摘要:66.It was too early to (评价)fairly his performance.


Here is what I have been told of the matter.
In the spring of 1842, Marguerite was so weak, so different in her looks, that the doctors had ordered her to take the waters. She therefore set out for Bagneres.
Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.  The fact was that the young Duchess was in the third stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerite's arrival, she passed away.
One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk.
It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and, going up to her, he took both her hands, embraced her tearfully and, without asking who she was, begged permission to call on her and to love in her person the living image of his dead daughter.
Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked.
Now there were a number of people at Bagneres who knew her, and they made a point of calling on the Duke to inform him of Marguerite's true situation. It was a terrible blow for the old man, for any resemblance with his daughter stopped there. But it was too late. The young woman had become an emotional necessity, his only excuse and his sole reason for living.
He did not criticize her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, he would offer all the compensations she could want. She agreed.
It should be said that at this point Marguerite, who was by nature somewhat highly strung(excited and nervous), was seriously ill. Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition(迷信) led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her regret and shame.
And indeed the waters, the walks, healthy fatigue and sleep had almost restored her fully by the end of that summer.
The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris, where he continued to call on her as at Bagneres.
This connection, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one,  gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known till now as an enormously wealthy man,  now began to acquire a name for the prodigality(挥霍).
67. Why did the Duke take Marguerite’s both hands when he saw her?
A. His daughter and Marguerite were once good friends.
B. Marguerite is his daughter’s spirit.
C. Marguerite resembles his daughter.
D. They haven’t seen each other for long.
68. What’s the right order of the events?
a. The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris.
b. Marguerite set out for Bagneres.
c. The Duke took Marguerite as his daughter.
d. The daughter of the Duke passed away.
e. Marguerite took a gravel walk
A. e-c-b-d-a                  B. c-d-e-b-a                  C. b-d-e-c-a                  D. d-a-c-b-e
69. From the passage we can guess that Marguerite _______.
A. doesn’t believe in God
B. was once a woman without a good fame
C. was strange to all the people in Bagners
D. kept her own way of life while living with the Duke
70. According to the passage, Marguerite went to Bagners _______.
A. just for a gravel walk                                          B. to find her sister
C. to visit the Duke                                                 D. for treatment


Here is what I have been told of the matter.
In the spring of 1842, Marguerite was so weak, so different in her looks, that the doctors had ordered her to take the waters. She therefore set out for Bagneres.
Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.  The fact was that the young Duchess was in the third stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerite's arrival, she passed away.
One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk.
It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and, going up to her, he took both her hands, embraced her tearfully and, without asking who she was, begged permission to call on her and to love in her person the living image of his dead daughter.
Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked.
Now there were a number of people at Bagneres who knew her, and they made a point of calling on the Duke to inform him of Marguerite's true situation. It was a terrible blow for the old man, for any resemblance with his daughter stopped there. But it was too late. The young woman had become an emotional necessity, his only excuse and his sole reason for living.
He did not criticize her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, he would offer all the compensations she could want. She agreed.
It should be said that at this point Marguerite, who was by nature somewhat highly strung(excited and nervous), was seriously ill. Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition(迷信) led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her regret and shame.
And indeed the waters, the walks, healthy fatigue and sleep had almost restored her fully by the end of that summer.
The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris, where he continued to call on her as at Bagneres.
This connection, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one,  gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known till now as an enormously wealthy man,  now began to acquire a name for the prodigality(挥霍).
67. Why did the Duke take Marguerite’s both hands when he saw her?
A. His daughter and Marguerite were once good friends.
B. Marguerite is his daughter’s spirit.
C. Marguerite resembles his daughter.
D. They haven’t seen each other for long.
68. What’s the right order of the events?
a. The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris.
b. Marguerite set out for Bagneres.
c. The Duke took Marguerite as his daughter.
d. The daughter of the Duke passed away.
e. Marguerite took a gravel walk
A. e-c-b-d-a                  B. c-d-e-b-a                  C. b-d-e-c-a                  D. d-a-c-b-e
69. From the passage we can guess that Marguerite _______.
A. doesn’t believe in God
B. was once a woman without a good fame
C. was strange to all the people in Bagners
D. kept her own way of life while living with the Duke
70. According to the passage, Marguerite went to Bagners _______.
A. just for a gravel walk                                          B. to find her sister
C. to visit the Duke                                                 D. for treatment


