
(2013·高考重庆卷,A)When Joe was about to start schoolall signs pointed to success.Yet things turned out to be quite___.The fourth grade even found him at the___of the class.Joe? struggled day and nightbut it did not____until one stormy afternoon.

On that afternoon____the math teacher started to introduce difficult conceptsdark? clouds covered the skyand the storm set in.Hard though she tried to make the kids____the thunder won the battle for their attention.No one____the concepts.Except for Joe.He understood them and answered all the questions correctly.The teacher patted him on the backand told him to go around to the others and explain how he had? managed it.____by his newfound? successJoe moved quickly throughout the room.Soon math time was followed by the time for____.All children naturally drew____pictures on such a day.Except for Joe.

Since thenJoe started____.Though he never made it to the tophis math teacher was always____and curious about the changeWhy had that stormy day changed Joe?

On the day Joe? graduatedhe presented the teacher with his most____possessionthe picture of a bright yellow sun.On the picture Joe had writtenThis is the day I____my brightness.

1.A.unfair? Bboring

Cdisappointing? Ddangerous

2.A.center? Btop

Cbeginning? Dbottom

3.A.happen? Bwork

Cfinish? Dlast?????

4.A.until? Bsince

Cbecause? Das?

5.A.concentrate? Bchange

Chide? Dsit

6.A.challenged? Bgrasped

Cdoubted? Dadmitted

7.A.Relieved? BSurprised

CEncouraged? DPuzzled

8.A.class? Bsports

Cart? Dtea

9.A.great? Bdark

Cdifferent? Dstrange

10.A.improving? Bpainting

Crecovering? Dstudying

11.A.worried? Bamazed

Cfriendly? Dcautious

12.A.familiar? Bexpensive

Cadmirable? Dprecious

13.A.woke up to? Bput up with

Cgot on with? Dlooked down upon


















2.2】解析:选D。根据“Yet things turned out to be quite disappointing.”可知,乔的成绩不好,even“甚至表示递进关系。因此此处应是在四年级的时候乔的学习成绩在全班排名靠后at the bottom of“……底部,符合题意。



5.5】解析:选A。本空的设置非常好,是考查学生对上下文的逻辑推理能力的。句中有连词though,所以此句与“the thunder...attention”构成让步、转折关系。而“the thunder...attenton”表示雷声吸引了学生们的注意力,因此空格所在句表示尽管她尽力让孩子们集中注意力concentrate“集中,符合题意。




9.9】解析:选B。根据第二段中的“...dark clouds covered the skyand the storm set in.”可知,在那样的一天,所有的学生都很自然地画出了暗色的图画,除了乔之外。

10.0】解析:选A。联系下文的curious about the change可知,数学老师很好奇他的变化,由此我们可推知乔的成绩在那个下午的数学课后就开始提高(improving)了。



13.3】解析:选A。空格所在处句意为就在这一天我认识到了我的聪明wake up to“认识到,符合语境。put up with“忍受get on with“进展look down upon“瞧不起,均不符合语境。


(2013·高考重庆卷,D)Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Oceanan S?shaped body of water covering 33 million square miles.The Atlantic hasin a sensereplaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Western civilization.Unlike real inland seaswhich seem strangely stillthe Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness.It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.

“Storm at Sea”a short poem written around 700is generally regarded as one of mankind’s earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic.

When the wind is from the west

All the waves that cannot rest

To the east must thunder on

Where the bright tree of the sun

Is rooted in the ocean’s breast.

As the poem suggeststhe Atlantic is never dead and dull.It is an ocean that movesimpressively and endlessly.It makes all kinds of noise—it is forever thunderingboilingcrashingand whistling.

It is easy to imagine the Atlantic trying to draw breathperhaps not so noticeably out in mid?oceanbut where it meets landits waters bathing up and down a sandy beach.It mimics(模仿)nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature.It is filled with symbiotic existencestoounimaginable quantities of creatureslittle and large alikemix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmonygiving to the waters a feeling of heartbeata kind of sub?ocean vitality.And it has a psychology.It has personalitiessometimes peaceful and pleasanton rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.

1.Unlike real inland seasthe Atlantic Ocean is________.

A.always energetic

B.lacking in liveliness

C.shaped like a square

D.favored by ancient poets

2.What is the purpose of using the poem “Storm at Sea” in the passage?

A.To describe the movement of the waves.

B.To show the strength of the storm.

C.To represent the power of the ocean.

D.To prove the vastness of the sea.

3.What does the underlined word “symbiotic” mean?

A.Living together.

B.Growing fast.

C.Moving harmoniously.

D.Breathing peacefully.

4.In the last paragraphthe Atlantic is compared to________.

A.a beautiful and poetic place

B.a flesh and blood person

C.a wonderful world

D.a lovely animal


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