摘要: The ship is with oil.


  Juanito Estrella has been a housekeeping manager on the US-based large passenger ship Carnival Spirit for 18 months and feels he  has found the suitable position in his career(职业).He has always wanted to travel. “I guess I am a really restless spirit. I like traveling, so when the chance came, I jumped at it,” he says.

  The chance came in the form of a newspaper advertisement for work on cruise ships(游船).At the time Estrella was the housekeeping manager at a Melbourne hotel. He applied and, after two interviews, a medical check and police clearance, the job was his.

  Estrella is responsible(负责的)for the cleanliness of the ship, making sure that 160 crew work properly. “I enjoy it because there is no other work-you wake up each day in a different place and a different culture. It’s exciting when you go to the next country and you don’t understand the language,” he says.
      Estrella likes being busy and getting to know people from all over the world. The 1,000 crew come from 94 countries, and Estrella has learnt Spanish and a little Croatian.

  But there is a downside. “You cannot get really drunk...because you have safety responsibilities to yourself and others,” he says. “You don’t really think about home. You start to think about home only when you get closer to your vacation and wonder what you’ll be doing.”

  Life on the ship is anything but cruising. Estrella and his fellows work at least 10 hours a day, seven days a week. He warns the job is not for everybody. “You have to love being busy and be prepared to work every day-and to give up drinking too much alcohol.” In his spare time, if the ship sails into a port, Estrella explores it, otherwise he works out in the crew’s gym, goes on the internet or calls home.

63. What do we know about Estrella?

       A. He is very fond of traveling.

       B. He doesn’t drink wine now.

       C. He cannot speak a foreign language.

       D. He used to be a housekeeping manager.

64. The underlined word “downside” in paragraph 5 probably means             .

       A. disappointment     B. disadvantage         C. failure                  D. loss

65. Which of the following is true?

       A. Estrella doesn’t often feel homesick because of his work.

       B. The work on the ship is not suitable for a married person.

       C. Estrella can find no other job except the one on the ship.

       D. The people on the ship are from 94 countries.

66.In the last paragraph. the writer thinks that life on the ship is               .

       A. not a tiring journey at all                        B. just an interesting voyage

       C. far from a voyage for pleasure               D. more than a pleasant travel by sea


"We do look very different; we're older. Leo's 38, I'm 37. We were 21 and 22 when we made that film. You know, he's fatter now -- I'm thinner.". So says Kate Winslet, who is thrilled at the 3-D re-release of Titanic to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the ship's demise. “ It happens every time I get on any boat of any kind." She recalls. There are all the people who want her to walk to the front of the ship and re-create her famous pose, arms flung wide. Most people remember the tragedy: The British passenger ship -- said to be unsinkable -- hit an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, during its maiden voyage from England to New York City. More than 1,500 people died. But little known is what the world learned from the sinking to prevent future incidents.

Probably the greatest deficiency (不足)of the Titanic was that she was built 40 years before the widespread use of the wonderful invention radar(雷达). Her only defense against icebergs and hidden obstacles was to rely on manned lookouts. On that fateful night the eyesight of trained lookouts only provided 37 seconds of warning before the collision.

Traveling at nearly 30 miles an hour the Titanic was moving far too fast to avoid the huge iceberg. The warning did prevent a head-on collision as the officer on the bridge managed to turn the ship slightly.

The last ship to send a warning was the California. She was within ten miles of the Titanic during the disaster, but her radio operator went to bed at midnight and never received any of the SOS messages from the Titanic. That was one of the important lessons learned from the catastrophe, the need for 24-hour radio operators on all passenger liners.

Another lesson learned was the need for more lifeboats. The Titanic remained afloat(漂浮) for almost three hours and most of the passengers could have been saved with enough lifeboats.

1,500 passengers and workers died in the 28 degree waters of the Atlantic. Out of the tragedy, the sinking did produce some important maritime reforms. The winter travel routes were changed to the south and the Coast Guard began to keep an eye on the location of all icebergs. The new rules for lifeboats were obvious to all. There must be enough lifeboats for everybody on board.

The most important lesson learned was that no one would ever again consider a ship unsinkable- no matter how large or how well constructed. Never again would sailors place their faith in a ship above the power of the sea.

1.The text mainly tells us ______.

A.the reason why the Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean

B.how the unsinkable ship of Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean

C.the lessons that we could learn from the accident of theTitanic

D.the things we should do to protect the lives on the ship

2.According to the passage, which of the following could we infer?

A.If the captain had been more careful, he could have had the chance to save the Titanic.

B.If radar had existed 40 years ago, the Titanic would have never disappeared from the world.

C.If the lookout had had much more experience, he could have had the time to save the Titanic.

D.If there had been enough lifeboats on the Titanic, the Titanic would not have sunk in the Atlantic.

3.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Lessons from the Titanic

B.Technology is Important

C.Demands of Passengers

D.Power of Sea

4.What’s the sailors’ attitude towards the ships after the tragedy?

A.They think there really exists the unsinkable ship.

B.They think ships could eventually defeat the sea.

C.They think there is no power that could control the sea.

D.They think the bigger the ship is, the safer it is.



     Juanito Estrella has been a housekeeping manager on the US-based large passenger ship Carnival Spirit for 18 months and feels he has found the suitable position in his career(职业).He has always wanted to travel.“I guess I am a really restless spirit. I Iike traveling, so when the chance came,I jumped at it,”he says.

    The chance came in the form of a newspaper advertisement for work on cruise ships(游船).At the time Estrella was the housekeeping manager at a Melbourne hotel.He applied and,after two interviews,a medical check and police clearance,the job was his.

    Estrella is responsible(负责的)for the cleanliness of the ship,making sure that 160 crew work properly.“I enjoy it because there is no other work-you wake up each day in a different place and a different culture. It’s exciting when you go to the next country and you don’t understand the language,”he says.

    Estrella likes being busy and getting to know people from all over the world. The 1,000 crew come from 94 countries,and Estrella has learnt Spanish and a little Croatian.

    But there is a downside .“You cannot get really drunk...because you have safety responsibilities to yourself and others,”he says.“You don’t really think about home.You start to think about home only when you get closer to your vacation and wonder what you’ll be doing.”

    Life on the ship is anything but cruising. Estrella and his fellows work at least 10 hours a day, seven days a week.He warns the job is not for everybody. “You have to love being busy and be prepared to work every day—and to give up drinking too much alcohol.” In his spare time, if the ship sails into a port, Estrella explores it, otherwise he works out in the crew’s gym, goes on the internet or calls home.

63.What do we know about Estrella?

 A.He is very fond of traveling.                          B.He doesn’t drink wine now.

 C.He cannot speak a foreign language.                D.He used to be a housekeeping manager.

64.The underlined word“downside”in paragraph 5 probably means  _______.

 A.disappointment B.disadvantage             C.failure                      D.loss

65.Which of the following is true?

 A.Estrella doesn’t often feel homesick because of his work.

 B.The work on the ship is not suitable for a married person.

 C.Estrella can find no other job except the one on the ship.

 D.The people on the ship are from 94 countries.

66.In the last paragraph, the writer thinks that life on the ship is  _______.

 A.not a tiring journey at all                                     B.just an interesting voyage

 C.far from a voyage for pleasure                     D.more than a pleasant travel by sea


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