摘要: A. welcome B. meet C. see D. receive


I was born and brought up in the small town of Pineville, which I left at the age of sixteen. Twenty years  1  I found myself back on a visit. I went to see my  2  friend Tom Clark, who, active as ever, was chairman of the local  3  . He was busy preparing to welcome  4   writer, invited to give a talk on modern literature in the public library  5  evening. Since I happened to have read his works, when Tom invited me to go with him I  6  accepted.

Tom was going to  7  the guest speaker to the audience. Therefore we went a little  8  to greet him. As the honored guest had not yet  9  , I left Tom and went into the main reading room  10  a large crowd had gathered. I was disappointed to find that I didn't  11   a single person there. So I found a seat in the corner and  12   patiently waiting.

When it was just about time for the  13   to begin, I saw Tom standing at the doorway making a sign for  14  to come out. He looked worried. So I got up immediately and went out to him. He   15  that he had just had a  16  from the writer's secretary. Our guest speaker had missed his  17   and would not be arriving! While we were thinking about the problem, Tom suddenly asked me  18   mind filling in as a speaker. I  19  had time to think about the matter when all at once I found I was being  20   back into the reading room to speak to the waiting audience!

1. A. ago B. before C. earlier D. later

2. A. new B. old C. forgotten D. welcome

3. A. school B. restaurant C. market D. club

4. A. a well-known B. an unknown C. a local D. an ordinary

5. A. every B. one C. that very D. any other

6. A. gladly B. sadly C. had D. was

7. A. direct B. move C. introduce D. describe

8. A. early B. later C. late D. soon

9. A. spoken B. rested C. eaten D. arrived

10. A. although B. where C. after D. since

11. A. say B. receive C. meet D. know

12. A. sat B. stood C. lay D. hid

13. A. party B. show C. talk D. dinner

14. A. him B. everybody C. me D. the guest

15. A. suggested B. explained C. introduced D. insisted

16. A. greeting card B. telephone call C. picture D. present

17. A. way B. flight C. speech D. time

18. A. that I should B. whether to C. not to D. if I would

19. A. hardly B. still C. already D. quickly

20. A. sent B. driven C. led D. carried


Welcome to Language upon Thames. This brochure has been designed to give you an overview of our Language School and the courses we offer. If you have some additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

At Language upon Thames, we feel it is important to be flexible, in order that students can decide  what period of study suits them best.

Small Group General English Courses

These courses are aimed at students who wish to improve their speaking, listening, reading and  writing skills and are offered at the following levels:






Studying one of the above courses will enable you to use English more confidently and competently (出色地)on a daily basis.

Try our free online test to see which level you are at—CLICK HERE

Speaking, Listening & Pronunciation

This course builds on communicative confidence and competence and is aimed at students who wish to develop the important skills of speaking and listening.

Emphasis is also placed on pronunciation, with activities designed to meet the needs of students of different nationalities, who need to focus on different areas.

CLICK HERE to register for a General English course.

Exam Courses

These courses are aimed at students who wish to gain academic qualifications in English and are offered at the following levels:

University of Cambridge Exams:

ADVANCED l-FCE (First Certificate)

ADVANCED 2-CAE (Advanced)

ADVANCED 3-CPE (Proficiency)

Studying one of the above courses will enable you to continue your education or enter university in this country.(Students wishing to gain admission to a British university are normally required to have the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate).

Other Languages

At Language upon Thames we offer a wide range of cafes, restaurants, shops and bars.Most  importantly, we have foreign language classes of French, Japanese, German, Spanish and Italian during the day, evening or on a one-to-one basis.

39.From the first paragraph we can know that the author is eager         

       A. to answer questions

       B. to teach students languages

       C. to receive contact from the readers

       D. to introduce the language teachers

40.If you attend Small Group General English Courses, you will          

       A. use English as fluently as a native does

       B. deal with everyday English well

       C. rise your academic level

       D. have no tests

 41.Which should you choose if you want to get admitted into a British university?

       A. Exam Courses.

       B. The courses from Other Languages.

       C. Speaking, Listening & Pronunciation.

       D. Small Group General English Courses.

42.What is the text mainly about?                                         .

       A. Language courses to offer.

       B. Ways to improve language skills.

       C. The importance of foreign languages.

       D. Methods to apply for language schools.



Like many sisters, Abby and Eliza Davis couldn’t be more different. Twelve-year-old Eliza is full of _21__, and always has something to say. Nine-year-old Abby is __22_. She’s happiest when she has a good book to read. Eliza __23__ to be a lawyer or a clothes designer one day. She just can’t __24__ to grow up and go to collage. Abby wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She works hard at math and science, her _25__ subjects.

Eliza is in the seventh grade. She gets up every day at 5:30, to __26__ and blow dry her hair. She’s ready to leave the house at 6:50, to __27__ her friends by the store for breakfast. The children have a mile and a half to __28__ to school, and the bell rings at 7:30.

At 11:20, the children have their __29__. Some eat the hot dog, chicken pot pie, __30__ other food that the school prepares for them, but Eliza would like to bring her own lunch in a lunchbox. At 2:15, classes are __31_ and it’s time for sports. Eliza usually has tennis practice 32__ 4:30. She’s tired by the time her mother comes to get her in the car, but she still has two or three hours of __33__ to do before she goes to bed.

Abby is in the fourth grade at Broken Ground School. She’s lucky. Her school has big modern __34__, first-class teacher, and an excellent library. The playground is surrounded by beautiful __35__, where Indians once camped.

Like many American school children, Abby starts the day by saluting the American __36__ hanging in her classroom. Then work begins. Today, She’s writing a composition about her summer holidays. Her pencil __37__ busily across the paper.

Abby will finish her story at home this evening,   38  Eliza does her homework. Will they work together   39  , or will they fight?

 “Well,” says Abby,” We have arguments, but we get along pretty well. About fifty-fifty, I’d say.” That's not   40  for two such different sisters, is it?

21. A. power          B. energy          C. strength         D. courage

22. A. quieter        B. younger         C. noisier          D. harder

23. A. needs          B. has             C. agrees           D. wants

24. A. refuse          B. accept          C.  wait            D. wish

25. A. best           B. lovely          C. fortunate        D. favorite

26. A. wash           B. clean           C. brush            D. comb

27. A. welcome        B. meet            C. see              D. receive

28. A. drive           B. move            C. walk             D. travel

29. A. lunch          B. cooking         C. game             D. supper

30. A. besides        B. except         C. without          D. or

31. A. given          B. prepared        C. finished         D. started

32. A. at             B. by              C. after            D. until

33. A. housework      B. homework        C. cleaning         D. washing

34. A. offices        B. blackboard      C. classrooms       D. windows

35. A. buildings      B. pools           C. forest           D. woods

36. A. flag           B. map             C. history          D. people

37. A. jumps          B. leans           C. lies             D. moves

38. A. while          B. and             C. if               D. then

39. A. happily        B. constantly      C. peacefully       D. carefully

40. A. bad            B. fair            C. equal            D. usual



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