摘要:39.A.in charge of B.in the name of C.in preparation for D.in comparison with




One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited

1for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became  2. When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had  3. He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not  4in the situation. In a few moments he was holding four small prints that   5even him.

He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a   6behind the desk in the booth. “   7you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously   8someone, would you please give her this?” he said. He then   9his office in Morrison Building,    10that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good    11! He sat down with a smile.

His wife   12those pictures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married…

How are you with   13? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are  14. We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to charge his or her mind.

Patience is an important   15of a happy and rewarding life.  16, some things are worth waiting for.   17presents many opportunities for wait training.

We can hate waiting,   18it or even get good at it! But one thing is  19— we cannot avoid it. How is your   20coming along?

1.A. proudly          B. respectfully        C .patiently        D. curiously

2.A. angry           B. hungry            C. frightened       D. thirsty

3.A.a question       B. a reason           C. an opinion       D. an idea

4.A. serious          B. difficult           C. regular          D. convenient

5.A. hurt            B. encouraged         C. attracted         D. shocked

6.A. clerk           B. secretary           C. passer-by        D. friend

7.A. Since           B. Before             C. As             D. If

8.A. looking for      B. working for         C. sending for      D. paying for

9.A. called up         B. returned to          C. visited         D. left

10.A. worried         B. disappointed         C. satisfied        D. surprised

11.A. description       B. preparation          C. excuse         D. lecture

12.A. tore             B. saved              C. developed       D. destroyed

13.A. your wife        B. your family          C. patience         D. determination

14.A. hoping for       B. waiting for           C. ready for       D. fit for

15.A. lesson          B. experience            C. purpose        D. quality

16.A. For example     B. After all              C. Right now      D. So far

17.A. Every age        B. Every shop          C. Every day       D. Every office

18.A. accept          B. control              C. change          D. improve

19.A. certain          B. interesting            C. precious        D. easy

20.A. photo taking    B. job hunting          C. decision making    D. wait training




Diections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

       Picture a piece of cake filled with cream and decorated with fruit and nuts. Hungry?   36  as it sounds, showing weight-conscious women pictures of attractive, sweet foods  37  their resolution to eat healthily, rather than encouraging them to eat the unhealthy foods.

       Advertisers firmly believe images of tasty foods persuade people to buy the goods  38  psychologist Floor Kroese thought that temptation(诱惑) might in fact heighten self-control. To prove this theory, Kroese and her colleagues,   39  a memory test, asked fifty-four  40  students to look at a picture of either a slice of chocolate cake or a flower. The researchers then questioned the students about their diets and offered them a choice between  41  and the oatmeal cookie.

       Women shown the cake picture gave a higher priority to their healthy eating  42  than those shown the flower. They were also significantly more likely to pick the oatmeal cookie – which was generally considered as the healthier choice.

       “It seems that seeing a food temptation reminded people of their goals of watching their weight, and thus  43  them to act in an appropriate manner,” says Kroese.

           44  studies suggested that smelling tasty, unhealthy foods made people rate healthy eating as highly important, but this is the first research to look at how seeing unhealthy foods  45  snacking behavior.

          Kroese suggests that sticking pictures of tempting foods on the refrigerator door may help bring weight-watching goals to mind. But she   46  that the results can only be applied to women wanting to lose weight; it is unclear whether they would be so to the general  47  .

           The findings suggest that while very tempting images seem to remind people of their weight-loss goals, weekly attractive images perhaps could then be more dangerous.

36.A.Actually                  B.Obviously               C.Usually                   D.Unlikely

37.A.tests                       B.strengthens             C.reflects                   D.weakens

38.A.so                          B.because                  C.but                         D.though

39.A.in charge of                                               B.in the name of

           C.in preparation for                                    D.in comparison with

40.A.smart                     B.young                     C.slim                        D.female

41.A.chocolate                B.milk                        C.flowers                   D.eggs

42.A.menus                    B.advice                     C.intentions                D.secrets

43.A.enabled                   B.required                  C.forced                    D.persuaded

44.A.Medical                  B.Professional            C.Similar                    D.Previous

45.A.causes                    B.corrects                  C.affects                    D.speeds

46.A.realizes                   B.cautions                  C.predicts                  D.suspects

47.A.population               B.research                  C.opinion                   D.situation



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