摘要: No one the national lab without written permission from the prime minister, according to the new lab management rule. A. is going to enter B. will enter C. shall enter D. might enter


(2013·高考重庆卷,A)When Joe was about to start schoolall signs pointed to success.Yet things turned out to be quite___.The fourth grade even found him at the___of the class.Joe? struggled day and nightbut it did not____until one stormy afternoon.

On that afternoon____the math teacher started to introduce difficult conceptsdark? clouds covered the skyand the storm set in.Hard though she tried to make the kids____the thunder won the battle for their attention.No one____the concepts.Except for Joe.He understood them and answered all the questions correctly.The teacher patted him on the backand told him to go around to the others and explain how he had? managed it.____by his newfound? successJoe moved quickly throughout the room.Soon math time was followed by the time for____.All children naturally drew____pictures on such a day.Except for Joe.

Since thenJoe started____.Though he never made it to the tophis math teacher was always____and curious about the changeWhy had that stormy day changed Joe?

On the day Joe? graduatedhe presented the teacher with his most____possessionthe picture of a bright yellow sun.On the picture Joe had writtenThis is the day I____my brightness.

1.A.unfair? Bboring

Cdisappointing? Ddangerous

2.A.center? Btop

Cbeginning? Dbottom

3.A.happen? Bwork

Cfinish? Dlast?????

4.A.until? Bsince

Cbecause? Das?

5.A.concentrate? Bchange

Chide? Dsit

6.A.challenged? Bgrasped

Cdoubted? Dadmitted

7.A.Relieved? BSurprised

CEncouraged? DPuzzled

8.A.class? Bsports

Cart? Dtea

9.A.great? Bdark

Cdifferent? Dstrange

10.A.improving? Bpainting

Crecovering? Dstudying

11.A.worried? Bamazed

Cfriendly? Dcautious

12.A.familiar? Bexpensive

Cadmirable? Dprecious

13.A.woke up to? Bput up with

Cgot on with? Dlooked down upon



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