摘要:What would be the best title for the text? A. How to read fast B. Creating an Effectuve Reading Environment C. The Ways to Reduce Possible Interruptions D. What to Read 答案 49.B 50.C 51.B Passage 101 In many countries the standard of living enjoyed by their peole has increased rapidly in recent years. Sadly,not everyone in these coyntries is so fortunate and many people in rich contries are homeless. The reasons for homelessness are various, but povertyis undoubtedly one of the main causes. The homeless people may have become jobless and then been unable to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads. Often, the fact that unemployed people get help from the government prevents this from happening, but not always. Some homeless people are mentally ill and have no one to look after them. Some are young people who, for one reason or another , have left home and have nowhere to live. Many of them have had a serious disagreement with their parents and have left home, choosing to go to a city and live on the streets. Sometimes they have taken such action because they have been unable to get on with a step-parent. Many homeless people get into the habit of begging to get enough money to stay alive, but many of the general public tefuse to give anything to beggars. Often they are moved on by the police, being accused .whether rightly or wrongly, of forceful begging . There are many who disrespect homeles people. Some cynicsdeclare that homeless people choose to live the life which they lead. But who would willingly choose to live in z shop doorway, under a bridger or in a cardboard box?


  Programs may already be installed on the computers at your school or university. If not, you can consider looking at catalogues to see what is available on CD-ROM.

  Some people question whether computers can really help you to read, any better than picking up a book. There is some justification for this, but listen to the arguments from people who believe that computers have something to offer. The first argument relates to motivation. Anything that makes you spend more time reading will be helpful, so if you are someone who likes to turn on your computer as soon as you walk into your room, then you could find yourself motivated to spend more time on your foreign-language reading if it appears on your screen. There is more to computers than motivation, though. You need to make use of all the technical possibilities, because good programs allow things to happen which are not possible with a book.

  This leads on to the idea of autonomy(自主)in language learning. We have already seen many times in this book that you, the language learner, will make a far bigger difference to your ultimate(最终的)success than your teacher will. With a computer, you can decide how many repetitions to have and how to respond to the commands. In some programs you also shape the direction of the story you are reading by the selections you make. In other words, you don’t have to move along at the pace of the rest of the class, which you may find too slow or too fast.

  The flip side (反面)of learner autonomy is learner misuse of programs. Some programs allow short-cuts which give you a sense of having finished, but without actually having done much learning. You need to be mature in your approach to the programs. At the end of a session(时段) using well-designed materials, you should learn more than some new vocabulary and sentence patterns; you should also learn more about the reading process. As with all aspects of your language learning, you can finish your session with a critical eye to what you have learned from the program. This will include thinking about whether to repeat it or move on to another level.


72. From the passage we learn the author ___________________.

A. advises us to use computers at work.       

B. persuades us to do some reading in the books

C. has improved reading ability helped by computers

D. dislikes reading materials on the computers

73. What does the third paragraph say?

A. The idea of autonomy in language learning can help students decide what they want to read.

B. The idea of autonomy in language learning is a direction.

C. The idea of autonomy in language learning is of great no use in reading.

D. You can shape the direction of the story you are reading.

74. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that __________________.

A. you need to get close to your purpose.

B. you’d better wait till you grow up.

C. you must make sure about your programs.

D. you should make sure that your way of learning is right.

75. What would be the best title for the text?

A.     Computer Reading                 

B.  Computer-Assisted Reading

C.      Computer Can Read               

D. Students And Computer


If you’re like most students, you probably read both at home and outside your home: perhaps somewhere on your schoolyard and maybe even at work during your breaks. Your reading environment can have a great effect on your understanding, so give some thought to how you can create or choose the right reading environments. The right environment allows you to stay alert(专注的)and to keep all of your attention on the text, especially when it is both interesting and difficult.

When you’re at home, you can usually create effective conditions for reading. You might want to choose a particular place-a desk or table, for example-where you always read. Make sure the place you choose is well lighted, and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight. Reading in a chair that’s too soft and comfortable is likely to make you sleepy! Keep your active reading tools (pens, markers, notebooks or paper) and a dictionary close at hand.

