摘要:13.关于预制钢筋混凝土空心板特性叙述不正确的是 A.空心板比实心平板经济 B.空心板中最普遍采用的是圆孔板 C.在同等用料下比实心平板抗弯能力强 D.在同等用料下比实心平板抗压能力强


A. One Kind of Building Material
B. Factors That Influenced Modern Architecture
C. More Kinds of Buildings as a Result of Modern Life
D. The Achievements in Architecture as an Art
E. Restoration (复兴) of Ancient Civilization
F. Stone and Marble Are Good Building Materials
     Architecture is to building as literature to the printed word.The best buildings are often so well
constructed that they outlast their original use. They then survive not only as beautiful objects, but as
documents of the history of cultures. These achievements are never wholly the work of individuals.
Architecture is a social art.
     The Renaissance brought about an entirely new age, not only in philosophy and literature but in the
visual arts as well.In architecture, the principles and styles of ancient Greece and Rome were brought
back to life and reinterpreted (重新诠释). They remain dominant until the 20th century.
     Many kinds of stone are used as building materials. Stone and marble were chosen for important
monuments because they are not burnable and can be expected to endure.Stone architecture was often
blended with stone sculpture. The use of stone has declined, however, because a number of other materials
are more adaptable to industrial use.
     The complexity of modern life calls for a variety of building. More people live in mass housing and go to work in large office buildings; they spend their income in large shopping centers, send their children to
many different kinds of schools, and when they are sick they go to specialized hospitals and clinics. All
these different types of building accumulated experiences needed by their designers.
     By the middle of the 20th century, modern architecture, which was influenced by new technology and
mass production, was dealing with increasingly complex social needs. Important characteristics of modern
architectural works are expanses of glass and the use of reinforced concrete (钢筋混凝土). Advances in
elevator technology, air conditioning, and electric lighting have all had important effects.

If eighteen-year-old Karki doesn't turn out to be the next Edison, I'll chop off my locks This kid invented a solar pane (嵌板) which uses human hair as a conductor and could provide the world with cheap, green electricity, solving the energy crisis.

Karki, a Nepal teenager, who lives in a village in Rural Nepal, used human hair to replace silicon, which is a common but expensive component of solar panels.

By using hair as a replacement, Karki says solar panels can be produced for around 23 pounds. But if they were mass-produced, Karki says they could be sold for less than half that price, which could make them a quarter of the price of those already on the market.

The solar panel works because melanin, the substance giving hair its color, is light sensitive and can act as an electrical conductor. Karki was inspired to follow this route by a Stephen Hawking book, which explained how to create energy from hair.

The device (设备) Karki has shown is able to produce 9V or 18W of energy -- plenty to charge a mobile phone. Half a kilo of hair can be bought for only 16p in Nepal and lasts a few months, where as a pack of batteries would cost 50p and last a few nights," according to Karki.

Karki has now sent out several devices to other districts near his village for testing. "First I wanted to provide electricity for my home, then my village. Now I am thinking for the world," he said.

Karki says the idea is more important than ever because of the urgent need for renewable energies in the face of limited power sources and global warming. Slowly, natural resources are decreasing. One day we will be in a great crisis. This is an easy solution for the crisis we are having today.

64. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Introduction of Solar Panels            B. Functions of a New Solar Panel

C. Special Solar panel Materials                      D. Karki Invented a New Solar Panel

65. Why did Karki want to invent a solar panel with hair?

A. Because hair is not very expensive.

B. Because silicon is hard to find.

C. Because he wanted to provide electricity for his home.

D. Because the energy crisis is very serious in his home town.

66. From the last paragraph we can know ________.

A, Karki s invention is of great importance       

B. Karki can predict what will happen in the future

C. the energy crisis will disappear in the future 

D. Karki's invention will make him wealthy

67. The purpose of this passage is to ________.

A. Karki for his great invention          B. introduce a new solar panel

C. promote the sales of solar panels        D. warn people of the energy crisis



A Tchaikovsky concerto(协奏曲)is what made Romel Joseph fall in love with the violin.

He learned how to play in Haiti, where he was born, but a Fulbright scholarship brought him to the United States, and he finally earned a master’s degree, reports CBS News reporter Katie Couric. Music had changed his life. He wanted to do the same for the children of Haiti.

Joseph built a school in Port-au-Prince nearly 20 years ago. He was on the third floor when suddenly “It was like boom boom boom and everything just opened,” Joseph said. “And the next thing I knew I was on the ground.”

Blind since birth, Joseph tried to feel his way out, but was pinned(夹)beneath heavy concrete(混凝土). He remained trapped for 18 hours. He prays that his new wife, seven months pregnant(怀孕的), will be found.

He is now being treated at Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital for two injured legs and an arm.

Joseph wonders if he’ll ever play the violin again. He can feel sensation(知觉)in his fingertips. He said, “If you were to give me a violin and if I didn’t have to fold the fingers, I would be able to play.”

Joseph’s daughter Victoria spent three terrifying days unsure of her father’s fate. For her, having him home is the sweetest music.

“Can you imagine your dad not being able to play the violin?” Couric asked.

“No, I can’t,” Victoria Joseph said. “But I will love him all the same if he can’t.”

Romel doesn’t know how many of his 300 students died in the quake. As he waits for news about his wife, Romel Joseph is already planning a return to Haiti to rebuild the school and continue teaching there.

“We can save two children, 20, 200, 300, 500 through education and music, and these children will make a difference,” Romel Joseph said.

1. Romel began to like music ________.

A. because he was blind since birth

B. after he had listened to a famous piece of music

C. when he got a scholarship to study in America

D. since he was born in Haiti

2.From what Romel said in Paragraph 6, we can infer that he was ________.

A. upset        B. fearful          C. excited          D. optimistic

3.To Victoria, the best thing is ________.

A. to see her father recover from the injury quickly

B. to listen to her father playing the sweetest music

C. to play the violin as well as her father

D. to be sure that her father could play the violin

4.Why does Romel want to go back to Haiti?

A. To save his students from the earthquake.

B. To change the life of children by teaching music.

C. To find out how seriously his school was damaged.

D. To look for his wife who is pregnant.

5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Music education: keep your creativity alive

B. A great blind musician and his students

C. Haiti earthquake: a story of a music teacher

D. How did some Haiti earthquake victims survive



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