


1.       What is the woman doing now?

A. Making a phone call.       B. Giving a lesson       C. Asking the way

2. What place is the woman going to?

A. A school.             B. A cinema.        C. A shop


3.  When is the plane leaving?

A. At 6:30 pm.             B. at 8:00 pm.          C. At 9:00 pm

4. Where is the woman leaving for?

A. Germany                B. New York           C. Canada


5. Why does the man take the bus?

   A. Because it is ¥1 cheaper than taking a taxi.

   B. Because it is ¥15 cheaper than taking a taxi.

   C. Because it is ¥14 cheaper than taking a taxi.

6. How does the man get to the bus stop?

    A. Walk across the road and turn left.

B. Walk over the footbridge and turn right.

    C. Cross the road at the traffic lights.


7. What is “Holiday Inn”?

A. A hotel.              B. A restaurant          C. A shop

8. How many rooms do they need?

A. 7                B. 8                  C. 9

9. What kind of rooms do they need?

A. Big rooms         B. Quiet rooms      C. Bright rooms.


10. How many TV problems are there in the passage ?

     A. Three              B. Four            C. Five

   11. Why are more children getting fat ?

    A. Because of the food

B. Because of their homework

    C. Because of watching TV too much

12. How  can you make your life more interesting ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

A. Watching TV less         B. Watching TV more        C. Stopping Watching TV


13. What does the speaker probably do?

    A. A bus driver          B. A guide          C. A ticket collector.

14. When were the houses around the lake built?

    A. 14 years ago.     B. 40 years ago      C. 400 years ago.

15. Where will the visitors get on the bus?

A. At the same place where they get off the bus.

B. Nobody tells them where they will get on the bus.

C. Outside the park.


1. W: What do you want for dinner this evening, Daniel?

M: What about fish? I had chicken last night.

2. W: Dr Li, how many patients do you operate on a day?

   M: Two or three.

3. W: Your daughter played the piano wonderfully. Can you tell me when she began to play it?

M: She played it when she was six.

4. W: It’s sunny today. What about go boating in the river?

  M: That’s a good idea.



W: Welcome to our city, Mr King.

M: Thanks a lot. Oh, sorry I have kept you waiting for a long time.

W: No, I have just arrived at the train station.

M: How great the changes are!

W: We have had our own airport now. The waiting hall can hold 5,000 people.

M: I can go back to America by air!


W: Dad, may I use your computer tomorrow?

M: Computer? I’m afraid not.

W: Why?

M: You always play computer games on it.

W: But, dad, I haven’t played computer games for a long time. This time I want to search for some information on the Internet. I’m going to write a report for a history project.

  M: Is that true?

   W: Of course. I have decided to work hard at my lessons.

M: I’m glad to hear your words.


  W: What else did you do today?

M: After we had finished swimming, I helped Mrs Black. We cooked some food for a picnic. 

   W: Is Mrs Black a good cook?

   M: Yes, she’s an excellent cook and she is very friendly.

   W: Where did you have your picnic?

  M: Oh, that was fun. We had it in the boat which I borrowed.

   W: Really? Interesting!

   M: It was great. The sun was hot and the water was warm. What a day!

  W: It sounds like a good day. Did everyone else enjoy it, too?

  M: Oh, yes. We will probably never forget it.


W: Excuse me, sir. May I ask you some questions?

M: Yes, please.

   W: When was your chemical plant built?

   M: It was built in January, 1994.

   W: How do you deal with the waste water of your plant?

   M: We pour the waste water into the lake.

   W: Do you think it’s right to do so?

   M: Well, we don’t have other choices.

   W: Have you noticed that the lake is seriously polluted?

   M: No, I haven’t. Our workers are still drinking the water from the lake.

  W: Could you explain why the fish and the trees around the lake are dead?

M: Er… I have no idea about that.


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