Before you sit down for a reading period, try to reduce all possible interruptions. Turn off your phone, the television, and the radio. Tell your family members or roommates that you’ll be busy for a while. If necessary, put a “Do not disturb” sign on your door! The more interruptions you must deal with while you read, the harder it will be to keep your attention on the task at hand.

1. The author believes that the right reading environment_________.

A. helps readers a little in their reading tasks

B. helps readers a lot in their reading tasks

C. can only be created at one’s home

D. can only be created outside one’s home

2. Which type of the following interruptions is mentioned in the text?

A. Dictionaries.              B. Paper.

C. Notebooks.              D. Phone calls.

3. What would be the best title for the text?

A. What to Read

B. The Ways to Reduce Possible Interruptions

C. Creating an Effective Reading Environment

D. How to Read Fast



If you’re like most students, you probably read both at home and outside your home: perhaps somewhere on your schoolyard and maybe even at work during your breaks. Your reading environment can have a great effect on your understanding ,so give some thought to how you can create(营造)or choose the right reading environments. The right environment allows you to stay alert(专注的)and to keep all of your attention on the text, especially when it is both interesting and difficult.

       When you’re at home ,you can usually create effective conditions for reading. You might want to choose a particular place― a desk or table, for example where you always read .Make sure the place you choose is well lighted ,and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight. Reading in a chair that’s too soft and comfortable is likely to make you sleepy! Keep your active reading tools (pens ,markers ,notebooks or paper) and a dictionary close at hand.

       Before you sit down for a reading period ,try to reduce all possible interruptions. Turn off your phone, the television, and the radio. Tell your family members or roommates that you’ll be busy for a while .If necessary, put a “Do not disturb” sign on your door! The more interruptions you must deal with while you read, the harder it will be to keep your attention on the task at hand.

49.The author believes that the right reading environment __________.

       A.helps readers a little in their reading tasks

       B.helps readers a lot in their reading tasks

       C.can only be created at one’s home

       D.can only be created outside one’s home

50.Which type of the following interruptions is mentioned in the text?

       A.Dictionaries.                                               B.Paper.

       C.Phone calls.                                               D.Notebooks.

51.What would be the best title for the text?

       A.How to Read Fast

       B.Creating an Effective Reading Environment

       C.The Ways to Reduce Possible Interruptions

       D.What to Read


   If you’re like most students, you probably read both at home and outside your home: perhaps somewhere on your schoolyard and maybe even at work during your breaks. Your reading environment can have a great effect on your understanding, so give some thought to how you can create(营造)or choose the right reading environments. The right environment allows you to stay alert(专注的) and to keep all of your attention on the text, especially when it is both interesting and difficult.

   When you’re at home, you can usually create effective conditions for reading. You might want to choose a particular place—a desk or table, for example—where you always read. Make sure the place you choose is well lighted, and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight. Reading in a chair that’s too soft and comfortable is likely to make you sleepy! Keep your active reading tools (pens, markers, notebooks or paper) and a dictionary close at hand.

Before you sit down for a reading period, try to reduce all possible interruptions. Turn off your phone, the television, and the radio, Tell your family members or roommates that you’ll be busy for a while. If necessary, put a “Do not disturb” sign on your door! The more interruptions you must deal with while you read, the harder it will be to keep your attention on the task at hand.  

1. The author believes that the right reading environment_________.

A.      helps readers a little in their reading tasks

B.      helps readers a lot in their reading tasks

C.      can only be created at one’s home

D.     can only be created outside one’s home

2. Which type of the following interruptions is mentioned in the text?

   A.  Dictionaries.                           B. Paper.

   C. Phone calls.                             D. Notebooks.

3. What would be the best title for the text?

A.      How to Read Fast

B.      Creating an Effective Reading Environment

C.      The Ways to Reduce Possible Interruptions

D.     What to Read
