                   94. _____________

evening, I worked hard at my lessons than usual and                95. _____________

made up my mind to be a student of Qinghua University.

[答案]86. arrive-arrived      87. a-an      88. go-went      89. book-books     

90. read-reading    91. but-and           92. our-us    93. quick-quickly  94. for-to   


M: What’s the matter, Mary?

W: I think I’m going to fail a math test, Dad.

M: You are? Why?

W: Well, I (66) ____________________ and I had to walk to school.

M: So?

W: I’m not allowed to get to class late, and there was a big test today.

M: And you (67)____________________ to take the test?

W: That’s right. But I know I could pass that test.

M: Well, Mary, the school has to (68) ____________________, you know.

W: I know. But I should be allowed to take the test later. It’s (69) ____________________.

M: I agree. (70) ____________________ you could talk to the teacher after school.

W: Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened, she’ll understand.

[答案]66. missed the bus  67. weren’t allowed      68. have rules  69. not fair  70. not fair


M: What’s the matter, Mary?

W: I think I’m going to fail a math test, Dad.

M: You are? Why?

W: Well, I missed the bus and I had to walk to school.

M: So?

W: I’m not allowed to get to class late, and there was a big test today.

M: And you weren’t allowed to take the test?

W: That’s right. But I know I could pass that test.

M: Well, Mary, the school has to have rules, you know.

W: I know. But I should be allowed to take the test later. It’s not fair.

M: I agree. not fair you could talk to the teacher after school.

W: Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened, she’ll understand.

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