Our quarrel with efficiency is not that it gets things done, but that it is a thief of time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves, and that it strains our nerves when we try to get things done perfectly. In building bridges, American engineers calculate so finely and exactly as to make the two ends come together within one-tenth of an inch. But when two Chinese begin to dig a tunnel from both sides of a mountain both come out on the other side. --The Chinese’s firm belief is that it doesn’t matter so long as a tunnel is dug through, and if we have two instead of one, why, we have a double track to boot.
The pace of modern industrial life forbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling. But, worse than that, it imposes upon us a different conception of time as measured by the clock and eventually turns the human being into a clock himself. (This sort of thing is bound to come to China, as is evident, for instance, in the case of a factory of twenty thousand workers. The luxurious prospect of twenty thousand workers coming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hours is, of course, somewhat terrifying.)Nevertheless, such efficiency is what makes life so hard and full of excitement. A man who has to be punctually at a certain place at five o’clock has the whole afternoon from one to five ruined for him already. Every American adult is arranging his time on the pattern of the schoolboy - three o’clock for this, five o’clock for that, six-thirty for change of dress, six-fifty for entering the taxi, and seven o’clock for arriving at the destination. It just makes life not worth living.
The writer objects to efficiency mainly on the grounds that it ____.
A. gives us rights to have too much leisure time
B. urges us to get things done punctually
C. robs us of leisure time
D. imposes on us a perfect concept of time
In the eyes of the author, the introduction of industrial life gives rise to ____.
A. the excitement of life
B. magnificent idling of time
C. more emphasis on efficiency
D. terrifying schoolboy
The passage tells us ____.
A. Chinese workers come to work when it is convenient
B. all Americans are forced to be efficient against their will
C. Chinese engineers are on better terms with the management
D. Americans ought not to work so hard for efficiency
The author believes that relaxing the rule of punctuality in factories would lead to ____.
A. great trouble B. increased production
C. a hard and exciting life D. successful completion of a tunnel
查看习题详情和答案>>Our quarrel with efficiency is not that it gets things done, but that it is a thief of time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves, and that it strains our nerves when we try to get things done perfectly. In building bridges, American engineers calculate so finely and exactly as to make the two ends come together within one-tenth of an inch. But when two Chinese begin to dig a tunnel from both sides of a mountain both come out on the other side. --The Chinese’s firm belief is that it doesn’t matter so long as a tunnel is dug through, and if we have two instead of one, why, we have a double track to boot.
The pace of modern industrial life forbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling. But, worse than that, it imposes upon us a different conception of time as measured by the clock and eventually turns the human being into a clock himself. (This sort of thing is bound to come to China, as is evident, for instance, in the case of a factory of twenty thousand workers. The luxurious prospect of twenty thousand workers coming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hours is, of course, somewhat terrifying.)Nevertheless, such efficiency is what makes life so hard and full of excitement. A man who has to be punctually at a certain place at five o’clock has the whole afternoon from one to five ruined for him already. Every American adult is arranging his time on the pattern of the schoolboy - three o’clock for this, five o’clock for that, six-thirty for change of dress, six-fifty for entering the taxi, and seven o’clock for arriving at the destination. It just makes life not worth living.
1.The writer objects to efficiency mainly on the grounds that it ____.
A. gives us rights to have too much leisure time
B. urges us to get things done punctually
C. robs us of leisure time
D. imposes on us a perfect concept of time
2. In the eyes of the author, the introduction of industrial life gives rise to ____.
A. the excitement of life
B. magnificent idling of time
C. more emphasis on efficiency
D. terrifying schoolboy
3.The passage tells us ____.
A. Chinese workers come to work when it is convenient
B. all Americans are forced to be efficient against their will
C. Chinese engineers are on better terms with the management
D. Americans ought not to work so hard for efficiency
4. The author believes that relaxing the rule of punctuality in factories would lead to ____.
A. great trouble B. increased production
C. a hard and exciting life D. successful completion of a tunnel
One night Mrs. Riley, an elderly woman, was walking along a dark street.
She was carrying her handbag.There was nobody e_______ except two young 1. _______
men, who thought there might be something _______(贵重的)in the handbag. 2. _______
They w_______ for a moment, and then ran quickly and quietly towards her.The 3. _______
tall one held her from behind _______ the other one tried to seize her handbag. 4. _______
Suddenly Mrs. Riley threw the tall one over her_______(肩膀). He crashed 5. _______
into the other one and they b_______ landed on the ground. Saying nothing, 6. _______
Mrs. Riley struck them on the head _______ her handbag and then calmly 7. _______
walked away. The two amazed young men were still _______ (坐)on the ground 8. _______
when Mrs. Riley _______(穿过)the street towards a door with a lighted sign 9. _______
above it. She paused, turned round, smiled at them in r_______ and walked 10. _______
into the London Judo Club.
Visiting friends is probabley one of the most common occurrences
in daily life. Generally s , it is polite to call a friend before 1.
you visit, but often very close friends just drop in each other 2.
without calling. Some people enjoy a (惊喜)visit from a friend, 3.
but many people do not. Take Americans for example, those don’t 4.
like surprise visits may tell their friends to call first they come. 5.
This is (可接受的)because most people are vdry busy. Dropping 6.
in at a busy time can l to some problems for the person visiting 7.
and the person visited. It is a good idea to ask a friend w he or 8.
she (介意)your just dropping by without calling. If you are not 9.
sure your friend (欢迎)surprise visits, call first. 10.
More and mor people want to work these days. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
, it has become harder and harder in today’s world to 1.
find work for everybody. The (经济)of the world need 2.
to grow 4% each year to keep the old number of jobs for people. 3.
Often this is impossible, so more and more people are out of w 4.
On the other h , new machines can do the work of many people 5.
in a short time. What’s , machines do not ask for more money 6.
and longer holiday. All over the world, machines are t the place 7.
of people little by little, not only in cities but also in the (乡村). 8.
Thousands of people are (搬家)to cities every day and 9.
l for jobs, but how many of them can find one? 10.