There were two things in the world that Ghagra Geeta Bali hated. The first was the way,Rani,the domestic help.combed her hair.The second was,you guessed it,her name. She hated her name so much that she prayed to god every night:Dear god,let me be born again. So I can have a name like Rita or Preeti.A short,smart one-word name.
On Tuesday,Ghagra Geeta Bali and her mother went for their usual shopping. There was a long queue of children just outside the record store.They went loser to look. It was yet another scheme to sell a few audio cassettes.Everyone who bought a cassette qualified for the scheme.
In this case,the artist whose songs were featured on the cassette was a young sensation called Malik Fafidabadi,a great favorite with teenagers. Ghagra Geeta Bali was no exception.
A friendly young man was writing down the names of the people who wanted to participate in the scheme.Out of this long list Malik would pick one name,and the chosen one would get to meet him.plus of course,win many freebies(赠品).
But when her mother asked her to participate,Ghagra Geeta Bali said no. She didn't want to speak out her name in front of so many people and make herself the butt(笑料)of amusement. But mothers being mothers,she just went up to the man and told him in firm tones:“Please enter my daughter's name. It is Ghagra Geeta Bali.”
“It is what?” the man asked,naturally a little taken aback.
“G-h-a-g-r-a G-e-e-t-a B-a-l-i. There she is,”she replied while pointing to her daughter. The crowd standing around also turned to stare. All Ghagra Geeta Bali wanted then was for the earth to open up and swallow her.
That did not happen.But the following week she received a call.It was from the recording company that had announced the scheme. And they told her that she was the chosen one
“It is all because of your name,” said the public relations  man  who had called.“Mr Faridabadi took one look at it in the list and said that he couldn't wait to meet the brave girl bearing it.”
56.Ghagra Geeta Bali didn't like her name because__________
A.it would bring her a lot of trouble    B.it was too long and not beautiful
C.it would make her angry          D.it was too ugly and dull
57.When the girl saw the crowd turn to stare at her,she felt_________
A.scared    B.shocked             C.embarrassed     D.disappointed
58. What is the message of the story?
A.Mother's love makes all the difference
B.Children should always trust their parents.
C.One should be brave to meet anything strange
D.Something that one thinks is bad may turn out good


Here is what I have been told of the matter.

In the spring of 1842, Marguerite was so weak, so different in her looks, that the doctors had ordered her to take the waters. She therefore set out for Bagneres.

Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.  The fact was that the young Duchess was in the third stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerite's arrival, she passed away.

One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk. It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and, going up to her, he took both her hands, embraced her tearfully and, without asking who she was, begged permission to call on her and to love in her person the living image of his dead daughter.

Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked.

Now there were a number of people at Bagneres who knew her, and they made a point of calling on the Duke to inform him of Marguerite's true situation. It was a terrible blow for the old man, for any resemblance with his daughter stopped there. But it was too late. The young woman had become an emotional necessity, his only excuse and his sole reason for living.

He did not criticize her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, he would offer all the compensations she could want. She agreed.

It should be said that at this point Marguerite, who was by nature somewhat highly strung(excited and nervous), was seriously ill. Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition(迷信) led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her regret and shame.

And indeed the waters, the walks, healthy fatigue and sleep had almost restored her fully by the end of that summer.

The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris, where he continued to call on her as at Bagneres.

This connection, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one,  gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known till now as an enormously wealthy man,  now began to acquire a name for the prodigality(挥霍).

72. Why did the Duke take Marguerite’s both hands when he saw her?

A. His daughter and Marguerite were once good friends.  B. Marguerite is his daughter’s spirit.

C. Marguerite resembles his daughter.                    D. They haven’t seen each other for long.

73. What’s the right order of the events?

a. The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris.

b. Marguerite set out for Bagneres.

c. The Duke took Marguerite as his daughter.

d. The daughter of the Duke passed away.

e. Marguerite took a gravel walk

A. e-c-b-d-a                         B. c-d-e-b-a                         C. b-d-e-c-a                         D. d-a-c-b-e

74. From the passage we can guess that Marguerite _______.

A. doesn’t believe in God                 B. was once a woman without a good fame

C. was strange to all the people in Bagners

D. kept her own way of life while living with the Duke

75. According to the passage, Marguerite went to Bagners _______.

A. just for a gravel walk                                                 B. to find her sister

C. to visit the Duke                                                          D. for treatment



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